Perhaps Dark-Alex is having network issues or something.
Try downloading it manually.
Try downloading it manually.
Adam Prime said:I tried the RemoteJoy a few days ago. It works extremely well on "slower" games (Jeanne D'Arc) but when I tried "faster" games (like DJ Max Portable 2 and Super Stardust) I noticed a lot of lag and a drop of frame rate when playing on the PC.
I guess that has to do more with my PC than the actual application right?
edbrat said:great thread, thanks guys. I've just installed CFW for the first time on my fat PSP and its brilliant!
- is there a maximum size of memory stick for use with CFW?
- once i get it, is it easy to copy everything over from my 1GB? Will I have to format it with the magic memory stick app to use it?
- also I copied my entire memory stick contents before I installed CFW onto my PC, is it easy for me to get my saves off there and onto new CFW enabled memory stick...theres 250 hours of Disgaea: AoD saves in there, yeah i guess i'm hoping this is possible :lol
Lyte Edge said:I have been having problems with the latest 5.00 M-33 and PSOne games. The games I have had for a while now no longer play; Vagrant Story for example will freeze at the first loading screen.
It also has been so long since I have ripped my own PSOne games that I have since switched from a PC back to a Mac. What is the best way to rip PSOne games with OSX?
Do use the new CFW'ed PSP to format the new stick, though, since it'll automatically create the CFW folders you'll be using.
On that note, I didn't see you mention it, but I would heartily recommend you updating your PSP to 5.00 M33-4, if you haven't already.
Yes, you can restore your saves, themes, etc., simply by taking that backup of your old stick and dropping it onto a newly formatted new stick. Specifically, the saves should be located:
B.K. said:Mejilan, what is the name of that organization homebrew you were using? I thought I downloaded it, but I can't find it. I bought an 8 gig stick a few weeks ago and finally filled it up. It's a mess in the menu. I didn't think I would be able to fit so much stuff on it. If I had gotten a 16 gig like I wanted, I could have fit every PSP game I have on it.
Mejilan said:Thanks for the update Dragona. I'll be sure to include some blurbs for Mac users whenever I get around to finishing up the comprehensive OP redesign I'm been slowly tinkering with.
Would you mind if I eventually contact you in the event that I have any questions?
B.K. said:Yeah, but I thought I'd read that with Game Categories, everything in each category would appear in the order that you put them in the folder. I guess I was mistaken. Still, the categories are useful.
Dragona Akehi said:Edit: Oh that reminds me, something odd going on with my Slim. It keeps showing a corrupted icon that PSPfiler says is associated with SNES9XTYL, and I have the hide corrupted icon option enabled. Any ideas? (I've just put it at the bottom of my list for now in the meantime.)
Mejilan said:Hmm. I don't know. Have you tried erasing the SNES emu and downloading a new version or something?
B.K. said:Ok. I'll try PSP Filer. All I really need to organize are my PSP and PS1 games. I only have two homebrew applications, so I don't need to worry about sorting them.
B.K. said:I guess I'll try the Content Manager then. I'm 5.00m33-4 though.
klix108 said:Does anybody know if there are any methods of turning my PSP on/off (sleep mode as well) using a button other than the power button? Theres something wrong with my power button, so I've just left my PSP on for a few days, but I realize that this can't go on forever and need some kind of fix.
edit- I have CFW 3.80 or something around there btw
I had the same thing happen. Ended up just downloading the M33-4 update manually.Blu_LED said:Weird. I just checked the recovery menu, and I have the M33 Network Update enabled, but when I like Network Update on the PSP, it tell my I have the latest firmware. Right now I'm running 5.00 M33. Any ideas?
chandoog said:im a relatively new psp owner, would you recommend me something like IRShell ? i've read its readme's and the feature list is pretty awesome, but i'm really scared of accidentally doing something to my psp(had a friend install CFW on mine, haven't updated the firmware in ages).
Blakero said:Can someone PLEASE give me a way to unbrick my PSP without another PSP? I have the Datel Tool battery, a MSDuo, and a bricked PSP... I must be able to do it with those three things.
You can assign controllers in the options menu.RadioHeadAche said:Has anyone played Metal Gear Solid on their PSP? If so, how do you successfully fight Psycho Mantis?
bryehn said:CFW coming to PSP-3000?
Get out your copies of GripShift kids...
wat.jpgexploit guy said:Here's GripShift, one of the WORST games ever made for the system