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POPGAF |OT3| Geo Da Silva > nails on chalkboard > Taylor Swift

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What have I done


It's true tho... Y'all slut shame the girls all the time lmao it shouldn't be a problem if Botty does it lmao

Agree, except read my above posts. Stuff like that comes across as... Well you know.

And Taylor deserves the slut shaming because if not for boys breaking up with her, she wouldn't have a career. Neither would Adele for that matter lmao.


Agree, except read my above posts. Stuff like that comes across as... Well you know.

And Taylor deserves the slut shaming because if not for boys breaking up with her, she wouldn't have a career. Neither would Adele for that matter lmao.




I don't have a problem with his bisexuality. People have made fun of Taylor Swift for pretty much the same stuff, yet it seems to be fine.


You've got a funny way of showing it.

And style is as important as substance here. People (mostly) keep their Taylor-gets-a-lot-of-dick shade cute, and most of the Taylor shade is rather transparent jealousy from the perpetually thirsty (hi, Koodo. :-*). Much of your shade towards Frank is a step above "haha he's bi so he's a girl lolol", and I'm not even sure it deserves "a step above."


So you don't see a difference of folks dragging Taylor for being with multiple men in the public eye, and you dragging Frank over his "pink matter" and instagramming some pix?

Taylor didn't do it to promote her album.


You've got a funny way of showing it.

And style is as important as substance here. People (mostly) keep their Taylor-gets-a-lot-of-dick shade cute, and most of the Taylor shade is rather transparent jealousy from the perpetually thirsty (hi, Koodo. :-*). Much of your shade towards Frank is a step above "haha he's bi so he's a girl lolol", and I'm not even sure it deserves "a step above."

I stopped referring to Francis as "she" when I noticed people getting offended by it... despite the common usage around here.


You've got a funny way of showing it.

And style is as important as substance here. People (mostly) keep their Taylor-gets-a-lot-of-dick shade cute, and most of the Taylor shade is rather transparent jealousy from the perpetually thirsty (hi, Koodo. :-*). Much of your shade towards Frank is a step above "haha he's bi so he's a girl lolol", and I'm not even sure it deserves "a step above."

Yes tell him Mumei. So eloquent, I could never.


I will never slut shame anyone because I'm a huge slut myself.
But referring to a gay or bisexual male as a "she" or a "woman"

Not ok IMO

I'm also just pressed because botty drags his ass so much


irresponsible vagina leak
I just think botty was rejected by Frank and now sis is bitter. Doesn't take rocket science to come up to that conclusion.



I stopped referring to Francis as "she" when I noticed people getting offended by it... despite the common usage around here.


You are not doing it as a part of the long-standing - and now mostly defunct outside of, like, drag, which is where much of the lingua franca of stanning originates from - tradition in gay communities of referring to one another using female pronouns (and sometimes female names); you're doing it in the midst of posts with other borderline homophobic comments. Of course that changes how using "she" is perceived when it is placed in that context.


Y'all are a damn mess.


They really are. People are dragged in here for their weight, where they come from, and even domestic violence, yet now people are offended.

Most of them have even referred to each other as "she," and, unless they're talking to Satch, I guess that would put them in the same boat as me. Mumei has even referred to himself as a "bitch" so I don't really see the platform he's trying to stand on, tbh.

So unless this thread has suddenly become a showcase for political correctness, I think some people need to stop taking things so personally.

They really are. People are dragged in here for their weight, where they come from, and even domestic violence, yet now people are offended.

Most of them have even referred to each other as "she," and, unless they're talking to Satch, I guess that would put them in the same boat as me. Mumei has even referred to himself as a "bitch" so I don't really see the platform he's trying to stand on, tbh.

So unless this thread has suddenly become a showcase for political correctness, I think some people need to stop taking things so personally.



I didn't want to stir shit up, but that comment about Frank writing in a "woman's perspective" could get wrongly interpreted.

That's like saying it's only normal for women to love men and write songs about their love, or something like that.

I know it's harmless, coming from botty. But I'm just saying


They really are. People are dragged in here for their weight, where they come from, and even domestic violence, yet now people are offended.

Most of them have even referred to each other as "she," and, unless they're talking to Satch, I guess that would put them in the same boat as me. Mumei has even referred to himself as a "bitch" so I don't really see the platform he's trying to stand on, tbh.

So unless this thread has suddenly become a showcase for political correctness, I think some people need to stop taking things so personally.


The reclamatory usage of slurs, both current and former, is commonplace in many minority communities. "Bitch" has been reclaimed by both feminist and queer communities, as has "cunt". Bitch Magazine actually had a nice article a few months back about the usage of "cunt" in popular music.

And on their using "Bitch" as the name of their magazine:

About Our Name said:
For as long as we’ve been publishing Bitch, there’s one question that gets asked over and over. And over. “Why did you choose that word as the name of your magazine?” While we’re aware that the magazine’s title, and the organization’s name, is off-putting to some people, we think it’s worth it. And here’s why.

