working my way up, with the incoming godfest i think ill have at least some form of variety in teams.
correct me if im wrong but i think i really need a chaos knight, persephone and bats for a good mono dark. (not counting SoD luci, that shit would be great)
for mono red i probably should busty tyranno, level up gigas, maybe get another echidna.
my dream team is obviously making a healer spike team. got an angel im working on and already evolved that bitch metatron, (also need to evolve verche)
any suggestions, besides not wasting my + eggs, just started pouring them all into meta.
Level up gigas, busty pkh, Naga is good, busty dragon..
Then get me as friend as i have my max level ares always up..

Fiftth slot..
Get a knight and evolve him..
He will help you in some tight spot since you don't have shiva..
My view on monored:
4atk/2hp/2rcv (between your lead and friend lead)
Fourth slot either huge hp or huge rcv.. I'd say go with fire golem last evo, in your case that's the other farmable monster..
If you can fit in either freyr, horus, shiva, any of them would be much better.
Final form
Ares+freyr lead mandatory
Max skilled Naga
Busty pkh
I'm working toward this..
Max ares get, 50ish busty pkh, almost max skilled echidna, goemon get, evoed hera ur currently on lvl 70
Monored can't do everything, but i like it enough to be willing to invest time, though if i inverted the same time in my devil counter tank team, kirin team, valk team, horus team and ra team.. Well it would have been a LOT better