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Pope Francis appears to be pushing reform on contraception/marriage/homosexuality

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Say what you want, but just the fact that he's incredibly unpopular with the more retrograde branches of Catholicism (unlike his predecessor) is hugely satisfying.
He's the pope. Can't he just go rogue on this and declare homosexuality and birth control is cool? I'm the pope! I'm infallible on church doctrine. Birth control for all and love who ever you want!

Would be awesome.


Francis is not nearly as revolutionary as the media likes to make him seem. Just like the current Synod is being pushed in media circles as much bigger than it really is. The Bulk of this Synod is the approach to divorcees while comments will be taken on other topics.

Realistically the last 3 popes including Francis have been doctrinally pretty much similar. Issue is it went like this. Charismatic Pope widely loved then a Book Nerd Pope and now again a Charismatic Pope.
Book Nerd Pope was highly intellectual so spoke in a less approachable sense but continued his predecessors marching path. But from the very get go he was a marked target with the Nazi youth stuff etc

Now we have another Charismatic Pope following the path of the prior 2 but he's popular because he is charismatic and words twistable enough for the media to say he said this while he really says that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Everyone I know named Francis pretty awesome.

You could tell they were nervous about a Jesuit, who tend to be more LIBRUL.
If true, this could finally push for gay equality and better birth control in my home country, the Philippines. They take anything that the Catholic church say seriously.


Vatican proposes 'stunning' shift on gays, lesbians

ROME (CNN) – Using strikingly open language, a new Vatican report says the church should welcome and appreciate gays, and offers a solution for divorced and remarried Catholics who want to receive Communion.

At a press conference on Monday to present the report, Cardinal Louis Antonio Tagle of the Philippines said the most-discussed topics at a meeting of Catholic clergy here has been the impact of poverty, war and immigration on families.

But the newly proposed language on gays and civil marriages represents a “pastoral earthquake,” said one veteran Vatican journalist.

“Regarding homosexuals, it went so far as to pose the question whether the church could accept and value their sexual orientation without compromising Catholic doctrine,” said John Thavis, a former Rome bureau chief for Catholic News Service.

The Rev. James Martin, an author and Jesuit priest, called the report's language on gays and lesbians "revolutionary."

“Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community. Are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities? Often they wish to encounter a church that offers them a welcoming home. Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?”
On the hotly debated question of Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics, the synod’s report offers a solution of the “penitential path” or a period of reflection and penance which would allow the partners in a second marriage to receive communion.

I wonder how they plan to contradict Jesus' actual words on this topic:

Mark 10:11-12 said:
Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.

I believe the Catholic teaching is you can't receive communion if your soul is not in a state of grace, but how can it be in a state of grace if you're committing adultery according to Jesus?
Not that i mind the shift on homosexuality, but this it is frustrating that this is just another issue the church is essentially going to retcon because they are on the wrong side of an opinion shift. Also when it does happen, the divide between evangelicals and catholics is just going to get even wider. Unfortunately this won't negate evangelicals influence in Africa assuming any of this does happen.
also, fuck Christianity in Europe. A real shitshow if I ever seen one. Didn't do them ANY favors. Probably for the best they give it up.

Religion in Europe's been fighting a losing battle ever since the Enlightenment.

Having said that, I've read convincing arguments that the reformation was one of the driving forces behind European advancement and supremacy in the 18th-20th century.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It's kind of sad when the 'stunning shift' is really just a softening of language.

But that is good for people who hold themselves to Catholic teaching.

But, again, also sad that some people need bishops to tell them to be more welcoming/valuing of gay people...

I also find the reference to children 'who live with same sex couples' (as opposed to the children of same sex couples) to be...subtly naive if not devaluing.

HOWEVER, I didn't expect any positive note at all on the subject of same sex couples. Acknowledging there is some value in 'homosexual unions' is a step forward, even if they're very adamant that the moral predicament of homosexual acts remains. That language will help some people out, I think, in helping persuade other loved ones who may be very 'Catholic', of the value of their relationship.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Searching 'relatio' on Twitter is...interesting.

