2) I dont understand you naming Sony IP's. Aside from Spiderman what Sony first party character is a household name? Like one that anyone can recognize. That even my uncle can recognize. There is only a few Mario, Sonic, Lara Croft, Pikachu. Most people think Link's name is Zelda.
They not ready to hear this lol I've said this for years now, Sony simply doesn't really have those characters as iconic house hold names and believe its literally one of the reasons why they move monster units every single generation.
You go into a Playstation generation with no notion of 100% of what Sony will put out, we know not of what will move 20 million units, as its not like we knew of God Of War, Jak and Daxter or Sly during the PS1 days, we didn't know of Uncharted or The Last Of Us during the PS2 days, we didn't know of Days Gone, Horizon, Ghost Of Tsushima etc during the PS3 days etc. Yet they moved monster units, at this point...THAT is the appeal, that is the thing many PS gamers buy PS systems for, this idea that out of nowhere some brand new AAA IP can come out and be the new big series Sony makes. So because of this, they don't really rely or live for 1 or 2 IP, 1 or 2 fucking IP can't really break PS because they don't fucking live off of JUST 1 or 2.
You ask someone if they like Mario or Zelda or Animal Crossing or Pokemon and they tell you no, they not buying a Nintendo 95% lol
You ask someone if they like Halo or Gears and they say no....guess what?
Thats why i think its best to focus on the quality teams vs JUST trying to force evergreen IP to be icons or mascots or house hold names etc. It forces this notion that you need to even give a fuck about those IP to own the system or that IP doing well or not will make or break them etc. Nintendo can do that, MS imho can't, they failed so many times its like....give that shit a rest. Its why I'm happy Sony just let Killzone, Resistance. We got 3 to 4 great games, move the fuck on. Return with a remake, reboot etc and I'm hype, but I'm also hype to let to fucking team move the fuck on to something brand new, thus we got Horizon breaking records, we get Spiderman breaking records....
If thats MS, those IP never get made, they just keep force fucking Halo and Gears and questioning why they keep selling less software and hardware every generation compared to Sony and Nintendo. That is an idea Nintendo can get away with, not MS, not Sony.
They think that "well LOTS of people KNOW Master Chief doe" and shit, how is that working for MS right now? They moved more units then their revivals? They break record sales with that idea or? People assume that is all the do, thus avoid them based on not liking 1 Halo game. We do that all the time here btw "oh just another AssCreed" so if they fucking made a system and thats all the put out, why would anyone think KNOWING the AC brand is a house hold name magically mean your mind would change on the IP if you hate it currently? yea.....many didn't fucking think about that lol You can't hate an IP you never heard of though.
Sega would be a great buy for Sony too.
Agreed. That would be a solid buy.
The lolz. I agree with you that quality needs to be factored, that being said..... Pac Man and Doom are not moving more units then Call Of Duty, despite being iconic house hold names that my parents know, same with Halo.
The fact that PS moves more units every generation, Sony moves more software every generation should literally show people that this idea of "iconic" can only go so far, that image might also start to work against you. As in...someone not liking Halo and continuing to fucking see the same image used might just that all MS now cares about is an IP they now hate, thus they no longer buy an XB.
That is hard to do with PS as they cycle thru major IPs a lot.
As in..you can hate Infamous and like Ghost.
Hate The Last Of Us and like Uncharted or hate the new IP ND is working on now
Hate Killzone and like Horizon
Hate Syphon Filter and Like Days Gone, or even like the new IP Bend is working on right now
Because they don't live and die on just marketing a few IP to death, it means they can get new fans in all the time.
I agree with you 100% about how iconic those figures are, but hear me out.....what the fuck has that done for MS lately? How many generations did that help MS move more units and more software? MS literally has moved less software and less hardware then their previous generation, as in....as the IPs got OLDER, they moved LESS UNITS both software and hardware. So what ever those gamers disliked about Halo on 360, is what likely led to them not buying a XONE, but when you just give the biggest budgets to Halo and Gears wtf do you expect when that same base RECOGNIZES the things they hate is now all you want to put money behind?
So I don't disagree with what you are saying with the brand, iconic figures etc. We all know most won't get Kratos vs Halo Guy lol I'd never put my life on that bet (deep lolz) yet that is the point I'm making friend.
Yet God Of War 2018 moved MORE units.