coming for a thousand views
I forgot this existed.
coming for a thousand views
Stefan;52141128 said:I would eat that cake.
After listening to Born This Way instrumentals on repeat all day, I have come to the conclusion that BTW has some of the best production value ever. These beats are really, really, great.
Hayley is a big old homewrecking slut. I'm not here to support bad music made by a chick who helped ruin her friend's marriage.Oh Paramore's new album is pretty good.
Hayley is a big old homewrecking slut. I'm not here to support bad music made by a chick who helped ruin her friend's marriage.
Hayley is a big old homewrecking slut. I'm not here to support bad music made by a chick who helped ruin her friend's marriage.
Who?Kyon's impacT
Oh, and Marius_ ... look what you made Nemesis do to his gifs:
Too dark.
Why is Azealia throwing cake at a girl's face? Or is the second part a different gif spliced in?
watch the video, the answer is yes to both
Surprised no one has mentioned the fact that a picture of harry styles in a thong has surfaced
yall shall be posting about the rumor that Harry (and possibly Niall as shown by some recent studio pics) are recording their own solo albums
Not happening.
There is too much guaranteed $$$ sitting at the end of their 3 year contract for him to do anything that foolish. After the contract is up he will be 21.... a perfect age to go solo imo.
you forget the mirror (or was it the sun) was the one that reported about their contract and is now reporting this.
both are known to make up stuff tho(the uk is a mess), so who knows which one is true
The thing on the left is repulsive.
is that squints?
papa johns will not be pleased about this
Jakub Michut
i wanna fuck them both
Stop being so thirsty this isn't ATRL
How did this get by ALL OF US? From the soundtrack to some shitbag UK romcom:
Jessie Ware - "Never Knew Love Like This Before"
Gerls, I'm presently at The Cheesecake Factory enjoying some fried macaroni balls. On the blaring radio here I just heard a tender, jazzy (Jamie Cullum-esque) cover of the Coldplay semi-classic "The Scientist" and performed NUMEROUS mental boo-twerks.
It had amazing piano improvisation throughout, and then it just climaxed into this awesome soaring thing.
Can someone find it for me? And can someone find what playlist station The Cheesecake Factory in Short Hills Mall uses? So many mystery jams this blessed afternoon.
I tried. Too much ambient noise :-(You should've Shazam'd it.
I tried. Too much ambient noise :-(
EDIT: Just SoundHounded some random song from the radio - worked perfectly through all the outside noise. SoundHound >>>> Shazam, should've used that instead.
So what is known about Sky Ferreira's upcoming? I'm living for her EP again.
Producers Rumored release date? Anything?
Welcome back to the PopGAF Community Awards. As out actual host is still busy recording a solo album and working on her reality television career, Ms Electra is still dancing:
Please see below the ballot paper for entering your final votes.
The ballot paper is structured in a bit of a lengthy manner, but this way I can calculate the results faster so I appreciate your patience
That being said, it could take a little bit of time to do so don't try to finish it in a rush.
I don't know when voting will close, but I am thinking roughly a week. Given that there isn't any thinking needed to vote (all the choices are laid out for you) I assume that the rate of responses will be faster.
And yes, you can vote for yourself if you wish.
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