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POPGAF |OT3| Geo Da Silva > nails on chalkboard > Taylor Swift

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
Pitchfork gave TEN a great writeup:


Their main quibble is that Jump and I'll Stand By You are the only things holding it back from being "the ABBA Gold-caliber wonder that Girls Aloud deserves as a greatest hits collection". (They're both covers, by the way.)

They also said that the real closest comparison to GA isn't Spice Girls, but The Supremes. You all tried though.

Pop GAF's pressedtness over GA is kind of hilarious when you put it in the context of the endless acclaim they get from everyone.


Yes, White Horse is amazing. Have been playing it a lot since you posted it, Royalan

Her voice gives me a '90 vibe. I love it.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Saturday morning #no1curr post. This remix isn't new and neither is the original version, it's never been on the charts, and the gerl is a total Pinterest-y Tumblr-y local. A French local, no less. But y'know, it's a ridiculously infectious, quirky little song and her accent only makes it better.

Soko - "I'll Kill Her" (Hannes Fischer remix)

Hannes has also been remixing many faves like Lana, Adele, Alicia, and Aaliyah on his soundcloud.

BOP. The perfect companion piece to Aaliyah, haha.


I have a CHALLENGE to SPICE THINGS UP or POPGAF maybe since this thread is full of nothign but shade at this point ;_;

ALL OF YOU could nominate ONE ALBUM from UR FAVE for me to LISTEN IN FULL to and REVIEW.

I will do it as quickly as possible and will be HONEST, OPEN and SUBJECTIVE.

Entries are still open if you are interested!


Suite II Overture
I'm not reviewing this because it's not a real track. I guess it would work well as an opening to Fantasia or some other weird high concept Disney film. >_>

Dance or Die is a really bassy track that is unlike anything I've heard from Monae before (though to be fair I've only heard the singles). Janelle's vocals are just something else in this song. It's electic, it's weird, it's unusual, and most importantly - I really like it. It's bizarre how she kind of switches between these different tones throughout the whole song. The production is great too, giving the track and futuristic theme (which I guess fits with the album's concept.)

Faster follows on from Dance or Die (and seques very smoothly I might add, I didn't realise we even stepped into a new song.) This is another upbeat song in similar vein to Dance or Die, but sees Janelle take on a more relaxed tone and lay off the rap a little bit. I like the beat and the production of this track, but it really doesn't grab me as much as the epic opening of the Suite II Overture or the rather bitter sounding Dance or Die. It's good, but it's a strange and abrupt switch between the tracks. It's petty too, but I like the references to Electric Sheep (as per the Phillip K. Dick novel and of course, the album title) and kryptonite.

Locked Inside is a definitive shift in tone, tempo and pacing for the album. This is probably, at least thus far, my least favourite track from Suite II. It just doesn't grab me at all. Some parts of her vocals sound like a basic Beyonce and it really irks me. The harmonising is cute though and a nice throwback to a retro style of music. The guitar breakdown during the bridge saved this one from being a complete disaster for me.

Sir Greendown was the first song that didn't actually fade into the others. Upon instantly hearing this, I heard elements of Cold War embedded in the track. I am assuming this is intentional - which also begs the question, are the first four tracks meant to be considered one body of work? The structure of this album is thematically and conceptually quite interesting. Anyway, about this song - it's a dramatic pullback from the fast and over the top nature of the three (proper) tracks. I enjoy the sombre mood.

Cold War is just a beautiful track. The production and her vocals are just everything. I absolutely love this song, but hate the video :( A fantastic choice for single, and potentially one of my standouts from this track.

Tightrope is almost on par with Cold War, but I love Cold War too. I felt like they tried to make these tracks flow on from one another but it felt a bit poorly done. This song is just a perfect bop, her voice is beautiful and the chorus is just so catchy. I find this song so infectious. Just a perfect representation of Janelle's ability to move betwee genres, tones and pacing throughout the course of one album. She's versatile and I enjoy her versatility.

Neon Gumbo begins with some trippy production. Reminds me of all those conspiracy websites that play songs backwards and pretend that the person who singing actually has embedded a SEKRIT MESSUDGE (YVAN EHT NIOJ). This eventually blends into this kind of synthy electro rock noise cloud that then slowly recedes and takes you into the next track. It's simple but it's a nice "interlude" of sorts.

The interlude makes sense too, as Oh, Maker is a very drastic change of direction from everything we've heard thus far. Despite being slower and not usually my thing, Janelles (quite frankly beautiful) voice really makes this track more appealing. She knows her range and sticks to it appropriately. As she has previously, this song shifts between genres mid way and begins to sound like a 00's RnB track. The sombre verses help the song bop along at an appropriate pace too. I love it. The ending of this track made me think we were being transported to another "realm" for another track of a different tone.

