10 tries and no knights. Then, the eleventh try...
Not bad.

Not bad.
anyone have an english translation of the features and monsters in PAD v 5.0 just released?
Heh, when are we guna get an update?
There is no sense in why we are even behind JP, its not like there is a lot of localisation work in this game.
New monsters - Japanese warlords, Greek godsanyone have an english translation of the features and monsters in PAD v 5.0 just released?
You need both a 5* healer girl and a Resolve monster; one of them needs to be set as friend leader. Resolve dudes are semi-common dungeon drops.I never did rainbow keeper. You guys think I could do it with my monsters?
Yeah, completely agree. I'd be curious to know what the real reason is behind them not having us on the same version as Japan. If it was getting downloaded here millions of times a week would they be more apt to get us up to speed?
This is kind of status quo with all the Eastern freemium games I have played. The U.S. is usually 6-12 months behind and never, ever gets all the content. At some point the ROI doesn't make sense for them. Occasionally, they never even release a single update (some gPotato games I have played).
The only upside is that no game I have ever played has been attached to a company as successful as GungHo is. So, that is something to be hopeful about.
I can understand us not getting some of the special event stuff like the Famitsu mascot, but I would have thought that bringing the Square Enix/Final Fantasy stuff to the US would actually increase sales, unless they have some deal with SE thats its JP onry.
As far as I know there hasn't even been any word on an update so I can't see one happening any time soon.
Yay, just got my first keeper of rainbow. Used a pretty simple team, blue ogre + siren helper, light and dark rippers and two random monsters. Charged up rippers to clear waves 2-3 instantly. I didn't even try to attack the bosses, I just made any matches at the top of the screen as fast as possible to charge up the rippers. Whole dungeon took about 40 minutes. Also I discovered that your skill cooldowns won't go down if you don't make a match that turn, so you can't speed it up that way.
I might go again, he's the strongest monster I have at the moment.
Edit: Quick question, I've been putting +1 HP on my dark ripper and +1 ATK on my Fafnir since his skill is ATK based but its kind of a bad skill anyway. Do you think I should start putting +1 ATK on my light ripper or maybe my green lil dragon instead? Seems like I might get more use out of those down the line.
Is there a number of Rainbow Keepers I should keep around? I only have one that I got today. The only monsters I have that need one to evolve are my Ice Guardian and Beast Rider. I don't think I need more at the moment since I'm more focused on my dragons and trying to get an ADK.
The only thing to consider is that you might not get on x2 drop chance on the Keeper dungeon for quite awhile. It is a pain to run the dungeon and not get drops.
The other spots don't really matter, the rippers can take down the bosses by themselves. As long as your healer can get you above 70% health in three rounds you can't lose. If you have two rippers you can charge them up on the first wave and use them to clear waves 2 and 3, or you can simply kill those knights manually if you have a strong team.Would like to try the rainbow keeper. I can do an ogre and siren leader combo, but I only have a green ripper (I think I can evolve volcano to the last form). What should I fill in for the other two spots?
Ugh, I did 15 PAL pulls in the hopes of getting some lil dragons. (I only have the green on my droid) I got more slime's than anything, and not a single lil dragon. I have 20 pulls left, but not sure if I should bother.
New monsters - Japanese warlords, Greek gods
New technical dungeon (I think)
Buffs to various monsters
Following an update a few months ago where you could manage up to five teams at once, you can now select which team you want to use on the final pre-dungeon confirmation screen
Game now asks if you're at least 20 years old on the magic stone purchase screen, and if you answer no it asks you to clear it with your parents first (lol)
Max box size is now 500
Max friend list size is now 150
Some other crap I can't read because I don't actually know how to read Japanese
Also, PAD is nearing its one year anniversary in Japan... crazy how one game has made GungHo now worth more money than Zynga.
the pulls are mostly free, what do you have to lose?
Was not sure if there would be some cool PAL event coming up or something.
I would say Odin+Healer and 4 rippers is the best way . But not everyone has access to that setup, so Resolve is the second best option.
The other spots don't really matter, the rippers can take down the bosses by themselves. As long as your healer can get you above 70% health in three rounds you can't lose. If you have two rippers you can charge them up on the first wave and use them to clear waves 2 and 3, or you can simply kill those knights manually if you have a strong team.
