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Preacher |OT| The Beginning Is Nigh - Sundays 10/9c on AMC


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that

Episode 1: 2.4 million viewers and 0.9 A18-49
Episode 2: 2.1 million viewers and 0.8 A18-49
Episode 3: 1.8 million viewers and 0.7 A18-49
Episode 4: 1.1 million viewers and 0.4 A18-49

Now that is quite the drop. Hopefully when the show picks up the ratings will too.

Oh dear. How low can it go? How low can it go? How low can it go?

Honestly wouldn't be shocked if it went down a little more. Probably going to be more people watching the Game of Thrones season finale rerun than this.

It also might not be connecting with the audience. This isn't the type of show that is going to butter everyone's bread. Comic is popular among people that read comics, but it isn't Superman or anything. So purists might just be watching out of morbid curiosity. I think someones enjoyment of the show rests almost completely on how much they enjoy Jesse, Cassidy, and Tulip.


I don't know if its "morbid curiosity" but I'm watching just to see where the hell this show is going. To say the pace is glacial is a total understatement.
Basketball probably explained some of the drop, but hopefully not all of it.

Something this boring deserves ever dwindling ratings. I'd rather be watching The Strain than this. At least it can be entertainingly awful.


Doesn't help that Game of Thrones is on Sundays too. Maybe ratings will go up after this weekend, but they're gonna need it to amp up a bit too. I've been enjoying the show but it has been super slow and I don't blame people for not sticking around week to week.


I don't know if its "morbid curiosity" but I'm watching just to see where the hell this show is going. To say the pace is glacial is a total understatement.
Yeah it's bizarre how much nothing is going on. Feels like a third season slump, and the show has barely gotten off the ground.


I just cannot believe the people calling this boring. Have mindsets been altered THIS much over the past few years? I didn't think the proceedings were 'slow' by any means. There were developments in the last two episodes, and granted they weren't as frantic as the first two, things bloody well happened. Why does everyone want blazing content these days? Hold your horses. It was only the fourth episode, jeez.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I just cannot believe the people calling this boring. Have mindsets been altered THIS much over the past few years? I didn't think the proceedings were 'slow' by any means. There were developments in the last two episodes, and granted they weren't as frantic as the first two, things bloody well happened. Why does everyone want blazing content these days? Hold your horses. It was only the fourth episode, jeez.

I've gone over several times through out the thread over my issues with the show, the pacing being one of them. As I said, lets talk about Odin Quincannon. He's been in almost every episode and has had several scenes in most. Now what about him or his storyline has advanced all? Most every scene he barely says or does anything except act menacing and weird and we know he's got some disgusting and bizarre fetishes/kinks. Now in 4 episodes what has actually changed, advanced, been learned and so on? Very little to nothing and yes I know he has interacted with other characters but yet again, it amounted to a whole lot of nothing.

This is just one of my issues with the show and just one of its characters. We could also get into how they are really poorly handling these "flash backs" and the "mystery". With the second episode I thought we'd be getting some nice lead in's every episode about the... umm cowboy but nope that was dropped and just left things hanging and even more confusing. The show just makes a ton of very odd choices and sometimes outright dumb ones that seem arbitrary and a lot more "artistic" than they think they are. Its really pushing the the whole, show don't tell, and keep in the dark idea but without leaving much to cling to.


I just cannot believe the people calling this boring. Have mindsets been altered THIS much over the past few years? I didn't think the proceedings were 'slow' by any means. There were developments in the last two episodes, and granted they weren't as frantic as the first two, things bloody well happened. Why does everyone want blazing content these days? Hold your horses. It was only the fourth episode, jeez.

I wouldn't call it boring but it lacks focus. Its jumping around to these random characters with no context or anything, that, interesting happening. It seems a predictable, and doesnt seem to be going anywhere interesting in general. Like lets just watch these two guys get worried about the telephone ringing and sit around eating food.


The glacial pace and the fact anyone who hasn't read the comics most likely still has no clue what's going on doesn't make for great TV.

