All out for today minimoke but will add you and some tomorrow (psn is like Y_S).
I got cocky and screwed up. ):
Got a few people with that map ! But yeah need to remind myself not to play while smoking and to take it nice and slow/double check possibilities - love this app. My 'brain teaser' fix..
Smart way to hook you with the "in a row" feature being focussed on...and also I'm sure quite a few people with vitas will be expanding their friendslist now - especially if they realise how fun it can be - I don't think the initial tutorial is enough for that - they should set you up with 5 or so practice maps that you can play and don't count to score (offline only).
Me too

Doing a few hundred miles of travelling next week so hopefully pick up some maps.
Man...I can imagine some people just driving around with their vita haha trying to pick up maps - shame mine isn't 3G...!
Also thanks lazybones18 for the Ragnarok Odyssey - Quick Look
video, movement and controls look quite good actually...will consider it properly again! Might nab it while I wait for soul sacrifice.