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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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So I been watching How to Make It in America (awesome show, sad I'm almost done), and I thought I'd share the show's absolutely immaculate soundtrack with Pop-Gaf.

Some highlights

And my favorite, which I thankful to this show for introducing me to.


Not this cunt pretending that I didn't bring Bag Raiders to the room ever since I was introduced to POPGAF.



Not this cunt pretending that I didn't bring Bag Raiders to the room ever since I was introduced to POPGAF.


I apologize, I must have not been present at the time or had it on mute. Because that song is amazing, and I need to check them out further. Bless your taste, as per.


sup pop gaf


our new podcast episode has some female rapper discussion, some shade and praise for nicki if yall are interested. Also Azealia dragged into the dirt, lit on fire, run over with a tractor etc:


bye hope you enjoy *.*



I apologize, I must have not been present at the time or had it on mute. Because that song is amazing, and I need to check them out further. Bless your taste, as per.

Their album is really good. It's a shame they can't make it big, but it's also good since they play every weekend here. :p
Also. Since our local #NAVY have been so much more pleasant since their divorce from the Beyhive I would like to announce that Pour It Up as of today is #1 on the Urban airplay chart.



Queen of pop, urban, and who knows how many other formats.


sup pop gaf

our new podcast episode has some female rapper discussion, some shade and praise for nicki if yall are interested. Also Azealia dragged into the dirt, lit on fire, run over with a tractor etc:


bye hope you enjoy *.*

I C GAF-HOP trying to get dat promo.


I'll give it a listen. *.*

Also. Since our local #NAVY have been so much more pleasant since their divorce from the Beyhive I would like to announce that Pour It Up as of today is #1 on the Urban airplay chart.

Queen of pop, urban, and who knows how many other formats.



Also. Since our local #NAVY have been so much more pleasant since their divorce from the Beyhive I would like to announce that Pour It Up as of today is #1 on the Urban airplay chart.

Queen of pop, urban, and who knows how many other formats.

Is anyone else even trying?


1D is #1 on iTunes. #icant at this clocking of TS, Harlem Shake and Stay.

and ofc Rih is slaying Urban with PIU. The #NAVY already clockted the tea that it was the Urban smash of 2013. If you look closely, Loveeeeeee Song is #13 on Urban. Yes, a song that is not still officially released to radio is almost top 10 on Urban.

Sorry, but why even try to come for her?



Rih is currently slaying the radio and the charts with four songs *.*

I just hope that Love Song gets a video. Is the Pur it Up video going to be released soon? Looks like it has the potential to become a bigger hit than Stay

All of my friends love Pour it Up now thanks to my ringtone promo
Rih is really slaying the radio and the charts with four songs *.*

I just hope that Love Song gets a video. Is the Pur it Up video going to be released soon? Looks like it has the potention to become a bigger hit than Stay

PIU is doing great but it is highly unlikely that its chart run can continue. It has little pop support and its running out of room to grow on Urban. Stay on the other hand could potentially go #1 on pop, and maybe #1 overall if it picks up AC/Hot AC support.

I am perplexed as to why they have not released a PIU video yet. Seems like a major misstep which is unusual for Rih. We will have to see.


PIU is doing great but it is highly unlikely that its chart run can continue. It has little pop support and its running out of room to grow on Urban. Stay on the other hand could potentially go #1 on pop, and maybe #1 overall if it picks up AC/Hot AC support.

I am perplexed as to why they have not released a PIU video yet. Seems like a major misstep which is unusual for Rih. We will have to see.

Both videos were filmed close together, I thought. We'll probably see the PIU video drop in the next week or two.

my man. its tagged below so if you wanna skip to that bit, just look for the female emcees section

Both videos were filmed close together, I thought. We'll probably see the PIU video drop in the next week or two.

One would think so. Chances are PIU is going to peak very soon, and releasing a music video AFTER the peak seems kind of redundant.

(Not ruling out that another format could start supporting the song, but it would be unusual.)


This needs to be reposted on the new page, lbr.

Now I know why the QUEEN has been so quiet this year.

She has been working to expand her empire.

