I'm going to lose my mind if I don't get this last Crimson Demon Mask to drop. I've spent my entire stamina bar twice in fire forest nerva. Need to evolve my Titan.
What does it mean when you find an egg with a +1 by it?
- During your travels you may find eggs marked with a + sign. This means the monster has an increase in one of its HP/ATK/RCV stats. Feeding one monster to another transfers all of its stat boosts! (also if you get an Amaterasu try to feed only +RCV to it)
What's your ID? I still have my present also.Anyone want to trade lvl 20 presents? Hit me up, please.
Is there a limit on +stats from eggs on your monsters? I'm assuming 99. Obviously feed RCV to healers, but what about attackers? With this limit in mind, is HP worth it at all or just skip HP and do all ATK?
+99 per stat? So you can max them all?
I've spent 3 freaking hours trying during New Year's eve and I managed to pull a +5 Asgard Wood Mech. And just after that I've maged to get underlord hades (+6)
My question is: is he worth keeping? He has an absurd cost of 20
I want to thank whoever whas the chap in this thread that said you absolutely had to pull a very rare +5 or a god type just after the tutorial.
I've spent 3 freaking hours trying during New Year's eve and I managed to pull a +5 Asgard Wood Mech. And just after that I've maged to get underlord hades (+6)
My question is: is he worth keeping? He has an absurd cost of 20
I want to thank whoever whas the chap in this thread that said you absolutely had to pull a very rare +5 or a god type just after the tutorial.
I've spent 3 freaking hours trying during New Year's eve and I managed to pull a +5 Asgard Wood Mech. And just after that I've maged to get underlord hades (+6)
My question is: is he worth keeping? He has an absurd cost of 20
Team cost of 20 is nothing, and Hades is pretty good and worth keeping.I want to thank whoever whas the chap in this thread that said you absolutely had to pull a very rare +5 or a god type just after the tutorial.
I've spent 3 freaking hours trying during New Year's eve and I managed to pull a +5 Asgard Wood Mech. And just after that I've maged to get underlord hades (+6)
My question is: is he worth keeping? He has an absurd cost of 20
Man, there needed to be an English wiki like two weeks ago. I've been hunting for a Dragon Plant to evolve my Tyran and I can't find one anywhere.
Man, there needed to be an English wiki like two weeks ago. I've been hunting for a Dragon Plant to evolve my Tyran and I can't find one anywhere.
I guess from here I'll just spend some time farming Pengrads from the first technical dungeon, levelling them up to 10 but not evolving them, and using those to feed my main guys up to about level 40 each or so.
i'm getting hammered again, got destroyed on the second level of the Blade of Justice Expert with a mandrake leader, earth guardian for hp, lilith, dark dragon knight, dark mach 2, and a Vampire Lord helper. With 6300 hp i got one shotted by 3 light knights attacking at once. I'm too far into the game to restart and try to get a better rare monster, yet my monsters are all over their heads. Will i even be able to beat a Keeper stage to evolve anything?
Why not evolving them? is it too much a hassle to get the evo mats? I'm asking because I have a couple pengdras myself waiting to evolve but I haven't seen the mats yet so I'm considering eating them now.
Thursday dungeon
Farming for evo materials outside the dailies is a waste of stamina imo, but you can get them from Tower of Giants
Thursday Dungeon or any level of the Tower of Giants (better to do this on the weekend w/ half stamina).
I'm at a crossroads. I want to put some money into this game, considering how much I'm enjoying it, but I'm also thinking about rerolling for amaterasu.
Current important players: mermaid, verche, starter red, lil red and blue, d'spina. Thoughts?
I'm at a crossroads. I want to put some money into this game, considering how much I'm enjoying it, but I'm also thinking about rerolling for amaterasu.
Current important players: mermaid, verche, starter red, lil red and blue, d'spina. Thoughts?
how many dungeons have you done?
What other 3stars do you have?
I'm at a crossroads. I want to put some money into this game, considering how much I'm enjoying it, but I'm also thinking about rerolling for amaterasu.
Current important players: mermaid, verche, starter red, lil red and blue, d'spina. Thoughts?
Not really absurd for a god. 6* are quite rare, might want to think about it. Here's the wiki:
You got the evolved, 6* version of Hades out of the gacha? With the 30% HP damage skill? Damnit I'm so jealous, i got the regular, 5* version, and he takes FOREVER to level up... not to mention evolve, at some point. I'm jealous.
30% HP reduction skill is AMAZING for high-HP bosses. It "hits" for a LOT more than regular hits, esp if you start the fight off with it.
There's your problem. Why are you playing on expert when your team isn't ready for it? Just play the lower difficulties until your team is good enough... you have a lot of evolving left you can do? e.g. Mandrake for sure.
Odd, the gold dragon event is supposed to be active for me now but it's not up. Is the schedule wrong?
Keeper dungeons, barring the Rainbow one, are approximately Expert in difficulty. You should be able to handle it at your level provided you can survive the hard-hitting keepers. Fire/water/earth keepers are 100% drops but the light/dark ones are not and aren't guaranteed spawns outside of the Rainbow Keeper dungeon, I believe.How hard are the keeper dungeons? If I can beat Adept special dungeons, and I'm post Castle of Satan and done a few of the green technical dungeons, should I have any problem here?
And are the keepers 100% drop from the boss? I need fire, dark, and light keepers.
What's your ID? I still have my present also.
How hard are the keeper dungeons? If I can beat Adept special dungeons, and I'm post Castle of Satan and done a few of the green technical dungeons, should I have any problem here?
And are the keepers 100% drop from the boss? I need fire, dark, and light keepers.
Odd, the gold dragon event is supposed to be active for me now but it's not up. Is the schedule wrong?
Pretty nice haul. Should get 6* Amaterasu to roughly level 55 once I evolve her Tuesday.
Also holy shit no one told me you get rich from the gold dragon dungeon.
Pretty nice haul. Should get 6* Amaterasu to roughly level 55 once I evolve her Tuesday.
Also holy shit no one told me you get rich from the gold dragon dungeon.
Yea, the evo mats are really hard to come by. They require 2 same-color metal dragons, which means if you have a green pengdra (which is most likely since green is the first technical dungeon), you need 2 green metal dragons. Ever seen a green metal dragon? I haven't, I guess they don't open up until much later. Plus they need dragon plants, which are a really rare drop in Tower of the Giants. I only have 3 after doing Tower of the Giants like 50 times this weekend
Edit: Still, feeding Lv. 10 pengdras to your guys is a great way to level up. You get like 6k exp for one, and it takes less than 6k exp to feed one up to Lv. 10. So it's a net profit. Get 5 of them up to Lv. 10 (only requires maybe 3 runs of a tech dungeon), and then you got anywhere from 30k-60k exp for one of your mains depending on if you get lucky with the exp multiplier
Can't you just use magic stones to get Amaterasu at a later date? I mean do you really need her IMMEDIATELY? If you want to put money into the game, then why not wait until there's a increased chance of Amaterasu from the egg machine then use the money there.
I think rerolling specifically for Amaterasu would be a huge crapshoot. There are a lot of different mobs that can come out of there, and waiting for a specific one could take ages.
Yeah I got mine from pal eggs I think. I guess I'll just feed them for 9k xp of the corresponding color. I actually have like 6 plants that I'm not using. :x
Now would be the time to reroll for Amaterasu since the current event is +chance for light, including Amu. On my phone I'm rerolling until I get her or the event ends, and in that case I'll just use one of the somewhat decent rolls I have backed up. So far in backup I have Mermaid, Dragon Knight, Angel and Thor.
Isn't that event over now?