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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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So I dozed off and missed most of the debate. I woke up and tuned it right when the Islamphobia question. Did Trump do a lot better than the first debate? From that point he seemed to be doing pretty bad. He was babbled a lot, and I think got into it with the moderators a few times over time limits. Didn't seem like it was going well for him. From what I saw, Hillary was probably less dominant than the first, but she seemed very much in control for the most part. I'm assuming I missed the questions in relation to the sexual stuff from Trump?
I feel my mind and spirit is in an even more precarious position for bearing witness to this debate than the last one---2016 and this is where we are at on so many things? Ugh...

ding ding ding

Anyone who cares about those things hasn't been undecided in a long time
Serious question GAF. If you found loopholes to avoid paying a ton of taxes would you use them? That's the one thing I can't blame the guy on. I'd probably do it.
If Im making millions? I would pay at least a large percentage of it back to the government. The money needs to roll back in for the good of everyone.


sparkle this bitch
Like I said, what can you say nice about Trump? That's like asking what the math is behind making a SpaceX rocket work.

I said earlier. If you wanted to say family, say "The love for his kids" comes across much better. It's a complete bullshit question, but it's also what a lot of people look for in the "Would you want to have a beer with this person". And as I said, it's a bullshit question... but you still need to put a bit of thought into it since there are many people out there who can be swayed by it.

Basically it was a test question and probably the only I felt Hill failed at while Trump surprisingly passed.
Saying a soldier would still be alive under his leadership.

Admitting he hasn't spoken to his running mate.

Totally floundering on the Sexual Assault tape.

Talking about using Chinese steel.

Also admitting that he absolutely used the tax loophole the NY Times suggested he could have used. Now the "hasn't paid income tax in 20 years" line has verification from his own mouth.


Drumpf was terrible in the beginning but got "better" than the very very low bar he set for himself. Clinton held her chin up, looked shaky when on the defense, but didn't try to go for any killing blow. Overall, Drumpf fucked up way too many times to change the race and there will be plenty of ammo to use against him in the post-debate spin.

I think maybe it's perhaps because she got flack for trying to take on Trump at his own "gotcha" game during the first debate, so this time around she just didn't bother and played it safe.


Think Trump took it, but won't matter. The amount of disastrous stuff that has happened to him in the past 48 hours will not be covered up just because he did slightly better tonight.


Why are some of you feeling sorry for us? My perspective is that since Hillary doesn't hate immigrants, minorities and the lgbt community (and then a host of other issues...), you don't know what you're saying!

This is why "Both Sides" mentalities ala SP piss me off so much.
It takes immense privilege to even have the audacity to say that both sides are the same.


he doesnt deserve props, he acted like the vile piece of shit he always acted and went low every chance he could get., He is doing a press tour with rape victims right now. Get fucked any fucking piece of shit asshole that supports Trump.

Well said.


No Scrubs
So I dozed off and missed most of the debate. I woke up and tuned it right when the Islamphobia question. Did Trump do a lot better than the first debate? From that point he seemed to be doing pretty bad. He was babbled a lot, and I think got into it with the moderators a few times over time limits. Didn't seem like it was going well for him. From what I saw, Hillary was probably less dominant than the first, but she seemed very much in control for the most part. I'm assuming I missed the questions in relation to the sexual stuff from Trump?

It was honestly about the same as last time, only he did it in reverse this time.


For people who said it was a tie, were you judging both candidates equally or were you judging by how Trump is good at being Trump and how good Hillary is at being Hillary?

Otherwise I must question your listening skills because one guy was rambling all debate long and the other was actually attempting to answer the questions asked in the context of the person who asked them.
Serious question GAF. If you found loopholes to avoid paying a ton of taxes would you use them? That's the one thing I can't blame the guy on. I'd probably do it.

If I did it, I wouldn't then turn around and run for President on the idea that doing it is ruining this country. It's not that he does it that makes him look like a fucking dipshit, it's the hypocrisy.


I missed some of the debate. Apparently Trump threw Pence under the bus? What did he say?