Two years ago, Gulnara Karimova, the 40-year-old daughter of Uzbek President Islam Karimov, visited a just-opened restaurant in Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent. To the restaurant owner’s horror, Gulnara liked what she saw, as the New Yorker reported:

Later that day, three men in leather jackets came to the restaurant to inform Alisher that the restaurant no longer belonged to him. Within days, Alisher lost his businesses, received multiple threats against his family, and had visitors from the tax and criminal police. A week later, when he escaped across the Uzbek-Kazakh border, his black hair had turned white.

It was far from the first time Karimova had wantonly stolen a random Uzbek’s business. And among all the undemocratic governments in the world, this is just one example of tyranny at the hands of a despotic leader’s relative. But what’s unusual about Karimova’s particular brand of villainy is that she’s also a sequin-clad, breathy pop diva seeking international fame under her alter-ego, Googoosha. Over the years, she has strong-armed her way into multimillion-dollar bribes, all while releasing countless syrupy music videos and singles.

“Gulnara is almost a caricature of an evil mob princess: shrewd, aggressive, and violent without hint of remorse, with really amazing hair,” wrote Joshua Foust, a fellow at the American Security Project, in an e-mail.

Karimova’s antics pile on to the already flagrantly abuses of her father’s regime, as the Independent reported:

Karimov, who has run Uzbekistan since the break up of the Soviet Union, has been accused of boiling dissidents to death, and his security forces shot dead hundreds of unarmed protestors in 2005. Child labour is widespread, with schoolchildren forced into several months of cotton picking every year.

But her concurrent goals of amassing power and gaining international stardom have worked at cross-purposes in recent years, in part because her billion-dollar fortune has largely been acquired on the backs of her countrymen. In 2005, the State Department wrote that she’s become “the single most hated person in the country” for her robber-baron ways.

One U.S. businessmen claimed that after his company turned down Karimova’s offer to buy in to his telecommunications firm, “the company’s frequency [was] jammed by an Uzbek government agency.” A Swedish television investigation this month found she forced a Swedish telecom to pay bribes in order to enter the Uzbek market. In July, the Russian mobile-phone operator MTS claimed that Karimova orchestrated the hostile takeover of the company’s Uzbek branch, Uzdunrobita, according to Foreign Policy.

“She plays a role in most business deals in Tashkent, and if she gets angry, she has the power to impose really severe consequences,” Foust said.

Meanwhile, Karimova has bought ads in Billboard magazine in an attempt to popularize herself in the United States. And like other pop stars, she has her own high-end clothing line, Guli, which she’s tried to get featured in fashion shows worldwide.

“Love Kylie Minogue? Check out exotic pop sensation Googoosha!” her official Twitter feed once gushed.

In an attempt to understand more about Karimova and the repressive regime she props up, some Uzbek watchers have started studying her music videos for glimpses into her psyche.

First, there’s “How Dare,” which has all the elements of your standard euro-pop ditty: heavily accented, repetitive lyrics, synthesizers, indoor fans:

At the Central-Asia site Registan, a western anthropologist writing under the name Davron Ibragimov reads the lyrics as a private cry for help of sorts:

Is Googoosha’s the voice of jealousy that others can do what they want, but she is trapped by her position at the top of society?

Then there’s a December Uzbek awards ceremony, where Ibragimov notes that Googoosha’s choice to sing a particular Uzbek song suggests that she might have her eye on running Uzbekistan herself someday.

The song’s lyrics, involving a daughter addressing her father ‘If you want, I can be 1000 sons for you…’ sparked much public speculation that she was acknowledging her ambition to succeed her 73-year old father as leader of Uzbekistan.

More recently, she’s released ”Nebo Molchit,” (The Sky is Quiet), a collaboration with French actor Gerard Depardieu, which she claimed on Twitter was Depardieu’s idea.

Depardieu also recently agreed to star as a monk in a film Karimova is writing about Asia’s silk road, compounding criticism that Depardieu is too eager to buddy up to Eastern European strongmen.

“I lament the appearance of popular cultural leaders in the close circle of individuals who have a dubious reputation, to put it lightly,” wrote Mutabar Tadjibaeva, an Uzbek human rights activist. She added that Depardieu’s pay for his appearances amount to “financial means which were made on the miseries and sufferings of ordinary citizens of Uzbekistan, or laundered through various schemes.”

And when Gulnara released another video, Round Run, this summer, the opposition news site UzNews eagerly deconstructed her vampiric image in the clip.

