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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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the other, more educated taylor stan spilled the tea on Taylor having an instagram video while Lizzy Grant was busy being a flop with an identity crisis, trying to save coins for plastic surgery.
Not only Tayloose tried to copy Lana's SIGNATURE aesthetic and apply it to her puerile compositions, she also tried to steal her look.
I'm not sure Lana was the one with the identity crisis. Don't forget how Lana also inspired one of your real faves.

It's nice to see how you ignore your own review too. But it's ok. Your seething gives me life.


Apparently, Solange was in Philly this weekend performing at The Roots picnic:


She performed T.O.N.Y.

And you know what? I ain't even mad.

While her older sister has been rocking micros in her hair to try and prove that she DOESN'T pray to the Gaelic deities of eternal whiteness, Solange has been sporting natural styles for years.

She better ROCK them big-ass dookie braids twists.






The song just clicked, I am here for this.

and idk if those are the lyrics.

Sounds like a reasonable follow up to X, tbh, which has always been one of my favourite of her albums.

Kylie is coming.



Skirt is such a bop, probably in my top 5 pop songs for the year so far (not that anyone else is releasing anything).



Skirt is such a bop, probably in my top 5 pop songs for the year so far (not that anyone else is releasing anything).

Well that's the thing, 2013 in the mainstream, thus far, has been an endless amount of trolling and teasers.

I still can't believe Bey is apparently gearing up for a November release for the album.

I swear that Grown Woman and her fucking around with it is going to impact it's performance. Radio stations everywhere here are playing Grown Woman throughout the day and once the song gets officially released it's going to be way too late for it to make any impact since everybody will probably be sick of it.

I don't understand why she wouldn't has just WAITED to announce her tour and all that shit.

But then again, we're in the "gap" now between her legs so maybe we'll hear more.

..............I don't know how I managed to turn that rant into Beyonce but nfwiusbufvoshoufvbedsuibfseifke


You know what? I never thought I'd say this, but...

I kinda WANT Katy Perry to come out and SMASH now.

Just to teach these hoes a lesson about taking shit for granted.

I want Katy Perry to start her era in the Summer, just like she's been hinting at, and SNATCH EVERY GODDAMN PROCRASTINATING WIG IN THE BUILDING.

Because I can't believe that it's fucking JUNE and the only notable release we've had thus far is fucking JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.

Because it don't make no goddamn SENSE for ALL these AAA acts to have CONFIRMED 2013 albums, but everyone is holding their shit until the end of the year.

Because WHY wouldn't you want to release your album when there is virtually ZERO competition? This isn't the video game industry. People WILL buy albums in the beginning of the year. But all these hoes are so obsessed with Holiday sales they wanna wait until EVERYONE else is dropping an album and there's competition at EVERY TURN.

Not a goddamn shred of sense.

At this point it's really looking like Katy's going to be the first diva at bat this year. And, if that's the case, I hope she drags all these LATE TROLLOPS across the coals.

She caught these hoes sleeping once already. SHE'LL DO IT AGAIN.


irresponsible vagina leak
You know what? I never thought I'd say this, but...

I kinda WANT Katy Perry to come out and SMASH now.

Just to teach these hoes a lesson about taking shit for granted.

I want Katy Perry to start her era in the Summer, just like she's been hinting at, and SNATCH EVERY GODDAMN PROCRASTINATING WIG IN THE BUILDING.

Because I can't believe that it's fucking JUNE and the only notable release we've had thus far is fucking JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.

Because it don't make no goddamn SENSE for ALL these AAA acts to have CONFIRMED 2013 albums, but everyone is holding their shit until the end of the year.

Because WHY wouldn't you want to release your album when there is virtually ZERO competition? This isn't the video game industry. People WILL buy albums in the beginning of the year. But all these hoes are so obsessed with Holiday sales they wanna wait until EVERYONE else is dropping an album and there's competition at EVERY TURN.

Not a goddamn shred of sense.

