Tokyo Game Show attendees who bring their PlayStation Vita to the show will be able to take part in an augmented reality game, Tokyo Game Show Detectives: Find the Missing Female Spy, at Sony's booth this year.
Tokyo Game Show Detectives is a free application that can be downloaded from the Japanese PlayStation Store. Using the Vita's AR features, players must track down the spy disguised as one of the many attentive booth "companions" by scanning the PlayStation booth for clues.
Those who successfully identify the spy will have a chance to win 2,000 yen in credit from the PlayStation Store.
Sony has another AR game playable at the show, Box! Open Me. According to a translation from Wired, players can request a brochure from Sony's PlayStation booth, letting them play a preview of the game. Box! Open Me, from PlayStation C.A.M.P. and Sony, will be released as a downloadable title from the PlayStation Store.