Drew can very well come here and tell you the same thing, there hasn't been any of info of a Gaga/Bey collab only a Gaga/Azealia collab and that Azealia worked with Beyonce aside from that the Ratchet rumors of Bey come from the try-hard picture she took of her acting ratchet. Furthermore Gaga and Bey never performed Telephone together so I dont know why an injury would stop that single from being release especially in a time when there is very little stages to perform that song for the GP. Lastly you are basically saying that Beyonce was going to rely on Gaga in order to sell her 5th album
Azealia had already chosen her single before the injury and so had Gaga which has been done since last summer. The lead single for Bey according to Pepsi last winter had also been chosen and none of it aligns with what Gaga had planned
so stop
Guess you told me

But waiT:
Lastly you are basically saying that Beyonce was going to rely on Gaga in order to sell her 5th album