The sound effects are traumatizing. The game's sound design in general is incredible, especially for such a low-budget puzzle game.I remember the IQ demo creeping me out for some reason.
Oh boy, now that you mention it Dave, a firmware update and a weekly update the same day...
Given SCEA track record on heavy updates, it won't be pretty.
What have you guys planned for 08.30.2013 ? (._.)
I would have, but I can never seem to find it for less than 40-50 dollars.
I'm guessing the one on the JP isn't in English, right?
Do they still put new PS1 games on the store?
very occasionally
Do they still put new PS1 games on the store?
I'm thinking it may come later tonight. It's officially Tuesday in Great Britain.
You're from Great Britain?
<3 Willa.
Do they still put new PS1 games on the store?
I'm thinking it may come later tonight. It's officially Tuesday in Great Britain.
Nah, I want to visit there one day though! I used a world clock. =3
Ok, it's 28th at GMT. Where are my PSX games?
So I was thinking of trading in some Vita games for Madden today but even a game like Uncharted is only worth like $10. This CANNOT be a good sign IMO. I don't remember top PSP game prices tanking like this in the used market :\
PS: I decided to keep my games![]()
So I was thinking of trading in some Vita games for Madden today but even a game like Uncharted is only worth like $10. This CANNOT be a good sign IMO. I don't remember top PSP game prices tanking like this in the used market :
PS: I decided to keep my games![]()
So I was thinking of trading in some Vita games for Madden today but even a game like Uncharted is only worth like $10. This CANNOT be a good sign IMO. I don't remember top PSP game prices tanking like this in the used market :\
PS: I decided to keep my games![]()
Knowing Sony, they'll probably delay the firmware!
Everyone knows UK gamers are the best in the world.
Now where's my update! I went to the update section and was told a new update was available...turned out it was 1.69... :-(
So I was thinking of trading in some Vita games for Madden today but even a game like Uncharted is only worth like $10. This CANNOT be a good sign IMO. I don't remember top PSP game prices tanking like this in the used market :\
PS: I decided to keep my games![]()
Both good points. No wonder Gamestop is selling iphone/ipad stuff right now. Times almost up for the used game racket...
Still, the whole point of me buying physical games was for resale/giveaway options. If the game values depreciate so fast, maybe I should start going digital for the convenience
If you have a best buy around, they are doing double trade ins. Last I checked, Uncharted GA was $11, so you'd get $22 for it. I traded in a bunch of PS3/Vita games and walked out with $160 worth of PC gear, haha. The cashier told me the deal was going until the 1st btw.
They usually come out 3 or 4am our timei.e. in 2 or 3 hours.
Let's hope so.
This new vita firmware better have a CLOCK or I will rage
This new vita firmware better have a CLOCK or I will rage
It has the time at the top-right doesn't it? If you mean alarm clock...I won't rage if it doesn't come out yet, but I could always do with more.
Don't we already have a clock at the top right corner ?
Haha. Was making a joke about the PS3 firmwarethat one was requested for so damn long lol
Sorry if this has been asked:
Can I transfer PS1 games from my PS3 to the vita like you can with the PSP? I bought Tomba already and would love to play that on the Vita. I also have about 9 other games too.
The PS3 also has a clock at the top right since day 1. 8^)
The joke was on the PS3 clock being blocked by the DS3 controller battery icon. Or the daylight saving not working sutomatically.
Haha. Was making a joke about the PS3 firmwarethat one was requested for so damn long lol
When do firmware updates normally go live? Sorry if this has been asked before.
^^^^^This is so fucking much. I bought it strictly off of GAF hype and I can only play it 20 minutes at a time. Its just so freaking boring.I'm 20ish hours into TitS and every time I try to play it, I last about 20 minutes. I kind of enjoyed it in the beginning but then I just got bored of it fast. I really want to like it but I just don't.
I don't know if this is a new update or not, but I just got prompted to update my Content Manager (app that lets you transfer stuff between PC and PS Vita).
Guiz. Uh maybe things have changed but I can't figure out how to get my PS1 saves off of my PSP to my PS3....I could have swore you used to have to push triangle and explore or whatever and the would show up.
These are the saves I planned to use with Vita.
I don't know if this is a new update or not, but I just got prompted to update my Content Manager (app that lets you transfer stuff between PC and PS Vita).
I don't know if this is a new update or not, but I just got prompted to update my Content Manager (app that lets you transfer stuff between PC and PS Vita).
Crap. =[ I just got HOLV because the normal price was much higher and it looked better visually. I guess I sort of dismissed Boy and Girl because of the rounded looking characters and didn't think there'd be anything in it I couldn't do in HOLV. But after you said that I went and actually looked at some videos. Looks closer to the SNES original than the one I got. Only thing I didn't like in the video is all that mess you gotta clean up when you start, which you don't have to do at all in HOLV.
I don't know if this is a new update or not, but I just got prompted to update my Content Manager (app that lets you transfer stuff between PC and PS Vita).
Not sure, but perhaps you need to connect it to the PS3 before the option to transfer it shows up?
Another way would be connect it to PC by usb (unless you need custom firmware for that, not sure?) - transfer the saves from windows explorer - drag and drop them onto your vita backup folder for content manager.
I don't know if this is a new update or not, but I just got prompted to update my Content Manager (app that lets you transfer stuff between PC and PS Vita).
AAAAAAHHHHHOh hey, lookie here.
New Content Manager update creates folders for PSone games and PS Mobile games =)