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Preacher |OT| The Beginning Is Nigh - Sundays 10/9c on AMC


I'm curious, why cliched?

Talking to someone that's not there as an outlet for the character's inner side is pretty commonplace on TV. See Dexter, Lost, Six Feet Under, etc. It would only break convention a bit by being someone the main character didn't actually know, as it's usually pretend conversations with a dead loved one.

Heck even a lot of more normal shows can't resist dipping into it every once in a while to bring back a popular killed off actor.

I actually wouldn't doubt it if this show does end up doing it, just probably with Jesse's father instead.


As someone who's never read the comic, the pilot was pretty good! I definitely want to keep watching just to see where the hell this story goes as I have no sense of what's going on so far. Definitely it's own brand of quirky & crazy.

Really enjoyed getting to see the pilots for both this & Outcast over the weekend. I'm sold on both shows so far.


I thought the writing was the worst part. It really reminded me of Breaking Bad and it turns out the showrunner was a co-executive producer on it so that's good


Talking to someone that's not there as an outlet for the character's inner side is pretty commonplace on TV. See Dexter, Lost, Six Feet Under, etc. It would only break convention a bit by being someone the main character didn't actually know, as it's usually pretend conversations with a dead loved one.

Heck even a lot of more normal shows can't resist dipping into it every once in a while to bring back a popular killed off actor.

I actually wouldn't doubt it if this show does end up doing it, just probably with Jesse's father instead.
Vague comic spoilers -
Based on what I know of John Wayne's role from Wikipedia that's what I thought they were setting up with those flashbacks.

Because talking to a dead loved one is so common I think John Wayne would be a lot more interesting. I don't think it'd be any crazier than anything else that happened this episode either. I usually don't care about cliches though; in most cases it's the execution that matters to me. This is no exception...

I should start reading the comic soon.


Fucking loved it!

- Cassidey looks bizarre, but basically IS the character
- Tulip is very different, but she is fucking awesome - bubbly and violently fun over bitter and violently spiteful is much better
- also she is so fucking hot
- the grindhouse style of direction is fantastic - I hope it keeps up like this


I'm a huge Preacher fan, it's one of my all-time favorite comics, and this was AWESOME! Sure, it's different from the books but fuck it, let's see these characters I love in a different way and what shit they get into.


I'm glad it's different. Very pleased. Still has the tone and is similar enough, characters so far are perfect except for arseface which would be impossible. It's great not knowing exactly what will happen next when watching.
I liked this more. The tones are really different, the Outcast pilot played everything extremely straight and serious. It does that well, some genuinely unnerving moments in it. But Preacher obviously has a much bigger budget for outlandish effects, plus Tulip and Cassidy got amazing introductions.

I'm going to try and keep up with both.

The opening of Outcast is incredibly sick and disturbing! It keeps at it throughout. Watch it. Two good comic book shows at the same time isn't something we get often.

Just watched the first episode of Outcast. I liked both shows. Preacher defineitly has more of a comic book feel and has more standout characters. I'm looking forward to following both.


I thought it was pretty bad to be honest, big fan of the comics but I didn't come in expecting much to be adapted fully if at all. Judging it on it's own merits as a show, I really dislike the editing and mostly the pacing.

I'm in for the entire ride so I'll keep watching. So far can't say I enjoyed it.


I loved it entirely. I realize I was wrong to be weary of it not being a straight adaptation, I think this is actually much better. Very pleasantly surprised and I'm thinking this is really going to take off.
Hey do you guys want some Funko toys from the main characters ?


Of course by "main characters" I mean only the main MEN, why would I say otherwise ?
I want that Cass so bad, but no sunglasses ruins it :(
Just watched the pilot. Never seen the comics so as someone who was coming into this fresh I really enjoyed it. I can definitely see myself keeping up with this. Seems right up my alley. Will definitely have to check out the comics to see how things differ.


Know absolutely nothing about the comic, but I watched it. Wasn't sure it was going to be my thing, but as the episode went on, I enjoyed it. The vibe is really unlike anything I'm currently watching, so it felt really fresh to me and I'll continue on with it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Dude can you spoiler this shit man Wtf....
Edit your quote then, I edited mine. But to be honest, the spoiler you refer to happens in issue #1, so we're really splitting hairs here.



Last Sunday evening, "Preacher" debuted on AMC to modest ratings. Deadline reports the premiere pulled in 2.4 million total viewers with 1.1m in the key 18-49 demographic.

In comparison to the network's debut of "Into The Badlands," which scored 6.39m viewers in the same time slot in November, "Preacher" got off to a soft start. The premiere faced some heavy competition in its time slot, as it aired during the Billboard Music Awards and the NBA and NHL playoffs as well as a new episode of "Game of Thrones.
Edit your quote then, I edited mine. But to be honest, the spoiler you refer to happens in issue #1, so we're really splitting hairs here.

Why does that matter? A lot of us haven't read the comic and the incident you're talking about hasn't happened in the show yet, so it should be spoiled.


No bald cap? Lies!

Last Sunday evening, "Preacher" debuted on AMC to modest ratings. Deadline reports the premiere pulled in 2.4 million total viewers with 1.1m in the key 18-49 demographic.

In comparison to the network's debut of "Into The Badlands," which scored 6.39m viewers in the same time slot in November, "Preacher" got off to a soft start. The premiere faced some heavy competition in its time slot, as it aired during the Billboard Music Awards and the NBA and NHL playoffs as well as a new episode of "Game of Thrones.