At the time, UzNews wrote:

The value of the music video is that Gulnara’s obsession with her appearance and desire to conquer the world of haute couture and show business provide Uzbekistan with priceless demonstrational material about the nature of the Karimov regime.

We can’t know if Googoosha’s performances hold any meaning beyond their most obvious purpose as diversions for a despot. But given that most dictatorial regimes aren’t quite so flamboyant and attention-seeking, Karimova certainly has offered her numerous enemies plenty of ammunition.


Oh, I forgot to mention.

The next single from GOOGOOSHA is "Superstar".

The video was shot in both New York and Uzbekistan, and incorporates footage of Googoosha's father as well as her "haters".

It sounds like a bit of a LOTUS kind of track - hitting back at her haters.

The music video is premiering tomorrow. I'll be sure to post it when it is uploaded.




One would think so. Chances are PIU is going to peak very soon, and releasing a music video AFTER the peak seems kind of redundant.

(Not ruling out that another format could start supporting the song, but it would be unusual.)

I suppose they were in a tough spot no matter how you slice it. Either film a video and support a song that's already nearing its peak, or make a video for the next urban smash and risk deflating PIU's run too early. Still, it's better to have so many singles performing well than to have too few.
So I just finished the Beyonce doc and here are my thoughts:

  • Beyonce LOVES God and Jay Z
  • Beyonce doesn't want you in her business. (It's hers and not yours)
  • Beyonce LOVES women (no lesbo)
  • Beyonce is quite reserved off stage.
  • Beyonce LOVES dat baby. (or the thought of babies in general)

I know some of you gerls are quite young and/or may not hang out with quite as many women (as outlined in the gay handbook) but Bey was clearly pregnant. You didn't have to see her midsection to tell, it was written all over her face. Bey was serving pregnant face throughout the miscarriage portion of the doc.

I'm not sure why you all hated the doc, but I found it interesting. But I come from a time (long, long ago) where you didn't have to know every iota of what a celebrity was doing to enjoy their work. All these new fangled celebs do more harm to their brand by trying to be relate-able to their fanbases. I think a good analogy would be the Parent/Child relationship. You do your child no favors by trying to be their friend. Sure your kids with like you better when you let them act a fool and call you by your first name. But the world will like them more, and think highly of you, if you create boundaries and give them rules. I respect Beyonce's want to keep her private life private and I don't look down on her for having a more measured response in her dealings with the press or her fanbase. I don't find her offputting or fake in the slightest.

I know I shouldn't be disappointed in popgaf's cynicism and its propensity to blatantly take things out of context, or to hold different standards for ppl who aren't their faves, but I am. /shrug

As a side note, the guy that was reading the dancers for being lazy trollops is totally me at work. That part gave me life. lol.


I know some of you gerls are quite young and/or may not hang out with quite as many women (as outlined in the gay handbook) but Bey was clearly pregnant. You didn't have to see her midsection to tell, it was written all over her face. Bey was serving pregnant face throughout the miscarriage portion of the doc.


The power of stan

EDIT: Wait nobody was disputing her being pregnant during her first pregnancy tho.


She's private yet she has a documentary... Please EXPLAIN this to me because idk in what dimension does this make sense

I also believe Bey WAS pregnant BEFORE when she had the miscarriage. But after is when she started faking it.


Omg, I'm screaming at Googoosha's antics. This is fascinating and disturbing.

This is my favourite:

One U.S. businessmen claimed that after his company turned down Karimova’s offer to buy in to his telecommunications firm, “the company’s frequency [was] jammed by an Uzbek government agency.” A Swedish television investigation this month found she forced a Swedish telecom to pay bribes in order to enter the Uzbek market. In July, the Russian mobile-phone operator MTS claimed that Karimova orchestrated the hostile takeover of the company’s Uzbek branch, Uzdunrobita, according to Foreign Policy.

Only a #QUEEN

To the restaurant owner’s horror, Gulnara liked what she saw...

Later that day, three men in leather jackets came to the restaurant to inform Alisher that the restaurant no longer belonged to him. Within days, Alisher lost his businesses, received multiple threats against his family, and had visitors from the tax and criminal police. A week later, when he escaped across the Uzbek-Kazakh border, his black hair had turned white.

Omg, this is some real dystopian nightmare teas...... Only a true #badbitch. Kim Jong Un tried....



