Yas, NF, stan for Allie X!
Not to mention an incredibly solid come back after the loss of a member. (which I'm still not over #JusticeForJessicaJung)
Speaking of Jessica... since I'm not a SONE, I honestly had no clue she was
that unmotivated, even long before she got kicked out of the group.
(this too, lol)
Might be why I thought the choreo in this latest video looked on point

All jokes aside, it's definitely not a bad comeback, and I really like that SM didn't go for their usual "band in a box" template.
[edit] Living for Love just came on and I caught myself bopping to it, up until the "Love's gonna lift me huuuuuuuup." Amazing how such a small section of the track can turn me off to the rest of it. I might have to just deal considering how much I enjoy everything else on that track.
Living for Love is good, I agriH. And the album version is much, much better than the
demo one, which is a Kiesza-ish hot mess, tbqh.
I can't un-hear the "huuuup" part now, lol