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Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll


so i am able to 0 stone the legend calk dungeon, which is a lot of progress for me since the last time i tried it, i had to use like three stones. anyway i have cleared it twice now but no valk. guess i will try again once i get the 50 stam.


Looking for a lot more DQ Hera friends. I want to start focusing all energy on ranking up and this team works great for King of Gods. Extremely easy to stall when HP is under 80% and you get to one shot Zeus.



Its weekend and my Echidna is up again. How's everyone progress coming along in challenge mode? I am about 50% done with the normal dungeons and haven't even touched technicals.


Rolled the kitty rem, no valkitty no Purin :( got melody, two cinnamons and badtz. Then I yolo rolled once on rem got blueberry dragon :) was happy that it was a good silver egg. Now to stock up on his skill up until a 2x comes around again.
I just got K&M as well, seems to be the day for that!

Regarding Challenge Mode I haven't started going at it seriously yet, only cleared up to Tower of Giants.

Is there anyone in the world who has managed to beat Fagan though?


Looking for a lot more DQ Hera friends. I want to start focusing all energy on ranking up and this team works great for King of Gods. Extremely easy to stall when HP is under 80% and you get to one shot Zeus.


I think we already friends Jody but just in case it's 330 447 209... Just let me know ur pad name just in case. My DQ Hera is only 51 cause I couldn't bring myself to waste that xp on my max Hera hehe.


Looking for a lot more DQ Hera friends. I want to start focusing all energy on ranking up and this team works great for King of Gods. Extremely easy to stall when HP is under 80% and you get to one shot Zeus.


Not sure if we're friends yet. Max DQ Hera here.

Its weekend and my Echidna is up again. How's everyone progress coming along in challenge mode? I am about 50% done with the normal dungeons and haven't even touched technicals.

Havn't gone too hard with all the events going on. I think i'm through T2 now...and thats been cleared with just a Joker lead and nothing else.

I'll probably hit it next week pretty hard.
Starting to regret bustying my Echidna. While she does gain +300ATK, it's a pretty trivial boost, and she both gets locked out of the PAD Z collab and penalizes your score attack by one rarity star.


I think we already friends Jody but just in case it's 330 447 209... Just let me know ur pad name just in case. My DQ Hera is only 51 cause I couldn't bring myself to waste that xp on my max Hera hehe.

Not sure if we're friends yet. Max DQ Hera here.


Invites sent.

Tell me more about this team...

Just wiped due to orb troll running this again but I still like the team and just need to practice more. Of course I had 2 + eggs drop after countless runs in 1.5x the last two days. lol

Stalling on the early rounds is the easy part. Just pick one of the demons and isolate them, let them drop you under 80% and tank/heal with their higher defense.

The last 3 rounds can be tricky based on their attack timers. For the last couple of clears I was able to wipe Tiamat in his two turn cool down. CDD is the hard part since he has over 1 Million HP. I use echidna delay here and one of the gravity. Try and leave as much dark on the board as possible before clearing him. Zeus gets one shot from Hera-Ur, Big Baddie and the other gravity combination.

It's definitely not 100% clear but I can't take getting heart trolled with Goemon teams any longer. Haku seems harder to delay with and control damage. I may try Valk with King Shynee to see if I can muster enough damange with change the world on Zeus. That's going to be a tall order though.


Looking for a lot more DQ Hera friends. I want to start focusing all energy on ranking up and this team works great for King of Gods. Extremely easy to stall when HP is under 80% and you get to one shot Zeus.


I can put one up. I'll give this a team a shot at King of Gods too

331 841 202


How does Valkitty fit in the Healer team? (that's the only thing she fits, right?)

I have

King Shynee


Invites sent.

Just wiped due to orb troll running this again but I still like the team and just need to practice more. Of course I had 2 + eggs drop after countless runs in 1.5x the last two days. lol

Stalling on the early rounds is the easy part. Just pick one of the demons and isolate them, let them drop you under 80% and tank/heal with their higher defense.

The last 3 rounds can be tricky based on their attack timers. For the last couple of clears I was able to wipe Tiamat in his two turn cool down. CDD is the hard part since he has over 1 Million HP. I use echidna delay here and one of the gravity. Try and leave as much dark on the board as possible before clearing him. Zeus gets one shot from Hera-Ur, Big Baddie and the other gravity combination.

It's definitely not 100% clear but I can't take getting heart trolled with Goemon teams any longer. Haku seems harder to delay with and control damage. I may try Valk with King Shynee to see if I can muster enough damange with change the world on Zeus. That's going to be a tall order though.

Got your invite Jody any other gaffers want to join the Hera/Zeus lead go right ahead. I'm going to be clearing some friend space. Also the same team for twinlits also makes farming Queen of Gods easy meaning dual Zeus with Valk, Echina, verche, and any other sub (i use orochi). Just in case KoG is too much

And I'm also tired of getting trolled with goemon team.


