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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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Junior Member
My song of the day: Des'ree - Kissing You

This was played in the Romeo + Juliet movie. </3

pride can stand a thousand trials
the strong will never fall
but watching stars without you
my soul cries



Is Squints more of an idiota than I ever thought?

Performing an entire night in the rain? Her ass is gonna get really sick.

Couldn't they put some kind of cover over the stage or something to block the rain
I was hoping no one would post it lol :-3

Hot trash, who knew Diarihrih would do a better job live with that song? Maybe Leona intentionally made the song sound like a shitty original song for a Lifetime Movie Network film. She did a much better job covering "Man Down" tbh, but she should stop doing covers in general*

* Except Run, that gets the tears flowing every time


Stefan™;70324696 said:
Taylor played to a sold out crowd at the Metlife Stadium. Queen.



She sold out Heinz Field last Saturday, and has sold out Gillette Stadium for two shows next weekend. I wouldn't be surprised if "Mine" was the secret song for one of those dates next weekend, considering it was inspired by Cory Monteith.

Is Squints more of an idiota than I ever thought?

Performing an entire night in the rain? Her ass is gonna get really sick.

Couldn't they put some kind of cover over the stage or something to block the rain

That's from the very last show of the Fearless Tour a couple years back and it only rained for a small portion of her set. The main portion of the stage was covered, but she freakin' loves the rain so she walked out into it.




World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I've heard Lily Allen on the radio twice today
Azealia's powa, Bring the deadirrelevant back to life

edit; if someone could photoshop this with a certain persons face it would be great


NEW YORK -- A diva may be measured not just by how she acts under duress, but how she dresses.

Mariah Carey, who last Sunday injured her shoulder while shooting a music video, turned up Saturday night at Central Park's Great Lawn in a dazzling, form-fitting white gown by Natalia Danilova -- and matching sling. Carey had only recently left the hospital, but she was set to perform as a guest of the New York Philharmonic at the Major League Baseball All-Star Charity Concert, benefiting relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy.

Carey made her first entrance a few minutes late, leaving the Philharmonic and its music director/conductor Alan Gilbert to cool their heels after performing Randy Newman's suite from the 1984 baseball-themed film The Natural. But the singer was gracious, noting what an honor it was to perform with the orchestra.

"I'm not in the best of health here," she said, pointing to her "fanciful" sling: "It was us getting creative." As a finishing touch, she draped it in a feather stole -- by Gucci, no less. "Is this working? Do we like it?" she rhetorically asked the crowd, who roared its approval.

Carey sang two numbers before intermission, a husky, impassioned My All and Looking In. She noted that the latter was a more obscure entry from her 1995 album Daydream: "This requires a bit more stability than I have right now," she said, then started in her airier voice, later encouraging "people who know it" to "sing along."

Ending the mini-set in equally dramatic fashion, she asked her fans to "wait for me. I love you madly. I love you madly."

When she returned, Carey was all in black, sling included. "I'm sorry if I was a little emotional before," she said. "I'm in a tiny bit of pain."

A spokesperson for Carey said that the singer was "actually in a lot of pain," with "bruised ribs, dislocated shoulder, temporary nerve damage in her arm." But she rallied again, delivering her current single #Beautiful in a robust alto embellished with her trademark coloratura high notes near the end.

She again thanked the Philharmonic, and another supporting musician: her longtime colleague and former fellow American Idol judge Randy Jackson, who was playing guitar.

The concert, which fans attended for free -- sponsors provided the funds to Sandy Relief -- also featured a guest appearance by former New York Yankees manager Joe Torre, who narrated Casey At the Bat accompanied by the Philharmonic. Other musical selections nodded to baseball and/or New York, among them a sumptuous piece from Leonard Bernstein's On The Town and a suite from the recent Jackie Robinson tribute movie 42.

Carey, a native New Yorker herself, wrapped the concert with a song she said felt appropriate, Hero. "God bless you," she told the crowd and, not to be upstaged, exited before a fireworks display brought the evening to a close.
Source: USA Today

The Ultimate Trooper Diva...