At this point it's really looking like Katy's going to be the first diva at bat this year. And, if that's the case, I hope she drags all these LATE TROLLOPS across the coals.

She caught these hoes sleeping once already. SHE'LL DO IT AGAIN.

Jessus J and Cher will do justice for me. Gaga can gag on herself. Bey I'll give her some coins . I got no beef with Katy she is better than Rihannus and I enjoy her music.


Katy is coming for wigs. They might as well mail them to her right now.

edit: how the fuck have there been like 4 singles called "Radioactive" in the past year and how the flying fuck is Rita Ora's the best one of those???
ed2: oh, Siasus wrote it. Bless.
1) Rihanna
2) Madonna
3) Taylor Swift
4) Britney Spears

Rihanna has the potential to be a decent belter I think; she has some semblance of range too compared to the others. She also has pretty good vibrato-riff transitioning.. I don't know the "technical" term for that but maybe Mumei knows. Her voice isn't very durable though and it falls apart live because she has no breath control, and I think her chest voice exhausts her head voice. Madonna seems to rely on her head voice a lot since her chest voice is kind of flimsy. Britney at least USED to adopt actual technique in her vocals in the beginning of her career, but relied on it less and less with each album. She used to actually pull off some moderate runs here and there but for some reason that was quickly lost after O!IDIA. Taylor Swift has shit range and her technique is kind of shot but she has a decent chest voice and can pull off a two-three-note riff here and there. I put her a notch above Britney because modern Britney just flat out can't sing. Like at all.

Re: Taylor Swift


Not a trained singer or anything, but I was particularly impressed with that performance as a former non-fan of Taylor Swift.
November release for Bey? ugh.

As much as I'm excited for 5 it's nothing compared to how excited I am for ARTPOP. That album is gonna be otherworldly and it's gonna engulf everything in its path. Unlike the others though, Bey will be probably be fine. Lol


November release for Bey? ugh.

As much as I'm excited for 5 it's nothing compared to how excited I am for ARTPOP. That album is gonna be otherworldly and it's gonna engulf everything in its path. Unlike the others though, Bey will be probably be fine. Lol

Aren't you looking forward to Britney's album, Soul? :3


Have fun replaying a 13 year old game. But a Deadney fan would know all about living in the past.

Death @ a 13 year old game still being superior and have actual critical acclaim and an actual FANBASE. Have fun with the most hated FF series in history that literally two people asked for



Anyway besides the recent flop stanning above.

I use Selena's new song *___________*

The irony is dripping but I agree it's a bit of a bop. A basic bop, but still a bop amongst the insipid dreary ballads and mid tempo Diamonds reductions.

Dead at Tuna fhweihunfew


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The always cheerful Sky Ferreira made a cameo in the new Vampire Weekend video: Diane Young

Dat zombie better get to work on releasing her own music.

Stan this summer anthem.

One hundred lesser cameos could not make up for Jakey G in short shorts in the Giving Up The Gun vid tho.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I thought you were a little lamb though?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Um... but her latest video uses the same instagram filler bullshit she's been doing from the start.

That's what makes it so annoying tho, Born To Die remains her best video because she used to have video concepts that didnt start and end with 'Instagram filter'. Lana's videos have just gotten lazy. I hope she shakes it up for LP2 because more of the same isn't going to cut it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
The battle/job system of X-2 is heavenly and probably the pinnacle of FF but its a shame everything else about the game is trash and the story completely shits on the pro-women stance that having an all-female main cast is supposed to promote.


The battle/job system of X-2 is heavenly and probably the pinnacle of FF but its a shame everything else about the game is trash and the story completely shits on the pro-women stance that having an all-female main cast is supposed to promote.

What makes you say that?


The battle/job system of X-2 is heavenly and probably the pinnacle of FF but its a shame everything else about the game is trash and the story completely shits on the pro-women stance that having an all-female main cast is supposed to promote.

i so no lies until the last parT. >_>
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