I can put one up. I'll give this a team a shot at King of Gods too

331 841 202

The more I run this the more annoyed I'm getting by the random attack pattern on the last three stages. When you catch both dragons on one turn cooldowns it's just brutal.

I may work on a second fully evolved vampire and replace Hera Ur so I can focus the dark damage and orb change.

Has anyone tried a Zeus team for this? Wondering if that might be stronger.


Looking for a lot more DQ Hera friends. I want to start focusing all energy on ranking up and this team works great for King of Gods. Extremely easy to stall when HP is under 80% and you get to one shot Zeus.

I spent my Super Metal drops on the 3 Heras I have saved for awakenings (and hopefully a skillup or 3) but just need 6 masks and 5 keepers to evolve them all. That should be a treat to collect. Afterwards, I can have some fun with DQ Hera.

Cool thanks! I forgot the site name for goods. I was speaking with my sister yesterday (she lives in Japan) and she was asking where to find P&D junk to mail over. Want so much gear to be sent over.


How does Valkitty fit in the Healer team? (that's the only thing she fits, right?)

I have

King Shynee

She doesn't, pretty crap IMO, Angel Cinnamon is better, her leader skill is okish but very situational, not worth losing a static 3x or 4x leader.


So Athena dungeon is tomorrow, is she a useful monster? I can't think of what team to use her in. She would probably cost me a few stones to get, is it worth it?


So Athena dungeon is tomorrow, is she a useful monster? I can't think of what team to use her in. She would probably cost me a few stones to get, is it worth it?

rem heavy i think, but im guessiong you could run quite a few teams with her.


She doesn't, pretty crap IMO, Angel Cinnamon is better, her leader skill is okish but very situational, not worth losing a static 3x or 4x leader.

If we're talking as a sub, I don't know if I'd be quick to dismiss her. Her stats are comparable to L/L Venus who, as I understand it (don't have Venus myself), is coveted for her stats moreso(?) than for CTW. Here are said stats:

2480/1235/540 (Valkitty) vs. 2475/1286/685 (Venus)

She has sweet awakenings as well as being L/L which vibes well with healer teams. I mean, I get that 3-turn > 1-turn as far as actives are concerned, but if the extra turns of delay are more a luxury than a necessity for whatever dungeon, I'd probably take with Valkitty along.

So Athena dungeon is tomorrow, is she a useful monster? I can't think of what team to use her in. She would probably cost me a few stones to get, is it worth it?

If I knew I could take on Athena for the cost of 1 REM pull, I'd definitely do it. She makes for a beefy monster with her high HP/ATK; 0 RCV is where it hurts, but that has not stopped folks from using her as a lead or sub. Paired with Izanagi, they make a great tandem for a god team. You can corral a good team like:

Athena / Zeus / Verche / Izanami / Echidna / Izanagi (friend)

Completely farmable god team (minus Echidna) with some good actives to aid you. Also, she has a chariot! Giddy up.

(If you just want her for her active and only for the enhanced light orbs, Takeminakata is easier to acquire and provides a similar active as well as RCV.)


So, what are the chances of Toei, Funimation and Gungho teaming up and giving us DBZ cards. :3 :3 :3

It'll never happen, lol.


So Athena dungeon is tomorrow, is she a useful monster? I can't think of what team to use her in. She would probably cost me a few stones to get, is it worth it?

I find her most useful for her orb enhance for my yellow and green mono teams (particularly teamed up with Zeus Dios). But she's a nice spike leader as well especially if you team up with an Izanagi friend for the x2 God attack active.


There definitely appears to be a better Invade chance for Kittyn & Mimmyna. I've been doing Dream Labyrinth - Master all week [since I'm not quite able to run Kingdom difficulty since any of the monsters would potentially one-shot me], and never saw Kittyn & Mimmyna once. However, my first run after the 2x Drop-Rate [on Master difficulty] and I saw [and subsequently obtained] them.

If you're interested in grabbing Kittyn & Mimmyna for yourself, now is the time!
So Athena dungeon is tomorrow, is she a useful monster? I can't think of what team to use her in. She would probably cost me a few stones to get, is it worth it?
Imonoredded her with a mid range monored for 2 stones, so...
Seriously, apart from ares/freyr lead, the rest of monored is so cheap i'd get One just for fun :p


Red Pirate Dragon incoming! Just saw it on pad wikia. Chasers and skillups for you lucky Suzaku & Chiyome owners.


Red Pirate Dragon incoming! Just saw it on pad wikia. Chasers and skillups for you lucky Suzaku & Chiyome owners.

Do the chasers have better drop rates in the pirate dragons than the mech dragons? I failed to get the red chaser even though I ran the red mechdragon dungeon repeatedly on Legend.
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