Cosmo Clock 21
Really shouldn't have gone on that evolving spree yesterday... Now I have no more dragon plants to use on my Pengdras.
What's the hidden evo material needed to evolve Cupid? I have enough of the yellow evolve masks and the topalits but not this hidden one.
What's the hidden evo material needed to evolve Cupid? I have enough of the yellow evolve masks and the topalits but not this hidden one.
Expert gloworm dungeon annoys me. I'm going to build a team of 3-4 lilith/succubus and something that changes everything to hearts fast -_-
And everyone on my friend list took their lilith off, i mean WTF!!! Guess I can use vampire for hearts.
I can't get everything charged int he first turn without killing all the shit,.
It only appears on the Japanese store, so you need to make a Japanese iTunes account to find it. I downloaded it using iTunes then used iFunbox to install the .ipa onto my iPhone, and after some trial and error account fuckery managed to eliminate the need to switch between accounts to play them, somehow.If I live in the US would I be able to download both the English and Japanese versions?
I can't seem to find the Japanese version on my Ipod.
i'll put my lilth up now if needed, just used your orochi to finish off the blue guardian polar night, t hanksedit: Lilith up :O
This has probably been asked before but I couldn't find the answer; when do you first run into the pengdras?
I'm a couple dungeons past the Castle of Satan and I still haven't run into them.
Technical dungeons.
Easier than the Tower of Flare tier dungeons in terms of pure monster attack values, but monster skills and the occasional Divine Mask troll will throw you for a loop.Ah, got it. I haven't started exploring those yet.
Are those a huge jump up in difficulty from Castle of Satan?
Just beat Satan myself. Also on tech dungeons: dat stamina
anyone have any tips for farming demon evo masks? fucking vampire needs 4 to go Lord.
Just beat Satan myself. Also on tech dungeons: dat stamina
anyone have any tips for farming demon evo masks? fucking vampire needs 4 to go Lord.
Where is a reliable source for "What am I missing to evolve?"
I'm assuming it's a tier 3 gold mask for my Ama, but I have others I have no clue on too.
Woohoo! Finally got my Chaos Devil Dragon... And then my team cost went over what I had available
But man is he awesome!!
It only appears on the Japanese store, so you need to make a Japanese iTunes account to find it. I downloaded it using iTunes then used iFunbox to install the .ipa onto my iPhone, and after some trial and error account fuckery managed to eliminate the need to switch between accounts to play them, somehow.
Wish I knew what the hell was wrong with my phone (Droid X-2). Game literally takes 10-20 launches before I can actually play, constantly freezes the touch screen on my phone. Getting very, very frustrated.
I've got one of these bad boys as my leader right now. His ability is sick, 20k dark damage to all on a 15 turn timer. So good.
I didn't understand about Tech dungeons. there's "technical dungeons" in the Special Dungeons tab and then also a new THIRD tab after beating satan that drops pengdra?
I have my Devil Dragon maxed out, but I just need a Keeper of the Dark to evolve it. With it's 50% Dark damage reduction, I should be able to beat the Master Sky Dragon of Darkness dungeon. But the event will be over before Tuesday's Keeper dungeon. Wonder how long it'll be before this dungeon comes around again.
Thank you Kahuna. Your Green Odin is single-handedly saving my Amu game on my cell.
On android, if you go into app settings, youcan download the whole game (like 170mb). Still requires a connection, but should make the game a lot faster and smoother, maybe try that?
Thanks for the offer, but the problem is I don't have my own healer yet, which is a must for these No-RCV dungeons. I need both a damage reducer and healer as my 2 leaders, and I don't have either one in my collection. I farmed the hell out of the 1.5x drop dungeons for Mermaids/Dryads and couldn't get a single drop. This includes some of the dungeons past Castle of Satan which supposedly have better drop rates. I guess 1.5x a really small percentage is still a really small percentage.I can slot my Hades in if you want to use him. He has 50% dark damage reduction too.
Wow! That's some amazing luck. You pretty much have most of the sought after utility monsters now. Only one I can think of that you're missing is Green Odin.So I said I'd never pull gacha again, but I saw the red and decided I'd give it a couple shots because I really wanted Shiva. 2nd try. 1st was Marine Rider but I'm not complaining.
Thanks for the offer, but the problem is I don't have my own healer yet, which is a must for these No-RCV dungeons. I need both a damage reducer and healer as my 2 leaders, and I don't have either one in my collection. I farmed the hell out of the 1.5x drop dungeons for Mermaids/Dryads and couldn't get a single drop. This includes some of the dungeons past Castle of Satan which supposedly have better drop rates. I guess 1.5x a really small percentage is still a really small percentage.
So I said I'd never pull gacha again, but I saw the red and decided I'd give it a couple shots because I really wanted Shiva. 2nd try. 1st was Marine Rider but I'm not complaining.
Whats a good general setup, can i get far running one of each type?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: nooooooooo.
Even longer answer: No, at some point you are forced to rely on leader abilities such as 2x attack for all monsters of type x, which will force you to run a 1-3 colour-team to be most efficient.
Hahaha, so about what level does this start to happen?
I'd say vaguely after Tower of Giants, maybe? Definitely the couple dungeons after that.
Ughh I'm addicted to this game, should've already been in bed, leaving Ammy up. Anyway wanted to show my Tiamat evolution to go on my dark/wood dragon team. Obviously have more leveling up to do on my dragons, and maybe find one to replace my starter dragon. Rest of the team is staying.
Vritra or Devil Dragon ultimately better than starter? Any green dragons better than starter?
Short answer: no.
Long answer: nooooooooo.
Even longer answer: No, at some point you are forced to rely on leader abilities such as 2x attack for all monsters of type x, which will force you to run a 1-3 colour-team to be most efficient.