Here's my story:
I live in Brazil and last week a friend of the familly went to the United States. So i took the chance and bought a PSP 3000 off ebay, and he brought the portable for me on his way back from the trip.
It was a used model, with official firmware 4.20 on it. I already have dozens of my old PSone games ripped and ready to go, but:
I don't have a Pandora Battery.
I read somewhere that you can install CFW without Pandora, but i'm afraid to do it. I don't know if it's safe, and frankly, i don't even know how to do it, because every tutorial i see it says you need a Pandora.
Since i live in South America, it would take a lot of time to buy one of those batteries and ship it here, so i will try really hard to do it without this.
Local game stores are asking me 90 dollars, yes, 90 dollars, to install CFW for me, so i said fuck them, i'm doing this by myself.
So, can GAF help me? Can i install CFW safely without a Pandora? How?