I'm just hoping it makes it to Season 2 so we can see the real interesting stuff :(

The fact that AMC has a rep for budget cuts, along with dwindling ratings, doesn't bode well for quality even if it does get renewed, which it likely will.
We liked the first ep, but the show is so random and doesn't make much sense. We never read the books, so yea we are probably left out, and my wife who was intrigued by first ep, is wanting to bail already so yea... they dun fucked up

I just cannot believe the people calling this boring. Have mindsets been altered THIS much over the past few years? I didn't think the proceedings were 'slow' by any means. There were developments in the last two episodes, and granted they weren't as frantic as the first two, things bloody well happened. Why does everyone want blazing content these days? Hold your horses. It was only the fourth episode, jeez.

Please, what we want is a coherent story. 4 episodes in, and shit is a mess of random and unexplained.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I just cannot believe the people calling this boring. Have mindsets been altered THIS much over the past few years? I didn't think the proceedings were 'slow' by any means. There were developments in the last two episodes, and granted they weren't as frantic as the first two, things bloody well happened. Why does everyone want blazing content these days? Hold your horses. It was only the fourth episode, jeez.
People are calling it boring because nothing is going on. The plot isn't advancing whatsoever, and whatever intrigue/mysteries they introduced haven't moved one iota.

Hstallion gave a good example about Odin Quincannon's subplot. It's friggin' boring is what it is. I can't imagine anyone caring about him.

I also don't care about any of the townsfolk whatsoever. The wifebeater and his miserable family, the weak and inept socially awkward mayor, Jesse's boring assistant, the church parish, I don't care about any of these people whatsoever. Hell even Arseface isn't doing anything entertaining. How the fuck does one make Arseface so boring?

Cassidy is the only thing this show has going on that's at least entertaining, but even then plot-wise it's not moving very fast.


I imagine this people in the saint of the killers scene

This is actually a good point. The only people who would even get anything out of this scene is people who read the comic.

If you haven't seen the comic you've probably already forgot that the 1800's scene happened, and by the time we see The Saint most of the non-initiated will likely have bailed.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This is actually a good point. The only people who would even get anything out of this scene is people who read the comic.

If you haven't seen the comic you've probably already forgot that the 1800's scene happened, and by the time we see The Saint most of the non-initiated will likely have bailed.

I really think they dropped the ball on this and its actually a brilliant idea to give us bits and pieces of his backstory before we really meet him. Start every episode with another bit of his backstory so they keep building and building to the end of the season, and more importantly the beginning of season 2 when shit really kicks off. Instead we got one bizarrely out of place scene as an intro and then they just stop anything to do with it, not even acknowledging it in a winking fashion, and just lead that entire plot thread dangling. There are so many dumb decisions made with this show.


We liked the first ep, but the show is so random and doesn't make much sense. We never read the books, so yea we are probably left out, and my wife who was intrigued by first ep, is wanting to bail already so yea... they dun fucked up

I read the comics (albeit 5 years ago and I don't remember a ton of it), but I feel like the show is pretty different and I don't know if you'd be served any better in having that background coming into the show. I'm still an episode behind so maybe shit took a complete different direction in episode 4 (doesn't sound like it though :lol) but the comic's story was structured as this big cross-country journey, while the show so far is a lot of extremely minor small-scale things happening in one town.

I don't know if they have any plans (or the budget) to move locations, and it actually hadn't occurred to me until after the pilot aired that the realities of TV production would actually totally impede that travel narrative from the comic, but I do feel like that's contributing in a big way to why things feel so dull right now.


I really think they dropped the ball on this and its actually a brilliant idea to give us bits and pieces of his backstory before we really meet him. Start every episode with another bit of his backstory so they keep building and building to the end of the season, and more importantly the beginning of season 2 when shit really kicks off. Instead we got one bizarrely out of place scene as an intro and then they just stop anything to do with it, not even acknowledging it in a winking fashion, and just lead that entire plot thread dangling. There are so many dumb decisions made with this show.

Yeah, it was handled very poorly. I assume someone uninitiated with the comics had to be scratching their head as to why 5 minutes of this show took place in the 1800s for seemingly no reason. This show is likely going to go an entire season and not ever gotten as far as the end of issue #1 of the comic.


I really think they dropped the ball on this and its actually a brilliant idea to give us bits and pieces of his backstory before we really meet him. Start every episode with another bit of his backstory so they keep building and building to the end of the season, and more importantly the beginning of season 2 when shit really kicks off. Instead we got one bizarrely out of place scene as an intro and then they just stop anything to do with it, not even acknowledging it in a winking fashion, and just lead that entire plot thread dangling. There are so many dumb decisions made with this show.

