They don't stack though, do they?
if you fill it with Healers you'll be fine. 2 of those guys + 4 healers. Activate bubbly and your healers would do 36.75x for a turn.
They don't stack though, do they?
if you fill it with Healers you'll be fine. 2 of those guys + 4 healers. Activate bubbly and your healers would do 36.75x for a turn.
They don't stack though, do they?
Yeah, run light ninja, AB Chuck/Hermes, Takeminakata/Thor, Bubblie. No need for RCV when everything dies and you have skill boosts.
Where are my Egyptian God ultimate evo's?![]()
Came to post this. Where the f are the Egyptian busties? Almost wasted the mats.
The next event for Japan. A few notable things.
-Twinlits and dragon fruits in the pal machine
-1 stone and 1 tamadora a day for 7 days
-King carnival is for 24 hours(?) Twice!!!
-Tuesday, thursday and friday dungeons are getting a renewal. New floors and new monsters.
Also, every thursday will be trifruits and friday is twinlits
-there is a new dragon descended dungeon
Looking good!!!
There's a guy on P&D Facebook complaining about wasting his materials trying to busty Horus. Always make sure the fusion button is flashing.
Dragon Zombie Descended, Normal Dungeon, two difficulty levels. Looks cool
Also I guess putting Trifruits/Twinlits into PAL is one way to get people rolling the PAL machine when it's on Evo mats.
I think you mean physical type.
The next event for Japan. A few notable things.
-Twinlits and dragon fruits in the pal machine
-1 stone and 1 tamadora a day for 7 days
-King carnival is for 24 hours(?) Twice!!!
-Tuesday, thursday and friday dungeons are getting a renewal. New floors and new monsters.
Also, every thursday will be trifruits and friday is twinlits
-there is a new dragon descended dungeon
Looking good!!!
Wow, will we ever see anything like this? We're so far behind Japan. What possible reason could they have for not giving us similar rewards? How do we not have those Egyptian Ultimates either. Gah... so annoying.
Nice to see that eventually we might see those twinlits show up in the PAL machine and having that dungeon show up every Friday would be nice as well.
Whaaa? The Egyptian god ultimates, including Ra, are live in EU but not in NA? What gives?
Wow, will we ever see anything like this? We're so far behind Japan. What possible reason could they have for not giving us similar rewards? How do we not have those Egyptian Ultimates either. Gah... so annoying.
Nice to see that eventually we might see those twinlits show up in the PAL machine and having that dungeon show up every Friday would be nice as well.
Low level Challenge Mode = 6 Valks.
I hate the new AOE effect.
easier farm team for Hera :
Valk or Haku?
Low level Challenge Mode = 6 Valks.
I hate the new AOE effect.
Challenge mode only appears for the Normal and Technical dungeons. After you've completed Challenge mode for a dungeon, you get a filled-in star next the "Clear!" text instead of just an outline.Where is the Challenge Mode again? It was posted earlier that you could see it at the bottom of the Friends list when choosing an Ally, but I don't see anything there.
Do you need to be of a particular Rank? or does it need to be unlocked some way?
I could use some free stones![]()
And the AoE effect is... jarring. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I didn't really mind the old ones.
Yes.I don't understand challenge mode. Do you get a stone for revisiting the dungeons again?
I was gonna say Kagutsuchi, but realized not everyone has one, while a lot of players have Joker. Good call.low level challenge mode = Joker lead and no subs. Easiest. stones. ever.
Nice. TAMAs went from being super hard to get, to pretty easy if you have a Twinlit farm team. I'd much rather farm Twinlits for a guaranteed TAMA or Dub-myth than farm the Expert Sprite dungeon for a 33% Dub-myth on 2x days and even lower chances on non-2x days.Mixed in with the Hello Kitty news, Gungho is changing the weekly dungeons by adding the new descend dungeons as new floors (example Friday will have Twinlits Descended every week, and Thursday will have Trifruit Descended). Gungho is also saying a new Keeper is going to be added to the Tuesday dungeons.
Be pro-active about asking for help for the challenge dungeons. We should try to help each other as much as we can. The lack of PAL points is kind of silly...anyway, maybe we should make a new spreadsheet that includes good subs? For example, I have a near perfect Echidna (+287, max skill/Awoken) that should help you guys.
Challenge mode only appears for the Normal and Technical dungeons. After you've completed Challenge mode for a dungeon, you get a filled-in star next the "Clear!" text instead of just an outline.
Oh you haters. I, for one, welcome our new Hello Kitty overlords and all the bright and shiny and pink worlds they herald.
I do like the new effects. Challenge mode = free stones.
I do think Valk is the premier Hera farming team.
Never actually tried with Valk, but all of my Haku subs is pretty well leveled by now and I'm steamrolling through it no problem.
Running out of Hakus though, everyone seems to do challenge mode.![]()
Super metals is supposed to be up right now for fire starters but is not there.
Never actually tried with Valk, but all of my Haku subs is pretty well leveled by now and I'm steamrolling through it no problem.
Running out of Hakus though, everyone seems to do challenge mode.![]()
Also there was supposed to be Super Metals at noon for fire starter but its just regular metals![]()
yeah the schedule is fucked. Your regular metals are based on your ID.
And this is why GungHo should add the damn schedule to PAD itself. Relying on 3rd parties for this is just bull