The writer Rebecca West said, “People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.” We’d argue that the word “bitch” is usually deployed for the same purpose. When it’s being used as an insult, “bitch” is an epithet hurled at women who speak their minds, who have opinions and don’t shy away from expressing them, and who don’t sit by and smile uncomfortably if they’re bothered or offended. If being an outspoken woman means being a bitch, we’ll take that as a compliment.

We know that not everyone’s down with the term. Believe us, we’ve heard all about it. But we stand firm in our belief that if we choose to reappropriate the word, it loses its power to hurt us. And if we can get people thinking about what they’re saying when they use the word, that’s even better.

Bitch. It’s a noun. It’s a verb. It’s a magazine. It’s a feminist media organization.

I don't know how you think I meant it when I referred to myself as a shady bitch, but I meant it as humorous self-deprecation; I was not using it in a traditionally misogynistic or homophobic sense.

So stop bitching about getting dragged.



One Direction star Harry Styles has reportedly invited Taylor Swift to meet his parents at a secret Christmas party 1D are hosting.Harry and Taylor are rumoured to be dating, and he allegedly met her mum while she was rehearsing for her performance on the US X Factor.

After practicing for the show, Harry reportedly carried Taylor back to her dressing room in his arms.

I still give it a month.

Edit: Whoa I was beaten.

The shade in here...

As for the Frank Ocean shade/homophobia whatever,

I think it's really... I'll say entertaining, that the gay community tends to bite its own tail sometimes when it doesn't intend to. We tend to waver in between the often scathing vernacular we adopt when addressing women or other gay people (gender pronouns, "cunt," "bitch," etc.), and the need to be commandeers of political correctness. You can't have it both ways unfortunately. I know that we're sensitive to specifically gay issues which is why we get defensive or even abrasive at the slightest scent of homophobia in any form. It's because we're in this place politically and it's something we need to do. I've never liked when Botty or others casually referred to Ocean as a "she" or mentioning him operating dildos and shit, but I understand that it's the same thing we do with other people in here, and it's because our community has been raised to be defensive and shielded. We insult because it's fun, but it's also mostly because we have some capacity of experience in being on the receiving end of insults, and we've tackled those by projecting them back outward. It's a sad catch 22 I think the community sets itself in, but this is not just gay-specific. Minorities in general have this problem. We wanna be fierce as a display of power but we don't wanna hurt any of our own. The intention isn't out of malice, but it's pretty contradictory.

Bottom line, it's easy to be insulted at the Frank Ocean comments because they might hit closer to home or be the kinds of insults we're trying to tackle in the big picture, but we can't be politically correct about THAT and ALSO settle for calling Christina Aguilera fat, saying Ellie Goulding has a witch nose, or referring to Taylor Swift as squints. Either refrain from shady comments in general or be shady to all. As long as the shade we do isn't coming from a "real" or "honest" place (like if Botty really thinks all bisexual people are gender-confused, then that's a different issue we'd have to discuss), then nobody else is watching. Let's be equal opportunity offenders or not be offenders at all, yes?


The reclamatory usage of slurs, both current and former, is commonplace in many minority communities. "Bitch" has been reclaimed by both feminist and queer communities, as has "cunt". Bitch Magazine actually had a nice article a few months back about the usage of "cunt" in popular music.

And on their using "Bitch" as the name of their magazine:

I don't know how you think I meant it when I referred to myself as a shady bitch, but I meant it as humorous self-deprecation; I was not using it in a traditionally misogynistic or homophobic sense.

So stop bitching about getting dragged.


I'm not bitching about getting dragged. I am pointing out how you guys are picking and choosing what to suddenly be offended by. I already acknowledged that referring to Frank as "she," in that context was a mistake, which is why I stopped doing it... despite me not having any serious malicious intent behind it.

Or am I supposed to believe that when people make fun of Xtina's weight, they also hate fat people?
but it's also mostly because we have some capacity of experience in being on the receiving end of insults,

This is the crux of the argument, for me. This very specific dragging of Frank Ocean reads as judgement on high against the dirty queers. That and botty's outrage at his faves "pandering" to the gays, make me feel like something more is at hand.



The shade in here...

As for the Frank Ocean shade/homophobia whatever,

I think it's really... I'll say entertaining, that the gay community tends to bite its own tail sometimes when it doesn't intend to. We tend to waver in between the often scathing vernacular we adopt when addressing women or other gay people (gender pronouns, "cunt," "bitch," etc.), and the need to be commandeers of political correctness. You can't have it both ways unfortunately. I know that we're sensitive to specifically gay issues which is why we get defensive or even abrasive at the slightest scent of homophobia in any form. It's because we're in this place politically and it's something we need to do. I've never liked when Botty or others casually referred to Ocean as a "she" or mentioning him operating dildos and shit, but I understand that it's the same thing we do with other people in here, and it's because our community has been raised to be defensive and shielded. We insult because it's fun, but it's also mostly because we have some capacity of experience in being on the receiving end of insults, and we've tackled those by projecting them back outward. It's a sad catch 22 I think the community sets itself in, but this is not just gay-specific. Minorities in general have this problem. We wanna be fierce as a display of power but we don't wanna hurt any of our own. The intention isn't out of malice, but it's pretty contradictory.

