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PS2 - PSP overlap ?


And even i am moderately surprised
Now this might only apply to the 23 people left on the planet who don't already own a PS2, but now that the PSP is basically launching at roughly the same price as the new model PSTwo, would this not cause a bit of a splitting of the Playstation 2 demographic?

Obviously the PS2 has a wider library but the PSP has the advantage of being portable, and for houses where there is only one tv, means you aren't waiting for the families tv shows to finish.

Also , would this not put people off buying a PSTwo... at least those looking to replace their old unit?

You can get a smaller version of the PS2 you already own...
or ...
you can get a full , new, PS2-esque, handheld system for the same price.

I know theres holes in all of the above, but hey.
Maybe ... I guess.

The people buying the PS2 now are more the casual audience. If you're getting into a console when its at the 4-5 year point in its life cycle, chances are you're not a hardcore player.

The people buying the PSP initially will be the hardcore early-adopter crowd .... many of these people probably have had their PS2 since 2000 or 2001.


hyperbolically metafictive
i don't think the pstwo is really intended for people who already own ps2's. that's just something a few crazy people will do.
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