How hard does the Master-level Light Mech hit? I've been hearing the the light mech is one of the weaker mech dragons, but not sure if it extends to the Technical dungeons.
I'm pretty sure you can get a max of +99 in each stat--thus the +297 if you max them all--but no single stat can go above +99. So for an ADK you'd want to do HP/ATK because your RCV eggs are more vital to whatever you use as your primary healer. I'd never put RCV on anything but my healer until she has +99, but that's just me. I also don't put +HP on her because it would defeat the purpose of using her in low HP resolve groups.
If you use 99 +1 eggs, you don't have +99 to the stat. It depends on the stat. for RCV you get +3 RCV for each +1 egg. So 99 +1 RCV eggs is actually +297 RCV. Or am I doing this wrong?
Secondly, I guess my point is trying to find a way to avoid even bringing a healer in the first place. For 2x ADK builds people often bring a siren. What if you could put another dragon in there instead and still have plenty of healing?
I can confirm as true. I have both a red/green and a red/blue ogre, and Ive been running a lot of Wind Mechdragon lately. My ogres get the x2 from my Ifrit, even in the green/blue attacks. (Including attacks that are JUST green/blue.)Awesome if this is true. I'll test it out with my water/Dark Neptune in the light mech dungeon
anyone try Tower of Saviors? Pretty obviously a rip of, but plays a ton faster than PAD. Especially with Combos (one of the things that bugs me about PAD). Been putting in quite a bit of time today, already up to lvl15
If you use 99 +1 eggs, you don't have +99 to the stat. It depends on the stat. for RCV you get +3 RCV for each +1 egg. So 99 +1 RCV eggs is actually +297 RCV. Or am I doing this wrong?
Secondly, I guess my point is trying to find a way to avoid even bringing a healer in the first place. For 2x ADK builds people often bring a siren. What if you could put another dragon in there instead and still have plenty of healing?
Niiiiiiice.congrats! How hard was it? How many stones? Please post a pic of Zeus too if you don't mind![]()
I don't even want to say how many stones it took, it's embarrassing. The only reason I even decided to try is because some crazy guy on my friends list has a Lv. 86 AWOKEN Zeus (yes, he killed Zeus and already evolved him, then got him up to Lv. 80 somehow), so I figured it was worth a shot. Even with that, it was completely ridiculous. I'd be surprised of a 0-stone strategy even exists for this boss.
Haha ouchpost a pic of him plz
I'm curious
how much better in terms of skill is the awoken?
The unevolved one actually kind of sucks. His leader skill / active skill are identical to that of his evolved form, but his max stats are just kinda weak until you evolve him.
Here's his monster card.
The team I used could just as well have been anything because I was still getting one-shotted pretty much every time I got attacked. That being said, I had a lightning holy dragon leader as my leader, and Lv. 85 Awoken Zeus as my helpers leader. There is NO WAY in hell I would have been able to do it without the helper, because my attacks were basically not even denting him. I was lucky to even break his armor most times.
If I had to do it again, I would not even consider going in without a Sea Deity Neptune because his defense is so high that you NEED that extra damage from Poison. Oh, and an Echidna if you want to go easy on your pocketbook[IMG] ZEUS!![/QUOTE]
Hats off to you, man! Crazy you had a friend who had an awakened Zeus already.
Well after a disappointing weekend getting handed this a couple of times following many fruitless mech dungeon runs, and 5 lackluster rare Gacha pulls (genie, shaitan, earth golem, ice knight and naga)...
Scored the noble mech on my 4th run:
I feel kind of stuck with this game. I have an OK red squad which has carried me thus far, but no solid studs in the other colors. I am up to Sea Cave Mercury but can't beat the first dungeon with my red team and realize I need to switch to green.
Am I just supposed to grind out past dungeons to get a decent green team going for Sea Cave? I feel like that will take forever. I have a level 8 Green Dragon and a level 14 Brachys, and that's it. Should I plow XP into those while hunting for other green monsters (especially orb changers)?
I don't want to put more money into this...
So I take it Zeus doesn't drop in Gacha ?
His Leader skill is a bit iffy if you ask me.
Iffy how? As in not good? The possibility of 9x attack, which is 50% more than double ADKs, is fairly game breaking if you ask me.
Iffy as in you need 100% HP to get that, and without an odin/amu leader I can't see how that's possible.
2 Zeus's won't work on bosses that hit hard either, so his use is pretty limited.
Iffy how? As in not good? The possibility of 9x attack, which is 50% more than double ADKs, is fairly game breaking if you ask me. Especially paired with his active skill
I don't remember, but do you heal yourself before our after your own attack? The skill becomes a lot worse if you attack before you heal yourself, as then any enemy attack will put you under full health before you get the chance to heal yourself...but I honestly don't remember what congress first, your own attack or your heal.I know enemy attack is last.
Iffy as in you need 100% HP to get that, and without an odin/amu leader I can't see how you can maintain it.
2 Zeus's won't work on bosses that hit hard either, so his use is pretty limited.
I'm currently attempting Zeus and yeah, it' s definitely not pretty...
i feel you man. Hopefully you make it out with fewer stones spent than me. Warning: If your Chimeras are on the same timer, just exit the dungeon and try again, even if you've already spent stones. Trust me.
Fortunately they were on different timers, but I still died quite a bit. I'm on Zeus atm and he's at about 40% life. I don't have an awesome awoken Zeus friend so I used your Zeus (lol) and my Heaven Neptune as leaders. We will have to keep our stone expenses a secret, though it really isn't that bad considering what you get vs. the shit I get at the machine sometimes for the same amount.
Edit: Poison sticks, but damage is negligible on Zeus. Charging up your Zeus' skill and lots of combos with dark damage is the only thing noticeable.
Actually different is what I meant. Different timers is what you DON'T want on the chimeras because then you get attacked every turn. lol
Anyway, poison will make a huge different on Zeus. his armor is really high, I found a lot of times I was just doing 1 damage if I wasn't at full HP, which meant that unless I had just used a stone, oops 1 damage. If it sticks, that's a free 4k+ damage / round. He's got about 800k HP by my estimate, So I think poison alone could account for 20% of his HP depending on how many turns it takes you to kill him. It might not look like a lot of damage, but it adds up quite significantly over time.
Furthermore, the 35% HP cut is only of his CURRENT hp, not his max hp, so it gets weaker each time you use it. And you'll almost certainly need to use it more than once.
I'd be willing to throw stones at him, the Rare pull is such a gamble that it is very likely you end up with worse. Atleast here you are guaranteed something awesome.
I just lack the damage output unfortunately.
Is this currently the most difficult dungeon then?
Grats! I sent you an in-game mail btw
Nice man, thanks. I wasn't even going to try until you posted your success and gave me some courage, so thanks for that and the advice and for letting me use your Zeus.![]()
In case anyone wants to see what a levelled up Zeus looks like, here's the guy on my friends list who I used. ::cue eyes popping out of heads::