Looking In


I just listened to Daydream in full this morning, so legendary flawless amazing

She loves her fans so to finally sing this for us after all these years


First, I would like to address my ban (does Gaf not check their support email?)

I believe my ban, for this post 7956, was unfair. I was banned for using "gay" as an insult, and as a gay person I would never do this nor was it my intention. I think it is awesome NeoGAF has such strict rules against homophobia though. However, my post was misunderstood. When I said a gay song, I meant gay as in homosexual (nothing negative), not as something insulting. When looking at the context of my post, I was replying to someone saying the song was a gay anthem, and I was trying to make the point it wasn't a gay anthem, just a really gay (as in homosexual) sounding song. I believe because of this misunderstanding, I should of not been banned.

Just would like to clear that up as I do not like being accused of such.

As far as the people who like to clock me for "false tea" (seems like mainly the Rihanus stans), I think the truth is out now but I'm not going to gloat in it. I will be laying low from now on and not saying as much for security reasons and because I don't want to piss off the moderation here any further. So some of you probably are happy I guess.

With that aside....

What does everyone think of the promo image Gaga put out?

And is no one watching BB 15 in here? Plug remains vacant.
I'll just chalk it to lack of rehearsal, especially because she knocked her other covers that night (A Moment Like This and Locked Out of Heaven) out of the park, and has sung them in the past.

It's a shit song anyway, she should stick to rejecting future Rihanna hits, not covering old ones.


Just would like to clear that up as I do not like being accused of such.

As far as the people who like to clock me for "false tea" (seems like mainly the Rihanus stans), I think the truth is out now but I'm not going to gloat in it. I will be laying low from now on and not saying as much for security reasons and because I don't want to piss off the moderation here any further. So some of you probably are happy I guess.

With that aside....

What does everyone think of the promo image Gaga put out?

And is no one watching BB 15 in here? Plug remains vacant.

I don't know about Plug, but BB-GAF has been quite active here. I like the promo image, and I'm happy your tea wasn't false. :)


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
What does everyone think of the promo image Gaga put out?

I like it
a couple of people have said she looks ill though, but I don't really see it

Simple but different. Here for a minimalist future

edit; to those that have watched Friday Night Lights, are all the series good? just wanted to know in case series 1 was shit but the later series are better
edit2; also i'm expecting a lot of eye candy. Confirm or deny?
edit3; oh its john carter


First, I would like to address my ban (does Gaf not check their support email?)

Just would like to clear that up as I do not like being accused of such.

As far as the people who like to clock me for "false tea" (seems like mainly the Rihanus stans), I think the truth is out now but I'm not going to gloat in it. I will be laying low from now on and not saying as much for security reasons and because I don't want to piss off the moderation here any further. So some of you probably are happy I guess.

With that aside....

What does everyone think of the promo image Gaga put out?

And is no one watching BB 15 in here? Plug remains vacant.

Actually DEATHmei he doesnt really care if you spread rumors here. It's mostly a rule enforced on gaming side


Welcome back, drew *.*

First, I would like to address my ban (does Gaf not check their support email?)

Just would like to clear that up as I do not like being accused of such.

Moderators can ban at their own discretion...according to the ToS. But I know what you meant.



edit; to those that have watched Friday Night Lights, are all the series good? just wanted to know in case series 1 was shit but the later series are better
edit2; also i'm expecting a lot of eye candy. Confirm or deny?
edit3; oh its john carter
Are you not enjoying Season 1? Or are you just asking?


S2 starts out really weird but it's fine by the end, except the end is cut short. The rest of the show is pretty stellar throughout.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Are you not enjoying Season 1? Or are you just asking?

Oh I was just wondering
I have no love whatsoever for football so if season 1 was a dud but the rest or the show was good I'd still power through

S2 starts out really weird but it's fine by the end, except the end is cut short. The rest of the show is pretty stellar throughout.

okie dokes good to know

finishing ep 2 now and I'm enjoying it so far, I phase out a bit when they start chatting football though


What does everyone think of the promo image Gaga put out?