AND I WAS RIGHT, Come Alive (The War of the Roses) is a cool kind of "swing" track that combines some really deep strings with some great guitar. It's nice to see Janelle not relying on electronics (too much) to craft her music. Her voice is sultry and gets a little bit rough to add a bit of edge to the track. The choral parts between the bridge and such is just fantastic. The "screaming" towards the middle of the track was a bit off putting though if I have to be honest, and brings this track down a star. She sounds like her voice is breaking or something. This is the first time I was like "what the fuck are you doing" throughout the alberm.

I've heard that this album should be approached as two separate parts. As such, Mushroom & Roses feels like an appropriate "wrap up" of Suite II of The ArchAndroid. It's mellow, it's middling and it feels like a track of reflection. I've gotta be honest, while it's surely fitting with the concept, I really don't appreciate the processing of Janelle's voice in this track. The refrain and chorus give me Queen teas though, not really sure why but it feels oddly reminiscent. Is this even Janelle singing? >_>

Suite III Overture reminds me of the music that would play at the beginning of those older Disney films, such as Sleeping Beauty. The fidelity of the track is low, but I assume this was purposeful to create the same feeling those choral pieces did.

Neon Valley Street is the beginning of Suite III and an interesting track, but a little bit too sombre for me. The robotic talk that appeared throughout was a bit strange but as with other "oddities" related to this album, it fits in with the overarching "concept".

Make The Bus is another one of those weird tracks that features one of my favourite alternative bands, Of Montreal. I didn't realise this collaboration was on the album, and it surprised me to find it. The vocals on this track are pretty fantastic, but thematically I don't really enjoy this song as much as others. It's a shame as well, because the production is actually fantastic. The switching between the vocal styles is just pulled off superbly. It ends rather abruptly too.

Wondaland continues a trend I'm noticing - featuring truly out of this world production with some admirable vocals but also not captivating me or grabbing me as much as the tracks in the first half of the album. I am still astounded at just how much versatility Janelle's voice has.

Weirdly named Square Enix track 57821 is just angelic. I like it, it's a different tone for the album (and more importantly, Suite III) and I really like it. As I've hammered before multiple times, Janelle's voice truly is something else.

There always seems to be one song that gives me Donkey Kong Country teas on an album, and ArchAndroid's is easily Say You'll Go. This is a very melodic beat with some (quite bluntly) boring vocals from Janelle. It picks up as the chorus begins, however, and I really enjoyed it upon repeat listens. The piano ending is just beautiful - I hear something else in here that's familiar, it's sampling something right?

The album closes with BaBopByeYa. This is a bit of a scary track that reminds me of the kind of eerie, ominous music that the War of the Worlds infamous radio transmission opened with (if you know it). Then it slowly becomes more of a jazzy kind of track that seems to ramp up the mystery. This is a long fucking track. It's good but I feel it's unecessarily long, especially AFTER listening to the whole alberm.


Janelle Monae has won me over with The ArchAndroid and has me eagerly anticipating the Electric Lady. Her album is fantastic for several reasons. First of all, she's a fantastic vocalist who knows her limits well and doesn't abuse them. Secondly, she manages to cram all kinds of eclectic subtleties into her alberm and manages to step into each style with mostly little to no trouble. She raps verses tightly, she harmonises wonderfully and can even growl in the odd track to give herself an edge.

Her transitioning in this alberm is truly fantastic - I felt this was evident throughout most of the alberm but the biggest and most obvious was during Oh, Maker where she effortlessly manages to meld a kind of gentle almost country like tone with long vocal runs that are appropriate for her range.

Despite being split into two Suites, the ArchAndroid is incredibly coherent stylistically. The first Suite, to me, feels like it deals with themes and concepts related to identity while the second feels more like a romanticising of events prior gone. I was so put off by the length of this alberm after reviewing Roman Reloaded previously. That being said, it's important to highlight something. Roman Reloaded is long, yes, but it's more akin to a garbage tip. There are a few valuable things throughout, but nearly everything is disposable or unwanted. With The ArchAndroid, it is more comparable to a museum - showcasing numerous works of arts that just have to be preserved for the sake of humanity and culture. :3

It's crazy that with so much variation, so much creativity, and so many stylistic choices of song - that ArchAndroid comes off as being a rather balanced combination of everything Janelle is capable of demonstrating fantastic focus. She is fantastic and this has easily been one of the most enriching alberms I've had pleasure of listening to during this "project" of mine.



