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Possibly Manufactured Anti-Gay Campaign Targets EA Over LGBT Characters.

I'd be morbidly fascinated to see how this would've effected the Consumerist polls if these clowns made asses of themselves BEFORE EA was up for the finals/winner. I half expect at least a few would want to "get back" at people like this instead.
They were making asses of themselves well before. Idiots have been complaining about gay characters in Bioware games since DA:O.


Do those people know that they can simply... not interact with those LGTB characters? Hell, in DA:O you can even kill Zevran just before he joins your party. It's not like gay sex is a must-do quest in those games, it's an optional content.

And :lol at the "Remember Sodom".

And about those "children". I hope those concern parents know that SW is rated T, while Dragon Age and Mass Effect games are rated M. Those "children" shouldn't even play those games in the first place.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
EA can't cut a break between this, being ridiculously voted the worst company and the Mass Effect 3 ending outrage. And this is just compounded furthermore by the fact that this anti-gay campaign is targeting Mass Effect 3 as well.

Didn't know SWTOR has LGBT themes. That is a little surprising, only because it wouldn't really be expected in SW, unless it has been mentioned before in the EU.



Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Do those people know that they can simply... not interact with those LGTB characters? Hell, in DA:O you can even kill Zevran just before he joins your party. It's not like gay sex is a must-do quest in those games, it's an optional content.

And :lol at the "Remember Sodom".

And about those "children". I hope those concern parents know that SW is rated T, while Dragon Age and Mass Effect games are rated M. Those "children" shouldn't even play those games in the first place.

The people who create alarmism over video games tend to always frame them inherently as children's toys.

I'm sure for some of them, that's just disingenuous politics. But others probably can't honestly comprehend that some games actually aren't meant to be played by children and that the ratings on the cover mean something.


It's odd this would come out the day after EA gets voted worst company in America.

What are the chances EA tries to spin this and say it was these people who spammed the voting in that contest to cause them to win, just like they say 4chan is the cause of all their bad user reviews?


I could understand the complaint of openly gay relationships in a medieval fantasy game as if you kind of want to capture such a universe in a fictional setting you would want through emulating that similarity (outside of your mom sucking dwarf cock).

But with Mass Effect games, really? What the hell are you complaining about? Society moving forward would end up with those types of things being common place and accepted in public view. Well mostly accepted.

But then again these people arent arguing about setting but more just homophobic crap so that means nothing in the end.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Being 'pro-homosexual' is actually the old fashioned viewpoint. It is symptomatic of the moral ambivalence that was ubiquitous in the pagan world preceding Christianity. Quite an old view, really.

This went sort of unnoticed and I think it's pretty shitty.


I'm anti-gay marriage (if you must have a black and white summation of my views), and I don't care what kind of romance EA puts in their games because if I don't like it it's my responsibility as a consumer/parent to avoid it. It could be interspecies furry tentacle alien cyborg romance for all I care. So this seems a bit silly. Not to mention sending threatening letters for just having the option of gay romances is kind of silly when you already have the option of murdering hundreds, stealing, lying, etc.

Same old "I don't want to take responsibility as a parent" crap.


How long before Fox News perverts and distorts the circumstances and choices in game to state that it is "forced" upon the "Everyone who plays the game".

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
How long before Fox News perverts and distorts the circumstances and choices in game to state that it is "forced" upon the "Everyone who plays the game".

I'm pretty sure something like that happened about a month ago. I even think Jon Stewart riffed on their report.
I'm anti-gay marriage (if you must have a black and white summation of my views), and I don't care what kind of romance EA puts in their games because if I don't like it it's my responsibility as a consumer/parent to avoid it. It could be interspecies furry tentacle alien cyborg romance for all I care. So this seems a bit silly. Not to mention sending threatening letters for just having the option of gay romances is kind of silly when you already have the option of murdering hundreds, stealing, lying, etc.

Same old "I don't want to take responsibility as a parent" crap.

If they legalize gay marriage they're not going to make you get gay married too.


How long before Fox News perverts and distorts the circumstances and choices in game to state that it is "forced" upon the "Everyone who plays the game".
Wasn't there a similar article about a previous Bioware game? Anyone have a link?


I've tried explaining this to some people at my old church (one of the main reasons I moved churches). They kept trying to say they weren't "homophobic." I kept telling them that they were. Why else would they focus on homosexuality (an personal decision with no meaningful external consequences) as the biggest plague on America rather than (just as an example) abortion, where the stakes are life and death if you're wrong?
Really? Wow. I never knew that. Thank you.

Well nobody would know it from your post. You don't mind gay relationships in games because they don't affect you unless you choose otherwise. But you're against gay marriage in real life where two gays marrying have no affect on you unless you choose otherwise. But I'll gladly read your response but this will be my last post on the topic lest I get banned for derailing the thread.


While I haven't done to much research my self, I have heard some mummering that EA is actually fueling this controversy to distract investors from them being voted worst company and their stock value doing poorly.

But that may be just some Conspiracy Theory BS.
I can buy it. Too coincidental.


Well nobody would know it from your post. You don't mind gay relationships in games because they don't affect you unless you choose otherwise. But you're against gay marriage in real life where two gays marrying have no affect on you unless you choose otherwise. But I'll gladly read your response but this will be my last post on the topic lest I get banned for derailing the thread.

