PSY・S;41481919 said:Can anyone confirm that memory cards are now locked to one account?
Wait what?
PSY・S;41481919 said:Can anyone confirm that memory cards are now locked to one account?
This still happens in 2012?
I saw a few posts either here or in one of the update threads that you now have to format your memory card when you want to switch users.Wait what?
Somebody talk me down from buying a 32 GB card. I want to download all of my games on my Vita since I won't be able to use my PS3 until December, but on the other hand, they are eighty dollars, and I mean, that's eighty dollars, which, no matter how I look at it, is still eighty dollars.
I'm waiting for a 64 gig card. The price (though it is insulting) doesn't throw me off as much as the fact that I would still have to carefully manage stuff with that little space.
How many games do you own that you'd need to worry about space on a 32 GB card?I'm waiting for a 64 gig card. The price (though it is insulting) doesn't throw me off as much as the fact that I would still have to carefully manage stuff with that little space.
Oh thank goodness.
Another one for us with the 3G model who don't use the 3G plan: "No Signal" no longer displays in the notification bar.
Edit: Another one: notifications pop-ups aren't as big anymore. Megaton.
Seriously guys. 16 should be the minimum unless you're gonna stop buying games after a few months.
We're gonna need folders soon. Really hope it is in the next update.
Btw so glad to have the PS1 load up nice to hear.
Hope they add the extra control options for the emulator though, would be useful. Battery life doesn't seem to be draining too much either which is good! Although I've had it drop suddenly at times as well so not entirely sure how accurate it is.
Can you use the flickr app to post screens here? I tried finding a share button or a link or anything in the app but nothing's there.
Can you use the flickr app to post screens here? I tried finding a share button or a link or anything in the app but nothing's there.
Soul Reaver on the Vita!
mmh I've finished this game when it firdt came out and I've loved it
does it still holds up?
PSY・S;41482763 said:Either the Vita screen is brighter or my eyes are playing tricks on me. WipEout 2048 always felt too dark thanks to the 80% brightness cap but now it feels like I'm playing at full brightness. I thought maybe it was because I was playing in the dark but I turned on two bright lights and everything was still crystal clear.
I said the same thing! I think 1.8 did something to the brightness, see if you can go to max setting.
PSY・S;41482930 said:I still can't go to max in 2048 while racing but it feels like it's at the max. It's strange. Maybe the Vita's brightness was universally capped this whole time.
Ratchet and Clank never came to my school.I'm sorry, I have to post this here for you guys. Japanese Ratchet! So cute and hilarious!! XD
How come I can't get the backtouch to use with the browser? I turned on the Control with Buttons on PS Vita already.
There's a separate setting for the backtouch in the browser's settings.How come I can't get the backtouch to use with the browser? I turned on the Control with Buttons on PS Vita already.
There, there. It'll all be okay.Crying
Waited nearly 15 years for it but I've just downloaded bishi bashi special!
Aways heard good things about it and it sounds like the ideal Vita game! Will also download Parasite Eve 2!
There's a separate setting for the backtouch in the browser's settings.
There, there. It'll all be okay.
in the crazyness of 1.8 psone firmware my question will fail to be interesting but does anyone know what is A0000101 error when i try to sign in with flickr on vita? nothing on google....
Well sure, but if you arent going full on Vita digital, I think (hope) it should be fine for a decent PS1 digital collection + a few PSP games.
Flight Mode seems to actually work properly now. I used to turn it on to remove the AT&T icon in the upper left hand corner, as I could still access my wi-fi in Flight Mode. That's no longer possible.
A lot of people seem to get weird error messages from the Flickr app. It doesn't seem to be very stable unfortunately. : /
Ratchet and Clank never came to my school.
Seriously, I wish there was an eyebrow toggle switch in the Ratchet games. I'd be nine times more interested in them.
I meant crying in a positive sense lol the update is so beautiful <3
Mmm hmm! Those eyebrows are epic!
I've been giddy all evening downloading PS1 games and messing with the new OS features. Love how snappy everything is now.
When I try to connect to a wi-fi signal the Vita tells me that my system is in flight mode, so I'm assuming it's purposely not allowing me to connect.You are supposed to use WiFi while in Flight Mode. At least that is how it works in iOS.
I was just noticing how the home screen bubbles have strange jagged edges now. They almost seem to have lost smoothing in the updates.
You need to turn on the option in the System settings. You're slipping.So... I still can't navigate the system interface with the buttons? Or am I missing something?
You need to turn on the option in the System settings. You're slipping.![]()
I told you! In settings, go to system. There's a "navigate menus with buttons" option that you need to check.Gurl... Where tbh
You are supposed to use WiFi while in Flight Mode. At least that is how it works in iOS.
I told you! In settings, go to system. There's a "navigate menus with buttons" option that you need to check.
come on
I'll forgive you. <3 It should really be enabled by default.SMH @ this. I should be banned from Vita