It's cute but I think she looks emaciated. I wasn't expecting anything like this when I read about what she said the ARTPOP era was all about. I was expecting Warholian artistic direction except turned up beyond 10 or something like Disney Princesses (like she said) but a more adult, grungier version.

I hope the single artwork and album artwork are more interesting, tbh.
The ARTPOP Gaga photo is perfection. It's exactly what I want her to go for in the next era: Futuristic, sleek and simple. With this clean look and the potential for the app, I genuinely believe that her new music will be more substantial for pop music than Born This Way was. Hopefully I'm not wrong.


The ARTPOP Gaga photo is perfection. It's exactly what I want her to go for in the next era: Futuristic, sleek and simple. With this clean look and the potential for the app, I genuinely believe that her new music will be more substantial for pop music than Born This Way was. Hopefully I'm not wrong.

I share a similar sentiment.



The ARTPOP Gaga photo is perfection. It's exactly what I want her to go for in the next era: Futuristic, sleek and simple. With this clean look and the potential for the app, I genuinely believe that her new music will be more substantial for pop music than Born This Way was. Hopefully I'm not wrong.

It totally took me by surprise. I was expecting her to go a Warholian pop art vintage route, but I'm warming up to the futuristic thing too. It's definitely very Gaga and so far its looking like to be her best era of looks yet.


Hoping Bey copies these two looks and completes the circle. Knowing Bey, she might. :/

A new direction for Bey would be good for everyone. Even if she has to steal again, it would be nice for her to show the world something new. Futuristic... sure why not. I did like the African stuff she was trying to do with grown woman, though.
A new direction for Bey would be good for everyone. Even if she has to steal again, it would be nice for her to show the world something new. Futuristic... sure why not. I did like the African stuff she was trying to do with grown woman, though.

Beyonce isn't conceptual enough to wanna experiment with new looks and sounds, at least not for an entire era. Her craft is in her signature looks and performance so it's harder for her to wanna do a 180 and risk veering off into risky territory. I think unlike people like Christina, Rihanna or Gaga, the public doesn't expect Beyonce to shock people. They just want her to release R&B music and turn it out on stage.


Just would like to clear that up as I do not like being accused of such.

Just to clarify: It doesn't matter if you are gay, and if you thought that arguing ,"Well, I meant gay as in homosexual," was going to result in the ban being lifted when you said it was, "a gay ass song," you're mistaken.


Beyonce isn't conceptual enough to wanna experiment with new looks and sounds, at least not for an entire era. Her craft is in her signature looks and performance so it's harder for her to wanna do a 180 and risk veering off into risky territory. I think unlike people like Christina, Rihanna or Gaga, the public doesn't expect Beyonce to shock people. They just want her to release R&B music and turn it out on stage.

I agree, but DiL and B'Day both show some experimental stuff, while still being "R&B." I think Beyonce's niche is her R&B fusions. She can juggle R&B with another genre very well, and I think that's where the experimentation should come in. Now, I don't expect her to throw in a EDM R&B track or anything, but show me some rock/r&B, disco/R&B, and maybe she could really tickle my fancy with a dreampop/R&B song. It's weird, though, cause you can definitely see the disco and rock influence during her live shows, but they never really make it onto her albums anymore.

When I stanned Beyonce, there was songs like "Baby Boy" (and sean paul's verses were good for talking to girls so I kind of have a bias here) with a dancehall vibe, and the whole B'Day album is just a work of art in terms of R&B diversity. I don't think Beyonce has released anything as new and interesting since...well, Single Ladies was interesting...and I Miss U is just a really good song....but aside from those... nothing.
I'm gonna say this right now, I didn't really like B'Day. With the exceptions of Green Light, Upgrade U, and Freakum Dress, I think it was her worst album. Sasha Fierce remains her opus.

Make of that what you will.
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