That's why I said in my post that my gay marriage position was not black and white (I think the state should not be having anything to do with marriage, for starters). I didn't go into detail for the sake of avoiding a thread derail.


I'm anti-gay marriage (if you must have a black and white summation of my views), and I don't care what kind of romance EA puts in their games because if I don't like it it's my responsibility as a consumer/parent to avoid it. It could be interspecies furry tentacle alien cyborg romance for all I care. So this seems a bit silly. Not to mention sending threatening letters for just having the option of gay romances is kind of silly when you already have the option of murdering hundreds, stealing, lying, etc.

Same old "I don't want to take responsibility as a parent" crap.

Off topic: While I am don't feel like getting drawn in to a big long debate at this point, this kind of post makes me shiver. Let me preface by saying there are no issues in having an opinion of a matter and then keeping it oneself especially if it is hateful or infringes upon the freedom of others. That said, passing down prejudices and bigotry to children play a key role in holding back progression of the society as a whole and creating internal friction resulting in pain and suffering for either one or all parties involved. There is a difference between being gay, being neutral and objecting to something that will never affect your life but it will affect someone else's. And to an extent it sickens that there are so many LGBT phobic individuals who think legalizing gay marriage would all of a sudden turn others gay and that people who are LGBT are somehow "less" of human beings. Bigots and prejudiced individuals never really have a scientific basis for their argument. When in doubt most of them simply turn to their version of the archaic "good book" for answers or parrot what they have been told by their elders. Either that or as a defence mechanism spread irrational fear among people.

If one thinks long and hard, one will see that these rules/boundaries are placed for the sake of conformity and cleansing. Not really far removed from Nazism.

I am privileged to live in Canada where at least the law doesn't allow these bigotries or prejudices. My country isn't perfect either (no country is) but at least we are going the right way pertaining to the rights of LGBT.

It is our duty as parents to teach our kids what is right and wrong. But if the evolution of society has taught us anything, it is that the wrongs which pertain to subjugation or oppression of certain groups who are different from perceived majority is some way shape, form or function, are slowly but surely removed. I've always maintained that parenting is both good and a necessary evil for they/he/she will teach you about the wonderful things from their/his/her perspective/s but also either knowingly or unknowingly pass on their/his/her bigotry and prejudices. Good thing is kids are maturing faster than ever.

On topic:

Well one thing to remember is that games are becoming more complex than ever before and the exploration of "Taboo" topics are absolutely justified. Plus, this case seems to be user defined action and as such no is forcing anyone to do anything he/she may want to refrain from doing. So in the end, if you want your child to follow in your homophobic footsteps then tell them to stop playing the game.


That's why I said in my post that my gay marriage position was not black and white (I think the state should not be having anything to do with marriage, for starters). I didn't go into detail for the sake of avoiding a thread derail.

Yeah yeah we've all heard it before. it's a pedantic argument that exists in a fantasy land where marriage is only the spiritual binding of two beings with no legal or societal usefulness. Forget all the contracts, child care, inheritance, medical care that comes with marriage! Let's stand our ground in getting government out of everything!


Ha! Now GAF has to support EA, what a twist.
EA doesn't come out looking good. Their defense is almost as idiotic and ignorant as the letter writers' attack: "Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment."

Why in the world should the possibility of a gay relationship be included in "content descriptors." It's an a priori claim that gay relationships are objectionable (or potentially so) and thus require content advisory warnings. I'm assuming that same-sex relationships get lumped in "sexual content." Ugh. So, no, EA doesn't come out of this looking good. They come out looking like asswipes whose only good quality is that they know how to speak legalese better than this letter writing group. Imagine if there was a warning label on a game that said "Rated M for potentially objectionable interracial relationships." Ignorance is ignorance.

Make no mistake, both EA and these letter writers are attacking gay rights. One is just more subtle about it.


EA doesn't come out looking good. Their defense is almost as idiotic and ignorant as the letter writers' attack: "Every one of EA's games includes ESRB content descriptors so it's hard to believe anyone is surprised by the content. This isn't about protecting children, it's about political harassment."

Why in the world should the possibility of a gay relationship be included in "content descriptors." It's an a priori claim that gay relationships are objectionable (or potentially so) and thus require content advisory warnings. So, no, EA doesn't come out of this looking good. They come out looking like asswipes whose only good quality is that they know how to speak legalese better than this letter writing group. Imagine if there was a warning label on a game that said "Rated M for potentially objectionable interracial relationships." Ignorance is ignorance.

Make no mistake, both EA and these letter writers are attacking gay rights. One is just more subtle about it.

I can see why it comes off that way, but I don't think he's actually saying 'The ESRB warns about it, so it's okay to have gay content.' For starters, the ESRB rating doesn't say anything about lgbt content (and if it did, that would be an issue to take up with ESRB, not EA). I think he's more suggesting that the game has an ESRB rating, and that should be sufficient for the purpose of protecting children. At the very worst, I'd say he's implying that the writers should take issue with ESRB for not mentioning it in the game's content rating if they have a problem with it.
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