Exp bonus only applies if they share main elements, so no.
Geez I'm not sure who I should spend that on now.
You still get 1 million exp out of it, if you have nothing else that can benefit the exp bonus then no point on sitting on it.
Well see, I'm level 100 with a team that looks like this:
Edit: and I have Lu Bu unevolved.
Ok I would save it then for Lu bu, infact you will have the team cost for a stacked Lu bu team before you are able to use Shiva and Lu bu on your Ronia team.
Is a stacked Lu Bu team as easy mode as R Sonia is?
What are the best non rem subs for a devil team? I'll be using lu bu starter and ronia friend.
And already have a vampire lord btw
Edit: saw that post above who's cdd?
The Drawn Joker dungeon needs to show up soon. He's the last piece I need for several descend teams, in addition to being a good Lu Bu sub.Wish I had the pieces for that, I'm only at Oceanus falls.
I can only farm for Lil black dragon and Lilith, just got a king baddie today.
I know that feel. The first time around it seemed most of my friends didn't have the ult version yet. I can put up F/L Horus if you want to try with that?Aww, all my Kirin friends have ult evo'd her so I can no longer bring her along to try Sandolphon with a Kirin team. Damn, not sure how I'll try tackling him next go around.
I know that feel. The first time around it seemed most of my friends didn't have the ult version yet. I can put up F/L Horus if you want to try with that?
I wanted to farm the Kirin jewel from it today, but most of the PADX suggestions require a bind clear of some sort. I think I 1 or 2 stoned it the first time since I just wanted the drop, but I wanted something more consistent for farming.
Seriously? Another freaking LMetatron! I already had 3 of them and now I get another on this one... One more and I can make an all LMetatron team...
Budget JP Athena clear. Just need to scrounge up a green spirit jewel and a bunch of light exp.
NAfest, five rolls. Red Valk is...the wrong color. Sleeping Beauty is meh.
JPfest, three rolls. Junk.
Did you run the spirit jewel dungeon? You can get a green one from there if you're patient.Budget JP Athena clear. Just need to scrounge up a green spirit jewel and a bunch of light exp.
Pulled again this morning and got Freyja.
Someone tell me what to do with these two norse gods I got (Freyja and Idunn). No good on a DQXQ team right?
As subs for DQXQ they are fillers or situational if you need to make a mostly green or blue team for DQXQ, but the type of situation where you would need that kind of build is rare or not even worth spending your time to even build such a situational team.
I have Loki second ultimate but Freyja second ultimate has a better synergy with a lot of the better balance types farmable or REM
I&I mono blue healer teams are probably the best healer teams in the game, but its all REM subs.
I also got a Loki last time a godfest came out, was gonna make a mono dark with that. I have 3 norse gods and not the Thor I want haha.
Maybe I could do a balanced team? Would a team with loki, freyja, b/b idunn, a d/d yomi and some other stuff work nice? I kinda wanted to make my yomi d/l but then it isn't balanced![]()
Yolo roll: Idunn&Idunna.
Question who should I be using as a leader?
I now have Bastet, Idunn&Idunna, Pandora, and DQXQ.
Who would u focus on? recently ive been using bastet, but idunn and idunna seems a bettee healer leader. I now have sandalphon, too.
Here's my monster box now.
Here's my monster box now.
Maybe an alternative to your healer DQXQ team would be to build an all light row enhancement team
farmable subs include
Divigon from gift dungeon or Izanami descended
Lemon dragon also from gift dungeon which we have not gotten yet.
Himi Udon
Tiny Alma
Mephisto when we get him
Can someone explain how row enhance works? If I do a dqxq row enhance team how many do I want? How exactly do they stack? I wanna get rid of this damn shynee and this might be the way to do it.
I see it says it adds 10% but then what?
Did you run the spirit jewel dungeon? You can get a green one from there if you're patient.
Here's my monster box now.
Can someone explain how row enhance works? If I do a dqxq row enhance team how many do I want? How exactly do they stack? I wanna get rid of this damn shynee and this might be the way to do it.
I see it says it adds 10% but then what?