Apparently Francis is a heretical pope who can be deposed by Cardinals... and this is all part of a giant 'homo-heresy' conspiracy. So says a Franciscan brother D:


Some of my relatives are going to retch at any suggestion from the Vatican that Catholics soften their stance on homosexuality, even of it's mainly a symbolic/linguistic change. :)


It's kind of sad when the 'stunning shift' is really just a softening of language.

But that is good for people who hold themselves to Catholic teaching.

But, again, also sad that some people need bishops to tell them to be more welcoming/valuing of gay people...

I also find the reference to children 'who live with same sex couples' (as opposed to the children of same sex couples) to be...subtly naive if not devaluing.

HOWEVER, I didn't expect any positive note at all on the subject of same sex couples. Acknowledging there is some value in 'homosexual unions' is a step forward, even if they're very adamant that the moral predicament of homosexual acts remains. That language will help some people out, I think, in helping persuade other loved ones who may be very 'Catholic', of the value of their relationship.
Baby steps but they are steps and it's a big difference to Pope Benedict using phrases "like intrinsically disordered"


I do wonder how Jesus would be if he was born in this age and time. I bet he would be one chill dude. He'd be considered a thug by FOX news most likely. Hanging out with all them pot heads, gay people, and stuff. Damn Jesus, you a rebel.

He'd probably get shot in the back of the head by the police for aggressively tying his shoes in front of an officer.

Unless he was born in the Middle East or the UK and stays far away from America then he actually has a chance of living until he dies for our sins.

jesus is black
I don't believe the church will reverse their position on abortion but they may address contraception. It would be hilarious if they took a neutral or amoral position on abortion just to see the American right freak out.

The American right doesn't really follow the Pope nor particularly care what he has to say.

The Evangelicals/Baptists/Fundamentalists don't acknowledge the Pope anyways.

I'm all for a more welcoming Roman Catholic Church, the numbers are terrible at Mass.

I don't see the Pope breaking on gay marriage in Catholic tradition though.

Dead Man

Baby steps but they are steps and it's a big difference to Pope Benedict using phrases "like intrinsically disordered"
Still a popular phrase with the significant parts of the hierarchy apparently:

Raymond Burke is the former Archbishop of St. Louis. He now serves as the Vatican's number two man, the Cardinal Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.

Same-sex relationship are, Burke said, "intrinsically disordered," so, he pondered, "what would it mean to grandchildren to have present at a family gathering a family member who is living [in] a disordered relationship with another person?”

Burke adds that the issue of children being in the company of gay people is "made even more delicate by the aggressiveness of the homosexual agenda."

He did not explain his comments, but answering his own question, the Cardinal said, "if it were another kind of relationship — something that was profoundly disordered and harmful — we wouldn't expose our children to that relationship, to the direct experience of it. And neither should we do it in the context of a family member who not only suffers from same-sex attraction, but who has chosen to live out that attraction, to act upon it, committing acts which are always and everywhere wrong, evil."

The Cardinal goes on to claim that "we know" same-sex relationships and marriages make people "profoundly unhappy."

He adds that gay relationships "scandalize" and should not be "imposed on family members, especially impressionable children."

But now children should not be around gay people at all. Fucking awesome.


GAF's Bob Woodward
So the Raymond Burke mentioned above has been demoted to a ceremonial role.


Asked who told him he said "Who do you think?".

He's been outspoken in his criticism of the direction of the synod and the release of the Relatio document.

I think this picture pretty much sums up Francis right now:


It's obvious he and some other bishops want to at least be open to a change of tone, while people like Burke and certain Bishops from Africa and elsewhere are resistant to any softening of language at all it seems.

To me it's just very revealing how arbitrary the whole thing is. All these different people all consider themselves very much to be Catholic, all with - it seems - differing interpretations of things. And politics will decide who comes out on top.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If he manages to get the Church to push condoms and birth control instead of vilifying them holy shit.

He's not pushing for that. I don't think the Church will ever adopt a carte blanche approach to contraception. But he is trying to be more compassionate about these things. Even a change of language in pastoral care around these issues is too much for some though.
He's not pushing for that. I don't think the Church will ever adopt a carte blanche approach to contraception. But he is trying to be more compassionate about these things. Even a change of language in pastoral care around these issues is too much for some though.