She's private yet she has a documentary... Please EXPLAIN this to me because idk in what dimension does this make sense

I also believe Bey WAS pregnant BEFORE when she had the miscarriage. But after is when she started faking it.

educate them.

Somehow she's private but does a documentary. And shares nothing. If she was private and didn't do this stuff, it wouldn't be a topic, but what is the point of doing a documentary and still showing this idea of what you think you are rather than what you actually are.

She's fake as fuck and the documentary only makes me believe even more that she didn't bear this child. She went through all this trouble editing her life into a pretty package, I wouldn't doubt that she spent equally as much time putting together a fabricated story about a pregnancy and a baby.

The power of stan

EDIT: Wait nobody was disputing her being pregnant during her first pregnancy tho.

I got the impression from the doc that no one knew she was pregnant the first time. I think that was when she was whining about dealing with bad shit while being a celeb.

Kyon said:
She's private yet she has a documentary... Please EXPLAIN this to me because idk in what dimension does this make sense
The most personal thing she revealed in that doc that we didn't already know was that she had a miscarriage. The rest of the time she was musing about god and folks trying to get in her business because she's a celeb.

Somehow she's private but does a documentary. And shares nothing.

Sounds private to me. Lol.
She shares a lot of personal info in that documentary, just not to the ratchet extent of Britney and Rihanna's 24/7 TMZ lives. Because we don't get a Beyoncé update every day of her stumbling out of clubs, doesn't mean she is some fake prude.

And I'd think a Britney stan would understand an artist trying to keep her private life private since tabloids and the press dragged Britney through the mud when she was dealing with some very serious issues. To Beyoncé, this is as much as she's willing to share. And that's perfectly fine. Her music speaks for itself.


I got the impression from the doc that no one knew she was pregnant the first time. I think that was when she was whining about dealing with bad shit while being a celeb.

The most person thing she revealed in that doc that we didnt already know was that she had a miscarriage. The rest of the time she was musing about god and folks trying to get in her business because she's a celeb.

We knew that a year ago.


Has royalan hijacked DM's account?

His Bey pressedness is reaching critical levels LMAO

I like Bey, and I'll definitely be checking for "5", but I'm also not going to lie about her 'documentary' and the lack of impact she's been having recently, and how her era is off to an awful start since between the SuperBowl and now she has not given an album name, single name, or single release, and she's going on tour in 9 weeks. It's ridiculous.

Was anyone else disturbed by Beyonce pretending to write a song about her miscarriage?

I like how she used a pen and pad and acted as if she was writing music while in the booth. She'll go to great lengths to protect her image.


Okay, that Googoosha stuff is rather unnerving... I count my lucky stars I wasn't born in Uzbekistan.

The boiling wasn't unnerving enough? :p

Anyway the fan club (which I'm convinced is her >_>) posted a screencap from the video for Superstar.

NNnnnnnNNnNnnnnn this clip is going to be so ratchet

Let me sleep while I wait


Just stop with the detracting MESS and think about this. How the fuck you gonna have a doc if you are known for being a private person and not show ANYTHING?

I think I'm the only sane BeyHive worker. I swear

Okay, you should think about this. Within the first 10 minutes of the doc, she talks about how she doesn't want her whole life dissected by paparazzi and tabloids and then you expect her to show her most intimate moments? She gave us tons of personal stuff, but apparently not to the extent that you think is necessary for a documentary.

Keep checking for her music, that's exactly what she wants from people interested in her.

Mau ®

Okay, you should think about this. Within the first 10 minutes of the doc, she talks about how she doesn't want her whole life dissected by paparazzi and tabloids and then you expect her to show her most intimate moments? She gave us tons of personal stuff, but apparently not to the extent that you think is necessary for a documentary.

Keep checking for her music, that's exactly what she wants from people interested in her.

That is true. Her Nina Simone example was pretty self-explanatory IMO.


Just stop with the detracting MESS and think about this. How the fuck you gonna have a doc if you are known for being a private person and not show ANYTHING?

I think I'm the only sane BeyHive worker. I swear

Yeah, I'm definitely sad that she didn't tell us what size tampons she uses and how many times she has sex with Jay.


Get real. This was just a doc to show us how hard she, and the people around her, work. Not an intimate documentary about all of her personal stuff. And I personally don't care about her private life. She can keep that to herself.

All I want is new music, dammit
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