What's your in game ID? I'll send.
We're friends, MGT@gaf, just sent you mine.
What's your in game ID? I'll send.
We're friends, MGT@gaf, just sent you mine.
Here's a lesson on why straying from our gaf brethren leads to fail. Someone from my pad list sent me a msg about gift trading or at least I assumed it was understood because of the messaging. Now since they actually msged me in game which should be done more often I was like why not. Unfortunately, the person apparently had already given their gift away. It isn't a big deal but it's just I expected a trade to make things simple.
I feel like I'm relying on friends to beat pretty much every single dungeon after Castle of Satan. Is this normal or should I just re-roll? I really don't want to lose all the free Tamadras I got recently...
whats your box, i used to be like that then i leveled up my gods and eventually it all works again.
70 slots, about 52 of those are evo mats. I've been relying on my Dark Golem Mk. III 'til this point, the counter he gives one shotted nearly everything til Satan. Aside from that I'm trying to evo my Volcano and Earth Dragons right now. I've got an Icedragon Plesios, and Undine which I'm finding out isn't as good as I'd like her to be. And I'm working on evo'ing my Mandrake to get the double green Alraune. The problem is all those evo's take high level mats that I struggle to get.
After listing that I feel I should just reset. The only thing I got going for me really are all those Tamdras, I've got about eight of them.
Yea I want to give the person the benefit of the doubt but I should have known better.I don't think it was a scam, just that he mass-messaged his friends list and traded presents with the first person to reply.
This is why you wait for the initiator to send the present first.
Here's a folder with my box. I forgot I used some Tamadras on my Dark Golem because his awoken skills seem pretty nice so I've only got six left.
More than likely I'll reset and just start over. Gala of Flame is going on so I could keep rolling until I get lucky with a Shiva or Horus pull.
I only started playing about two weeks ago so I'm not sure how often they do Tamadra give-a-ways but I can always hold out for another one of those anyhow.
they have never given out this many tama's before, and if you read the past of this thread - they have been very hard to come by
70 slots, about 52 of those are evo mats. I've been relying on my Dark Golem Mk. III 'til this point, the counter he gives one shotted nearly everything til Satan. Aside from that I'm trying to evo my Volcano and Earth Dragons right now. I've got an Icedragon Plesios, and Undine which I'm finding out isn't as good as I'd like her to be. And I'm working on evo'ing my Mandrake to get the double green Alraune. The problem is all those evo's take high level mats that I struggle to get.
After listing that I feel I should just reset. The only thing I got going for me really are all those Tamdras, I've got about eight of them.
According to puzzledragonx, even though Odin, Metatron, and Sonia are in that ad image they don't actually have the x3 chance to appear
This looks painful...
1. Valk
2. Zeus-Dios
3. Hera-Ur
4. Izanami
5. Sandalphon
Just to add on the teams things for Valkyries - the blue based Valkyrie seems to be totally viable for a farming team in my experience. Has had absolutely no issue farming all the usual dungeons and is a lot easier than running my Horus based team.
I'm still using the usual set of Fairlion / Siren / Echidna / King Shynee in mine and it works a charm for the regular stuff. It's not up to farming descended dungeons but then Valkyrie based teams aren't really great for that either from my understanding.
On a side note - I would definitely love to pick up a normal Valkyrie or two, but cannot figure out an easy way to do the dungeon. I wouldn't mind have to spend a few stones to get one, but think i would end up burning through 10+ and one still wouldn't drop. It's not helped by the fact that all the sample teams on the wiki are either the usual lucifer. /2 gravity teams, or a combination of incredibly rare and max level / plus egg mobs.
Got a tamadra and a king in one run! Not two tamadra but it'll do.
Also, is this thread in decline??? No posts for nearly twelve hours! Everyone run over to Brave Frontier or something??
Got a tamadra and a king in one run! Not two tamadra but it'll do.
Also, is this thread in decline??? No posts for nearly twelve hours! Everyone run over to Brave Frontier or something??
Also, is this thread in decline??? No posts for nearly twelve hours! Everyone run over to Brave Frontier or something??
I'm stuck in no man's land slowly plugging away at the T5 normal dungeons. I need to evolve my monsters to beat the dungeons more easily, but I need more team cost to fit them on my team. And I can't get mythlits (single or double) to evolve stuff with despite running technicals and the Friday dungeon as often as my stamina allows. I'm hoping I can finally evolve Horus on Friday, been waiting two weeks.Also, is this thread in decline??? No posts for nearly twelve hours! Everyone run over to Brave Frontier or something??
Got a tamadra and a king in one run! Not two tamadra but it'll do.
Also, is this thread in decline??? No posts for nearly twelve hours! Everyone run over to Brave Frontier or something??
That thread is nuts! Not particularly surprising, in my personal opinion, but crazy nonetheless.I've been busy today but I've also been slowly reading through the NPD thread. My stam actually maxed out some time earlier today. I just ran Trifruits a few times to use up some stam. 0/2 on Ronia skill-ups. Should've just used them for evos. Will leave up Zeus tonight for people running Twinlits.
I've been busy today but I've also been slowly reading through the NPD thread. My stam actually maxed out some time earlier today. I just ran Trifruits a few times to use up some stam. 0/2 on Ronia skill-ups. Should've just used them for evos. Will leave up Zeus tonight for people running Twinlits.