That's unfortunate because they could easily be more about that and have the means/distribution to help people be more sexually responsible. =/.
And it's becoming increasingly true either way.

On the topic: this is mostly about South America. They are losing massive amounts of converts there. Just in Brasil, 40 years ago 90%+ of the population were catholic, now it's in the low 60%. There are a lot of young mothers raising children on their own in South America so the Catholic position is really not helping them.

You have to look at numbers, though.

60% of today's Brazil population might be higher than 90% of 1970's Brazil population.
He's become a politician. Saying what the public wants to hear while not doing much.
Isn't this the polar opposite of what the majority of his audience would want to hear, though? He's definitely not going all out, but he's being quite--what do they call it these days?--"politically incorrect". It's a step towards change, but people tend to have a lot of inertia.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Aaaand they voted against any modernisation/reforms. Suprise! Not really.

I'm not sure they've voted on anything - this is a process that ultimately ends next year I think, with Francis issuing a final 'exhortation' or something - but they have put out a 'revised' Relatio document that rows back on a lot of what was hailed in the original. Unfortunate.
I'm not sure they've voted on anything - this is a process that ultimately ends next year I think, with Francis issuing a final 'exhortation' or something - but they have put out a 'revised' Relatio document that rows back on a lot of what was hailed in the original. Unfortunate.

It looks like they changed the language though, as in eliminated all passages referring to gays and divorced members:

The word of THE LORD YOUR GOD cannot be changed regardless of what heretics might suggest.

you all better be steering clear of pork and shellfish. Unless you want to spend eternity bathed in hell fire.


Isn't this the polar opposite of what the majority of his audience would want to hear, though? He's definitely not going all out, but he's being quite--what do they call it these days?--"politically incorrect". It's a step towards change, but people tend to have a lot of inertia.

It depends how you understand "his audience". It's not like he's got to run for reelection, so how ought we to think about his political goals? Even though he can't be voted out, maybe he does care about the opinions of people high up in the Catholic hierarchy. But it's also pretty plausible that he cares more about the relevance and attractiveness of the Church as a whole, and sees political value in reforming points of doctrine which are especially big turn-offs in many countries, in which case his audience is people outside of the Church (or lapsed Catholics, liberal Catholics, etc.). But I do doubt that this is a cynical move on his part; I suspect he thinks that it's just right for the Church to be more welcoming, and (probably) buys into the political arguments because of that. I feel most of the politicking on his part is in deciding how quickly to push.


Call me a tinfoil but I think this "progressive pope" thing is a front the Catholic Church is using to draw attention away from their corruption.
Well it didn't happen. At least they accept traditional civil unions now.
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Catholic bishops scrapped their landmark welcome to gays Saturday, showing deep divisions at the end of a two-week meeting sought by Pope Francis to chart a more merciful approach to ministering to Catholic families.

The bishops approved a final report covering a host of issues related to Catholic family life, acknowledging there were "positive elements" in civil heterosexual unions outside the church and even in cases when men and women were living together outside marriage.

They also said the church must respect Catholics in their moral evaluation of "methods used to regulate births," a seemingly significant deviation from church teaching barring any form of artificial contraception.

But the bishops failed to reach consensus on a watered-down section on ministering to homosexuals. The new section had stripped away the welcoming tone of acceptance contained in a draft document earlier in the week.


Well, the Pope lost. The church didn't even change it's position on divorced and remarried Catholics being denied communion.
God is gonna be legit shook.

Pope is killing it though.

Except the Pope is supposed to be the voice of God on Earth, I.E. his Emissary.

That means after thousands of years of misinformation God is telling the Pope to tell people to stop caring about people's sexuality, and that no, they won't burn in Hell and we don't need to push intolerance on people.


Except the Pope is supposed to be the voice of God on Earth, I.E. his Emissary.

That means after thousands of years of misinformation God is telling the Pope to tell people to stop caring about people's sexuality, and that no, they won't burn in Hell and we don't need to push intolerance on people.
Something something mysterious ways.
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