Its inexplicable. As I watched the scene I said to myself "this is probably going to be one of those things that ties into an end of episode tease." Like maybe we'd see a Western era looking coffin somewhere slightly open in the present or a shot of holstered colt revolvers heading to Texas or something but no 2 episodes later and still no call back. Maybe this week tho?


Fan of preacher since I started collecting them around issue 12 or 13.

Fucking love this show. I love the changes. But I'm ready for non-godly Jesse.


never left the stone age
Watched the pilot and they got fucking Rudy as a vampire? That sold me right there. And he's pretty much Rudy, as a vampire, it's perfect.


never left the stone age
He's also the only good part of the show, I'm afraid. :(

I dunno, I'm enjoying it a lot, I never did read the comics, not a huge comics guy. But I've seen adaptions of books that didn't go anywhere where I wanted them to so I understand the disappointment if it's nothing like you'd expected/hoped.
So I peeked at my cable box schedule because I thought it was Sunday, the next two episodes are called:

South Will Rise Again

The synopsis implied
something happening between Cassidy and Tulip, More SoK background, and Jesse being popular after the Quincannon incident.

The synopsis says
directly that Jesse comes face to face with Deblanc and Fiore and they discuss what is exactly inside him.

Well, maybe the show might get interesting again.

Maybe. Is there hope Morrigan Stark? We shall see.
Sorry to the people who asked about my tattoo, I totally forgot to add a subscription to this thread.

I think someone asked where the pic of me and Dominic was taken, it was at MCM Comic Con at the London Excel centre (UK). Dominic was super sweet, despite being in a bit of a grumpy mood he took the time to talk to me, tell me he loved my tatt and asked how long I'd had it etc. Oh and he was taller than I was expecting.

Anyway here's the tatt


And a close up of Jesse


P.S. I'm really enjoying the show, last episode wasn't quite as good as the first ones but I'm sure it'll pick up again.


After catching up on the last episode, it suddenly occurred to me that the show hasn't even aligned with the premise of the comic yet (tagged for non-comic readers:
God vacating heaven and Jesse looking to track him down and make him answer for leaving
). Is that something that the showrunners have said they're deliberately not doing (somehow? not sure how Preacher-like the story would be if it was ignoring the whole premise of the comic), or is the show just building very slowly up to that?


It took until the third episode of this show for it to finally click with me. Not at all surprised that the ratings have been on a large and steady decline, as it is both a very weird and very slow-paced show at the same time. Though I've been interested enough to stick around and see where it goes next, I'd say its appeal is too narrow to resonate with a larger audience.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Oh dear. How low can it go? How low can it go? How low can it go?

Honestly wouldn't be shocked if it went down a little more. Probably going to be more people watching the Game of Thrones season finale rerun than this.

It also might not be connecting with the audience. This isn't the type of show that is going to butter everyone's bread. Comic is popular among people that read comics, but it isn't Superman or anything. So purists might just be watching out of morbid curiosity. I think someones enjoyment of the show rests almost completely on how much they enjoy Jesse, Cassidy, and Tulip.

The comic is also like 10 years old. Its not like its a ongoing thing.

It came and went. Don't get me wrong its a modern classic and probably my favorite comic ever but it handles touchy subjects and is overall just a nasty piece of business, even if toned down for tv.


I considered the possibility of telling Quincannon to "serve God" potentially backfiring in one of two ways:

A./He would wind up complying in helping the angels with their mission.


B./He would become some sort of dangerous fanatic.

Guess it was B.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I'm still mixed on the show. I think it drops the ball far more often than not aside from the few glimpses we got of the Cowboy, Cass being good, and a few other things. I'm hoping it makes it to a second season but ugh at so many things.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
What did Odin Quincannon say after
shooting those people
? Rewinded a few times and couldn't make out what he said.

And yeah I guess I continued watching after all. :p This was a much better episode at least, stuff finally happened for once!
Two episodes to answer a phone. Another cliffhanger cold open. What were they thinking?

They finally make some interesting strides with the Angels in the diner, the normal folk having a revelation that Preacher has a gift, Tulip hooking up with Cassidy, and Odin's meltdown, and ended all on cliffhangers.

It's like the writers assumed that this show was going to be dumped onto Netflix all at once. This is awful pacing for a weekly series. Edit: and I also liked this week's ep.
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