Born To Die [Deluxe] by Lana Del Rey for Aquila
Includes a SPECIAL surprise :3


Pitchfork gave TEN a great writeup:


Their main quibble is that Jump and I'll Stand By You are the only things holding it back from being "the ABBA Gold-caliber wonder that Girls Aloud deserves as a greatest hits collection". (They're both covers, by the way.)

They also said that the real closest comparison to GA isn't Spice Girls, but The Supremes. You all tried though.

Pop GAF's pressedtness over GA is kind of hilarious when you put it in the context of the endless acclaim they get from everyone.

Everyone shades pitchfork, but I actually like them lol. They really do have good reviews, and they actually make use of the entire 1-10 scale.

Dr. Malik

Happy Birthday to Ms. Onika Tanya Maraj

The reigning Queen of Hip Hop turns 30~ today

Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away
Beating like a drum and it's coming your way
Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's the super bass
Got that super bass boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's the super bass
You got that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass



Nicki is the queen!

Shame her castle is empty. Shame she can't decorate with any Grammys. Shame she doesn't have any #1 singles to pump through the loudspeakers to her barbz.




Happy Birthday to Ms. Onika Tanya Maraj

The reigning Queen of Hip Hop turns 30~ today

Boy you got my heartbeat runnin' away
Beating like a drum and it's coming your way
Can't you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's the super bass
Got that super bass boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
Yeah that's the super bass
You got that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass
Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass


The Queen of Rap-Pop



What a great review, Nemesis!!!
The ArchAndoird remains as one of the best albums I've heard in Years.

Lmao at your Donkey Kong reference in Say You'll Go. I won't be able to unhear it now. And yes, the song samples Debussy's Claire De Lune. Such divine sampling.

Another Janelle fan in the pocket


Nemesis_ said:
With The ArchAndroid, it is more comparable to a museum - showcasing numerous works of arts that just have to be preserved for the sake of humanity and culture. :3
Immaculate description of this alberm. Truly an enriching experience.



Thanks for the praises =)

What a great review, Nemesis!!!
The ArchAndoird remains as one of the best albums I've heard in Years.

Lmao at your Donkey Kong reference in Say You'll Go. I won't be able to unhear it now. And yes, the song samples Debussy's Claire De Lune. Such divine sampling.

Another Janelle fan in the pocket

Yeah. I've heard that track in so many shows and films. It's such a beautiful piece and always so immaculately used. I like how subtle her sampling is, it's the way I feel sampling should be done tbh

Dr. Malik

The Queen of Rap-Pop



I was going to listen to NEW music today but instead I think I will just have Nicki on repeat

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!


Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

(We’re higher than a motherfucker)



VH1 is scraping the bottom of the barrel for this year's VH1 Divas:

Ten days left until VH1 Divas airs live on Sunday, December 16 at 9 p.m. ET/8C. And 11 more performers and presenters have just signed on for what’s shaping up to be one hell of a party at L.A.’s Shrine Auditorium. Not only are Natasha Bedingfield, Bootsy Collins, Iggy Azalea, and past Divas alumna Keri Hilson and Ledisi adding to the set list of our current all-star roster, but Brandy, La La Anthony, Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Stacey Keibler, NeNe Leakes and Kelly Osbourne will be making appearances throughout the night!

Oh, and from the press release:

VH1 “DIVAS” Hosted by Adam Lambert Airs Live Sunday, December 16 at 9PM/8c


In the spirit of celebration and appreciation VH1Divas will include a tribute to two divas we lost this past year, whose voices always lead us straight to the dance floor, Whitney Houston and Donna Summer. “VH1 Divas” is bringing together Ciara, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Kelly Rowland and Jordin Sparks to pay homage to the greatest divas of dance music with performances featuring current and classic dance hits. Previous announced performers also include: Kelly Clarkson, Melanie Fiona, Metric and Pitbull along with Havana Brown as House DJ/artist.

I'm going to enjoy this tribute. Truly a who's who of the premier names in the industry.


Please my body, heal my body
Boy you make me go
Na na na na na me go
We go...
Hey stranger over there
I'm really liking that way
You whip it whip it
Yeah, I want you everyday
You're so right, you're so tight



Thanks for the praises =)

You should also listen to the first Suite, Metropolis

It's an EP and has some amazing tracks on it. It's basically the prequel to The Archandroid story.

Metropolis Suite I of IV: The Chase


1. March Of The Wolfmasters (1:27)
2. Violet Stars Happy Hunting! (3:13)
3. Many Moons (5:34)
4. Cybertronic Purgatory (1:40)
5. Sincerely, Jane (5:36)

They should make a musical out of this whole saga. It could work. *.*


I'm sure Pariah and Garbaj's "feud" will get tired quickly, but it should briefly inject some fun into that arthritic fossil of a show; an improvement over the last couple of seasons by DEFAULT.
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