Edit: Actually with that team I wouldn't advice taking on wave 2-3, they're kinda tough. Just charge up the rippers and clear them the easy way.
Actually the BEST way is odin+healer, zeus, sea deity neptune, and 2 rippers. Neptunes poison does more DoT than rippers, youre talking about like 5k / turn compared to 20k / 20 turns
Actually the BEST way is odin+healer, zeus, sea deity neptune, and 2 rippers. Neptunes poison does more DoT than rippers, youre talking about like 5k / turn compared to 20k / 20 turns
Anyone have an Odin up that I can use for Rainbow Keeper?
How hard would the Rainbow keeper hit with an Odin leader?
OK, since I got good help with my iPad team .... could I get some advice on what to level with my Droid team? I can also go farm some stuff (like lil's) if suggested.
FireDragon Tyrannos 26
Plesios 28
Wind Dragon Canopus 4
Marine Rider 20
Susano 6
Toyceratops 23
Mystic Stone Knight 4
Green Dragon 11
Brachio 9
Amaterasu Ohkami 36 (not until about 50 that she starts becoming a powerhouse)
Indra 30
Angel 1
Holy Dragon 1
Machine Golem 6
Basilisk 5
Devil Dragon 45
Leveling Mats :
1 King Ruby; 3 Ruby Pengdra
2 High Sapphire; 4 Sapphire Pengdra
1 King Emerald; 1 High Emerald; 3 Emerald Pengdra
3 King Gold
Yes and yes. Having fewer colours makes it easier to charge up without killing the enemies, although you may want to kill one of the knights in the first wave if you can't keep up with the healing.Thanks for the advice. Is it better to limit the number of colors? And by charging up, do you mean to just make little matches and draw out the 1st wave so the rippers are ready for 2-3?
Level those first. As a general rule of thumb, rippers (lil' X dragons) and 2x ADK will take you through most dungeons, so always level those first if you have them.
OK will do. Need to decide if I should upgrade my green dragon or the ADK first?
Also when people say they have 4x rippers. Do they mean 4 of the SAME color, or like one of each?
I think I saw someone running a light team and took it down in a few turns. I think Genie was on the team and was able to nullify the dark damage.
Once I evolve my Zeus I'll give this a try
What is the team cost for an evolved Zeus?
I would level the ADK first. Will make the rest of your dragons that much stronger.
I would assume 1 of each color. 4x same color would be...damn
Just checked some of the changes in 5.0, and it looks like they added active skills to the base level toy dragons. That makes all the duplicates from rare pulls easier to use for skill-ups, since you don't have to evolve them first. Too bad we likely won't see it for months, if ever.
@xCobalt, I wondered about brute-forcing Rainbow Keeper before, but never gave it much thought, since I didn't have the monsters to pull it off. I might, now. Genie actually would be a great fit for a 4x ATK Light team. Going even more aggressive, I think the best team would be 5 Awoken Zeus, and a Thor the God of Lightning. 5 Zeus skill activations would get it down to around 100K HP, and Thor's skill combined with dual Zeus leaders would boost everyone's ATK to 13.5x. It would be a 1-shot overkill even with only a single 3 Light orb match.
But what do you do if you get a light keeper in round 4?
Lil Green just popped out of the Pal Machine, woo.
I now have:
Aurora Dragon
Lil Green
Lil Red (two now, PAL just gave me #2)
Also have Dragon Knight and Mystic Stone Knight.
So at some point in the future I'll be rocking the whole ripper thing. It's just going to be awhile....
You have a great team already, anything will be fine. Just be careful not to go too high on HP, the Siren must be able to autoheal 70% of your health every 3 rounds.Hoping someone has a Siren up, but here is what I am looking at for a Rainbow run:
Blazing Ice Ogre (leader)
Meteor Volcano Dragon
Graviton Earth Dragon
That leaves me with 8 points left. I have already got three colors going so I think I should try to limit my choice to something from one of those. Echidna? Undine? Berserk?
Those aren't rippers...pretty sure they are the starter dragons for light and dark. Holy Dragon and Devil Dragon are the light and dark rippers.
Hoping someone has a Siren up, but here is what I am looking at for a Rainbow run:
Blazing Ice Ogre (leader)
Meteor Volcano Dragon
Graviton Earth Dragon
That leaves me with 8 points left. I have already got three colors going so I think I should try to limit my choice to something from one of those. Echidna? Undine? Berserk?