OT6 will haveBroke With Expensive Taste, ARTPOP,Grown Woman, and We Cant Stop
already legendary
That's what we said about OT5.OT6 will have Broke With Expensive Taste, ARTPOP, Grown Woman, and We Cant Stop
already legendary
OT6 will have Broke With Expensive Taste, ARTPOP, Grown Woman, and We Cant Stop
already legendary
No shade intended. She said when she finished Body Talk that she was going straight back into the studio and there could be new songs out by the end of...2010.So shady.
On another note. As our resident Girls Aloud stan would you mind posting a short list of their "must have" songs? I have been considering getting into that, but I have no idea where to start.
Unless they're buying concert tickets.... right?
Well, for a start you could do worse than this as a list of must-have songs:
Special Edition, ofc.
Funny but Rihanna isn't even someone who egregiously overuses backing tracks. Much to our chagrin, she chooses to sing LIVE.
Nice try tho. It would bother me if my fave had the title of "the voice of the generation" tho. Yours does. And she needs to use a backing track. Goodbye.
Well, for a start you could do worse than this as a list of must-have songs:
Special Edition, ofc.
Your attacks on Metacritic in the past have tended to revolve around two poles. Firstly you have general critiques of the system itself (okay, maybe Dub Salsa wasn't a big deal when Album A dropped, or maybe the EW review of Album B was skewed by it being reviewed by a known hater). But the whole point of Metacritic is that it aggregates so that those kinds of errors are smoothed over in general. Yes, there are blips here and there. But if Artist A registers 80 career average and Artist B registers 50 career average, I don't think it's unreasonable at all to conclude that probably, Artist A's output is simply of a higher quality.
Funny but Rihanna isn't even someone who egregiously overuses backing tracks. Much to our chagrin, she chooses to sing LIVE.
Nice try tho. It would bother me if my fave had the title of "the voice of the generation" tho. Yours does. And she needs to use a backing track. Goodbye.
Well, except my fave doesn't need to prove to the world that she can sustain a note that falls outside of a meager 0.5 octave range. Though I'm sure if you asked Rihanna what an "octave" was she'd say it was some sort of prescription for anal prolapse.
My fave didn't.I highly doubt the artists get to choose to use a track or not.
Please. These shows and their performances are scripted and rehearsed to death, (besides Miguel breaking a gyal's neck) I highly doubt the artists get to choose to use a track or not. I give props to Xtina for at least singing, Pitbull on the other hand relied entirely on the track.
not exactly sure where anyone was being dragged or mentioned but ok
4 outsold Femme Fatale. And FF had many top 10 hits.
Bey is getting better with everything she does. Her vocals are getting better and her performances are PERFECT. She's unstoppable and only improving.
Brit's days are already over. Only nostalgia is saving her. She can't sing. She can't perform anymore. She looks like a drugged out disconnected mess each time she's on tv. And I can't believe people pay to see her live
Please. These shows and their performances are scripted and rehearsed to death, (besides Miguel breaking a gyal's neck) I highly doubt the artists get to choose to use a track or not. I give props to Xtina for at least singing, Pitbull on the other hand relied entirely on the track.
Please. These shows and their performances are scripted and rehearsed to death, (besides Miguel breaking a gyal's neck) I highly doubt the artists get to choose to use a track or not.
I guess that makes sense. Why would Xtina try so hard to sing over the track if it was her decision to have it playing, and have it be that loud?
not exactly sure where anyone was being dragged or mentioned but ok
I will look into it.
Almost all the One Direction stans I know are also Girls Aloud stans and I felt tired of being out of the loop.
If 1Direction is still your favourite British pop group after listening to Ten I don't know what to say to you.
Brit's days are already over. Only nostalgia is saving her. She can't sing. She can't perform anymore. She looks like a drugged out disconnected mess each time she's on tv. And I can't believe people pay to see her live
Arianna Grande just popped up on my spotify. Is she one of those Nickelodeon/Disney bitches?
This is coming from the same person who predicted the lead single of ARTPOP would be out by now.Not sure where this idea that they forced the track on her is coming from....
Those Britney shots...are not flattering.
Hurry up Artemess
I'm ready for the future
She went in to the studio in her PJs lol I remember those are from like two days ago. Hard at work on Album 8 *.*
Hurry up Artemess
I'm ready for the future
MUCH better picture. Pretty smile.
She looks great there.
I really hope she doesn't allow Will.I.Am to ruin the album.
Well.... Girls Aloud broke up didn't they?
I will give them good faith, open minded, consideration though.
That conniving smile. She knows the destruction that Album 8 will inflict on the industry and Soulscribe's hypothalamus. *.*She went in to the studio in her PJs lol I remember those are from like two days ago. Hard at work on Album 8 *.*
After ten years in the game and 21 top tens out of 22 single releases, yes.
Did you see her candids this past weekend of her coming out of a recording studio, looking more medicated than usual?
poor worn out product, when will her team quit forcing her into a job she's obviously is not fit to do? You'd think they would quit seeing as she's been a flop has-been for while now
Any of their solo works worth looking into? (they did have solo albums right?)
Cheryl had a few good singles but Nicola Roberts' album is great.
Cheryl had a few good singles but Nicola Roberts' album is great.
He's not producing every song and he's letting her do the album the way she wants. :3 it's actually probably going to be the best album since ITZ from her >_<
Did you expect them to be? This is Cyno after all.
Hurry up Artemess
I'm ready for the future
Isn't Nadine releasing an album this year?
I though MS was having a conference tomorrow?
Sony is going to have one too???
Perched fot it, if true
She's programmed to smile once in front of cameras, then she immediately reverts back looking broken.
Pretty sure that's just her being tired after slaving away for the people of the world for album 8. Of course, sleeping is something you'd know if you'd do it rather than staying up all night finding unflattering pictures.
no, we have to wait till June 10th for the God of consoles to be revealed
Stan. *.*
The PS4 will snatch wigs straight from the follicle.