Might be the encore showing next Sunday will work out for the best as hopefully all the glowing praise and buzz will pull in people who missed the original airing.


Does it get better after the first 20-30 minutes?

There were moments that were vaguely interesting (on the plane, for example), but so far it has been very boring.

Haven't seen the comics or heard much about the series, so I have zero knowledge on the characters and premise.


Does it get better after the first 20-30 minutes?

There were moments that were vaguely interesting (on the plane, for example), but so far it has been very boring.

Haven't seen the comics or heard much about the series, so I have zero knowledge on the characters and premise.

Didn't find it boring at all. Not everything has to move at light speed to be interesting. There are a lot of good interactions between characters, good character development, fun dialogues and more. Plus, ofcourse the more faster paced action sequences which are a big plus too. But yes, the ending is awesome.


Didn't find it boring at all. Not everything has to move at light speed to be interesting. There are a lot of good interactions between characters, good character development, fun dialogues and more. Plus, ofcourse the more faster paced action sequences which are a big plus too. But yes, the ending is awesome.

No reason to argue why he's "wrong"... he's just asking if he should keep watching if he didn't enjoy the first 1/3 - 1/2 of the pilot.

Does it get better after the first 20-30 minutes?

There were moments that were vaguely interesting (on the plane, for example), but so far it has been very boring.

Haven't seen the comics or heard much about the series, so I have zero knowledge on the characters and premise.

I'd recommend finishing it up to see if anything grabs you, but I don't think much will if you weren't into the portion you saw. I think if you're willing to hold out and watch through the 4th episode, though, you'll have a much better idea of what this show will be about and whether or not it will be worth watching (for you).


walk into the thread, get spoiled

what a great start

episode was weird as hell, not sure how i feel about it. ill keep watching though, the action was good.
Never read the comics, but decided to watch it since everyone has been saying it's really good. Man, I thought it was bad. Sure there were some scenes that were pretty good, but overall it just fell flat for me. Maybe going in having read the comics would have swayed my initial impressions.


I thought it was pretty bad to be honest, big fan of the comics but I didn't come in expecting much to be adapted fully if at all. Judging it on it's own merits as a show, I really dislike the editing and mostly the pacing.

I'm in for the entire ride so I'll keep watching. So far can't say I enjoyed it.

Same here, not only they spend way too much time until Jesse
gets his power
, but key elements are too off and too cartoony. While I appreciate they don't want to slavishly follow the comic series. The comic's tone wasn't cartoony but more deadpan and sarcastic. Also Arseface didn't work at all, he was way too understandable and looked and sounded like someone buried in a rubber mask. I like all Cassidy scenes, and him and Jesse are cast really great but it definitively isn't the homerun I was hoping for.


Just watched it. Lots and lots of potential. Was enjoyable on its own. I know nothing about the comics. One of the more unique shows in a while.


It's really fucked up they won't make one of her but they'll do Arseface.

Of course they'll make one of her, they make one of literally everything. She's just not the initial batch announced for whatever reason, but they'll make one soon.

Anyways, as someone who had read but isn't a fan of the comic, I didn't mind what they were doing different here and I thought parts of it were really engaging, but other parts of it fell into the typical AMC melodrama lull. And while it is a nitpick, I do wish they kept some of Cassidy's look more intact regularly.

I'm interested to see where it goes, but I recall reading at least one review that said the next few episodes kind of meander around, which is another AMC trapping I was afraid of (this even happened with Breaking Bad IMO).

A show like this really has to hit the ground running early to keep the momentum going, and if it doesn't do that that's pretty disappointing, I imagine it would make for difficult ratings. I guess we'll find out in a couple weeks

Casting is amazing though.


Read the first issue of the comic before watching the pilot and I enjoyed the pilot more (but both are clearly different in comparison). No knowledge of what happens in the comic afterwards but I will continue to watch the show. It struck a great balance between style and substance/comedy and drama.
Same here, not only they spend way too much time until Jesse
gets his power
, but key elements are too off and too cartoony. While I appreciate they don't want to slavishly follow the comic series. The comic's tone wasn't cartoony but more deadpan and sarcastic. Also Arseface didn't work at all, he was way too understandable and looked and sounded like someone buried in a rubber mask. I like all Cassidy scenes, and him and Jesse are cast really great but it definitively isn't the homerun I was hoping for.

The cartoony nature of the presentation is exactly what works in this pilot. If they played it straight it would be a duller show I think

This obviously isn't nearly as good as the idea but it felt like what would happen if tarantino adapted preacher
The comic is one of my favorite things ever and I have to say that I really liked this pilot. The spirit seems to be there, also Tulip was awesome.


The cartoony nature of the presentation is exactly what works in this pilot. If they played it straight it would be a duller show I think

This obviously isn't nearly as good as the idea but it felt like what would happen if tarantino adapted preacher
tarantino was totally what i thought of while watching
- AV Club interview with Catlin, Ennis, Cooper, and a few others
The A.V. Club wanted to get to know the people behind Preacher in the most efficient way possible, so we asked the same four questions to two of the show’s producers and three of its stars, then had them ask a new question to one of their colleagues. Their responses touched on Preacher’s cinematic and comedic inspirations, the series’ anything-goes setup, and the fierce go-karting rivalry among the cast members.
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