Bottom line, it's easy to be insulted at the Frank Ocean comments because they might hit closer to home or be the kinds of insults we're trying to tackle in the big picture, but we can't be politically correct about THAT and ALSO settle for calling Christina Aguilera fat, saying Ellie Goulding has a witch nose, or referring to Taylor Swift as squints. Either refrain from shady comments in general or be shady to all. As long as the shade we do isn't coming from a "real" or "honest" place (like if Botty really thinks all bisexual people are gender-confused, then that's a different issue we'd have to discuss), then nobody else is watching. Let's be equal opportunity offenders or not be offenders at all, yes?

botty has an actual problem tho

a republican one
This is the crux of the argument, for me. This very specific dragging of Frank Ocean reads as judgement on high against the dirty queers. That and botty's outrage at his faves "pandering" to the gays, make me feel like something more is at hand.

Yeah the "pandering to gays" thing pisses me off to no end. What's being "pandered" to you is something that can touch someone younger who actually needs that affirmation. Insulting someone for being inclusive or mindful is straight up rude.

Given where we are politically, we're not in a place to be complaining that someone is paying positive attention to us. The idea that we're in "high demand" and that trying to appeal to us is a ploy to sell records is a fucking shameful thing to say.

I've seen my little cousin enter her tween years saying completely homophobic shit on a daily basis. Since Glee came along she's been amazingly mindful, conscious, and most of all accepting. Glee makes most of us roll our eyes but let's not say that it's a ploy to "pander" to people. Bull fucking shit. These positive displays of support from shows, musicians, actors, etc. are the most EFFECTIVE modes of progress on a mainstream level.

So if I hear one more "pandering to the gays" comment I'm gonna pop off again. lol



Satch said:
botty has an actual problem tho

a republican one

Girl I hear that. That's a whole new issue though



The shade in here...

As for the Frank Ocean shade/homophobia whatever,

I think it's really... I'll say entertaining, that the gay community tends to bite its own tail sometimes when it doesn't intend to. We tend to waver in between the often scathing vernacular we adopt when addressing women or other gay people (gender pronouns, "cunt," "bitch," etc.), and the need to be commandeers of political correctness. You can't have it both ways unfortunately. I know that we're sensitive to specifically gay issues which is why we get defensive or even abrasive at the slightest scent of homophobia in any form. It's because we're in this place politically and it's something we need to do. I've never liked when Botty or others casually referred to Ocean as a "she" or mentioning him operating dildos and shit, but I understand that it's the same thing we do with other people in here, and it's because our community has been raised to be defensive and shielded. We insult because it's fun, but it's also mostly because we have some capacity of experience in being on the receiving end of insults, and we've tackled those by projecting them back outward. It's a sad catch 22 I think the community sets itself in, but this is not just gay-specific. Minorities in general have this problem. We wanna be fierce as a display of power but we don't wanna hurt any of our own. The intention isn't out of malice, but it's pretty contradictory.

Bottom line, it's easy to be insulted at the Frank Ocean comments because they might hit closer to home or be the kinds of insults we're trying to tackle in the big picture, but we can't be politically correct about THAT and ALSO settle for calling Christina Aguilera fat, saying Ellie Goulding has a witch nose, or referring to Taylor Swift as squints. Either refrain from shady comments in general or be shady to all. As long as the shade we do isn't coming from a "real" or "honest" place (like if Botty really thinks all bisexual people are gender-confused, then that's a different issue we'd have to discuss), then nobody else is watching. Let's be equal opportunity offenders or not be offenders at all, yes?


And botty and I are the only straight guys here, I think. We have to be careful sometimes


And, ITZ, I guess. No one really knows what he exactly is tbh

yesssssssssss Botty rattle the Beyhive


Oh, look who decided to come out of the woodwork

What's being "pandered" to you is something that can touch someone younger who actually needs that affirmation.

I've never actually given thought to what pandering can do for the youth. As a youngster, my circle of support didn't have a problem with gays. I look down on pandering because I don't need you as an artist to identify with me to sell me your product. Pander do me by making what I like.

I do, however, have issue with the Beyonce hates being black line of thinking.

And botty and I are the only straight guys here, I think. We have to be careful sometimes


And, ITZ, I guess. No one really knows what he exactly is tbh
You forgot Chris! Although I think Chris stans cute guys more than I do now.
Oh, look who decided to come out of the woodwork


Botty's straight???

... In that case the Frank Ocean dragging is off limits.


Child, you ain't know?
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