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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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I was surprised how much Hillary appeared to get knocked off track tonight, I thought she was going to be much tighter but it felt like she actually was less prepared. Trump had so much be to hit on and it felt like it was barely touched on while Trump did what a lot of people like, attack attack attack that had her on defense at times.


awful debate

Trump was a zombie at the start but picked up, he did better than expected from the first debate. Played to his crowd with his brash attitude as per

Hillary didn't do as well as last time, a little bruising definitely

Who knows how it moves the needle, as bad as Trump still was I wouldn't be shocked to see him pick up some undecideds

and moderators were great, holy hell a million miles better than last time
for anyone saying "but how else would you do it?" from last time, that's how!


Serious question GAF. If you found loopholes to avoid paying a ton of taxes would you use them? That's the one thing I can't blame the guy on. I'd probably do it.
Hillary had a pretty weak performance. She played defense for a lot of the debate and didn't fire back at Trump when there were clear openings. Trump was unhinged and spewing diarrhea of the mouth, but he looked dominant despite it.


Between the ad jealousy and the "she never quits, never gives up, she's a fighter" Donald surrendered his pretensions of Alpha nature to the stronger, fitter contender.


I have to say, after this debate, it feels like it's back to the same race it was before the bus video. Trump lost the debate, but the fact that the scandal over that video was barely mentioned seemed to formally acknowledge that it was not a death blow to his campaign. It obviously was for many Republican officials, but now the narrative will just move on to the result of this debate.

Barely mentioned? It was a big part of the beginning of the debate.



ding ding ding
Only praise I'll give Trump is front loading the debate with the vilest, nastiest remarks, and ending it on a nice-ish note. Because simple folk will only remember the ending.

But of the 40 minutes Trump spoke, less than 40 seconds were of substance.

Hillary had a good, even performance. Talked about the issues but no major moments as in the last; even Kaine had some zingers.


ding ding ding[/QUOTE]

Undecided voters are simple.


Neo Member
It comes from that determinedly stupid contingent of low-information voters who finger-wag at "all those politicians, on both sides" who "just can't get along." It assumes that what is wrong with our politics and our country is the failure of the two parties to, just, like, get along! And it betrays the questioner's ignorance that nothing greater is at stake than two individuals being nice to one another.

I see your point but I didn't get that from the question. I certainly see now that it could come off that way to a lot of people which would be bad for their ideas of politics. I was just happy to hear something that they could answer like human beings and not as someone who needs to get the last word in to sound bigger and better than the other. But thanks for the explanation, I didn't catch it before.


Trump was terrible in the beginning but got "better" than the very very low bar he set for himself. Clinton held her chin up, looked shaky when on the defense, but didn't try to go for any killing blow. Overall, Trump fucked up way too many times to change the race and there will be plenty of ammo to use against him in the post-debate spin.


Like I said, what can you say nice about Trump? That's like asking what the math is behind making a SpaceX rocket work.

The Clintons and Trumps have rubbed shoulders for years. They have to have some link if they have been so friendly for decades.

Overall I feel the debate was generally bad. Hillary screwed up by getting into the mud with Trump. She should have just played it straight and talked to the audience. Trump was Trump and I feel came out no worse but didn't improve either.


So after all the moaning to the mods about Hillary supposedly having more mic time it turns out Trump had more overall speaking time. Happy now, whinging shitbag?

And, as I suspected the media are giving this a draw, which will undoubtedly help Trump.


Two pundits on Sky News saying it was a draw... I don't even. Not a Clinton fan but out of the two options it has to be her. Has this genuinely not affected Trump in the states?
Hillary won the debate but it was not a huge win.

Trump was acting like a deranged clown for the first 20 or so minutes as he was obviously really upset about the video, but he calmed down and did better as the night went on.

Obviously he never really answered a single question and just rants to get out the same 6 things he has been saying all year, but Hillary did not murder or put him away after that first really shaky 20 minutes.


Crossposted from poligaf:

I think Hillary has a serious problem with being unable to actually attack Donald.

He brings up Bill's problems, she deflects to talk about how much he sucks without actually addressing his statements on bill.

She doesn't do enough to point out how horseshit this whole email scandal is and is just trying to squeak by saying "I know I fucked up, wouldn't do it again"

She's got mad policy skills, but she shouldn't keep trying to tank all those hits, especially since she has bigger issues trying to communicate her meaningful and therefore complex policies while Trump works in soundbites that mean nothing but are easier to digest.

Oh man. I really hope the polls end up vindicating her, but after this spectacular weekend, I expected to see a televised verbal murder happen on stage. Instead, Raddatz chewed him out over his bullshit more than she did.


I have to say, after this debate, it feels like it's back to the same race it was before the bus video. Trump lost the debate, but the fact that the scandal over that video was barely mentioned seemed to formally acknowledge that it was not a death blow to his campaign. It obviously was for many Republican officials, but now the narrative will just move on to the result of this debate.

I dont think you understand.
I am disgusted.

Donald's bloviating, Hillary's utter non-defense of reality and common sense...

...I don't know anymore. Maybe I just wanted her to destroy him more gleefully.

It was pretty obvious that during the debate that she wouldn't assault him. It looked like her strategy was bring up things about Trump, but as part of her answer of what she wanted to do.

Some people like to see him assault her and it will play well with them, but that was the only really thing he done. It most likely will be mixed.


I missed some of the debate. Apparently Trump threw Pence under the bus? What did he say?

Can't remember what the specific question was, but the moderator brought up a policy Pence had described in the VP debate, Trump responded that he hadn't spoken to Pence in a while and disagreed with what Pence said in the debate.
I don't know. Hillary made a strong effort to appear dignified, but Trump comparatively was way better then his prior performance and the bar may just be that low.

Overall though I think this is unlikely to move the polls at all. Which is good for Clinton since she's so far ahead.


I think Trump won the debate. Hillary too milquetoast, no fire, didn't hit him hard enough. Trump was on the attack and he is at his best when he is attacking p

Chris R

Hill so lucky Trump is the nominee. She should body him at every turn but has to wait for him to do it to himself instead :|
The one issue with that answer he gave is it contradicts like, everything he said about her in the debate. He said she never does anything and is all talk but now he says she's a determined fighter who never gives up?

It's funny. Somehow the media won't pick up on it.
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