Moderator brought up Pence's words on Russia and Syria from the VP debate which totally were at odds with Trump's stated positions. Trump just said "I haven't talked to him, I don't agree".

Moderator seemed in disbelief asking "You disagree with your own running mate?".


And Trump threw a fit for nothing

Lindy West ‏@thelindywest 2m2 minutes ago
so trump talked for 40:10 & clinton talked for 39:05, yet he threw 47 tantrums about not getting equal time. men think equality = oppression


People called Romanes they go the house?
The Clintons and Trumps have rubbed shoulders for years. They have to have some link if they have been so friendly for decades.

Overall I feel the debate was generally bad. Hillary screwed up by getting into the mud with Trump. She should have just played it straight and talked to the audience. Trump was Trump and I feel came out no worse but didn't improve either.

Yeah, there was a bit 'too much' getting into the mud. I recognize that you have to rebut the awful lies coming out of Trump's mouth, but continually spouting off your branded fact-checker (instead of someone potentially less biased), but the constant Donald=Russia comments weren't delivered with enough heat/substance to make them 'real', ended up coming off kind of tacky, a bit.

edit: To be fair, Trump destroyed himself on policy, and his base isn't big enough, no matter how incited they get, to give him a win, but the 'style' of Trump (the brashness, etc..) is what some people are going to remember.
How could anyone think Trump won that debate or that it was even a draw, good lord. Dude spent like half of it melting down, acting like a child, and giving non-answers. The low standard people hold him to is absolutely crazy.


Yikes that debate was so triggering. Hillary did great, Trump of course was a walking dumpster zombie with a mic.

Hillary definitely did not do great. It should have been a slam dunk night for her and she played defense all night. I'm disappointed in her after her win in the first debate.


Crossposted from poligaf:

I think Hillary has a serious problem with being unable to actually attack Donald.

He brings up Bill's problems, she deflects to talk about how much he sucks without actually addressing his statements on bill.

She doesn't do enough to point out how horseshit this whole email scandal is and is just trying to squeak by saying "I know I fucked up, wouldn't do it again"

She's got mad policy skills, but she shouldn't keep trying to tank all those hits, especially since she has bigger issues trying to communicate her meaningful and therefore complex policies while Trump works in soundbites that mean nothing but are easier to digest.

Oh man. I really hope the polls end up vindicating her, but after this spectacular weekend, I expected to see a televised verbal murder happen on stage. Instead, Raddatz chewed him out over his bullshit more than she did.

She needs to keep touting all of the good things she has done rather than worry about the zingers. It doesn't play well.


give trump his props people.

I thought he came off looking like a petty maniac. I was frankly shocked at the venom he spat. I don't want a person in charge who has that sort of anger for his political opponents in front of a national audience.

I cannot believe anybody thinks Trump looks better after this debate.


Two pundits on Sky News saying it was a draw... I don't even. Not a Clinton fan but out of the two options it has to be her. Has this genuinely not affected Trump in the states?

If the consensus is that it ended up a draw, then that's perfectly fine - Trump needed to win big and he really didn't. Throwing Pence under the bus might come back to hurt him though.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
He was incoherent for 40 minutes
He didnt describe any policy
He lied at an incredible rate
He hurled insults and interruptions
He suggested he would have her political opponent jailed

If any of you think he won, you are either insane or you watch too much anime


Think Drumpf took it, but won't matter. The amount of disastrous stuff that has happened to him in the past 48 hours will not be covered up just because he did slightly better tonight.

He was nothing but a petulant child who lied non-stop. He avoided questions, stumped speched, went over his time all the time, etc. etc. He lost and he lost hard.


How is this shit a draw? How the fuck do you even debate someone who's so loose with the truth anymore? Do you just have to calmly be a fucking shitlord nowadays to win?


I sleep on it and see how things are in the morning.

I thought Hillary was only okay, while Trump was... predictable and met his low, low, low expectations.

That kind of skewed measurement makes it hard to compare what should, logically, be Trump as a walking, incoherent disaster and Hillary with a clean win.
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