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PS5 Pro Absolutely Rocks, Says No Man’s Sky Developer



So far, we haven't heard much about the PS5 Pro straight from developers with the notable exception of the comments gathered by Sony for the official PlayStation Blog last week. However, No Man's Sky Engine Programmer Martin Griffiths took to Twitter (X) to share all his excitement about the upcoming hardware in a very spontaneous capacity.
This beautifully staged screenshot is a fair summary of how I feel tonight. Many of you have noticed that No Man's Sky is now marked as a PS5 Pro enhanced title on the PlayStation store - the only thing I’d like to say, as an engine programmer who has been through all the PS iterations since PS1, is that this console absolutely rocks.


Never doubt Cerny.


I'm sure if he said "PS5 Pro is difficult to work with"

You would say the same thing....
Yeah Right Judging You GIF

I woudn't believe it. It's just PS5 but more powerful and PS5 was already called the easiest console to develop for.

It's just funny that they have made entire article with zero new info basically and now we have this thread.


He did? I just went to Sony UK today and bought one... it's not like their selling out.

Was the queue procedurally generated?
There was a queue for day 1 preorders. Maybe he was going for one of the anniversary pro like most of us were that were queued up.


I wonder what pro enhancements NMS is getting. The article was light on content to say the least.
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This I can agree with. Not beating women. Lol.
Man just because I say someone has a punchable face it doesn't mean I am would beat them. The context is basically that I can't stand her, I am spanish, we make comments like that around here even we dont mean it literally

Going back to the subject, I am happy the developers like the console but when are they going to make No Man's Sky fun to play? It puts me to sleep every single time
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I woudn't believe it. It's just PS5 but more powerful and PS5 was already called the easiest console to develop for.

It's just funny that they have made entire article with zero new info basically and now we have this thread.
People will find negative in anything.


Wasn't this one of the games with leaked PS5 Pro enhancements before it was revealed?
No Man’s Sky was one of the first leaks in the hardware’s existence from developers



This is the best thing as far as developer adoption goes. Powerful hardware with good tools and easy implementation. I think we're gonna see tons of patches for older games, I would assume more than the PS4 pro.

Edit: Yeah some people on GAF seem to not care for games that are a little older. Well, it's your loss, I'll personally replay tons of stuff like I do after I upgrade my PC.
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A game from 2016 is going to run amazingly! WOW!

How can people lap this slop up hahaha.
This kind of comment makes no sense.

1) Being able to run older games better is excellent and why PC is great.
2) The game has been upgraded graphically since 2016, and even if it wasn't, 4k/120hz sounds pretty good to me.
3) He's an engine developer. He's probably involved with their other games.


Gold Member
"It's awesome!" — said business partner who doesn't want to disrupt important business relationship.
Lol that's not really the way it works. If it sucked he would just not say anything and be blasting them to their face behind the scenes.

"Absolutely rocks" is so very american it's jarring.

It's odd to be reminded people actually say it out loud and it's not just something 2000s high school movies made up
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