21 dragon run..Just ran sapphire dragons 12 times and got 2 Tamadra, 8 kings, and 5 highs. Nice haul.
3 king, 2 high, rest normal.. No tamadra..
Luckily i have 42 blue pengdra...
21 dragon run..Just ran sapphire dragons 12 times and got 2 Tamadra, 8 kings, and 5 highs. Nice haul.
I have 2 more Tamadra to use. I should probably pump them into Bastet or something.
Bastet's first 2 awakenings, poison resist and extra half second orb movement are very useful. I'm going to use a Bastet/Bastet healer team tomorrow for Beelzebub.
Eventually evo and awaken your second Bastet to stack for an even longer time delay and greater percentage poison resist.That's why I'm considering it. I COULD evo my 2nd Bastet for it, but that feels like a lot of wasted mats.
Eventually evo and awaken your second Bastet to stack for an even longer time delay and greater percentage poison resist.
You could alsways copy the data files over. Not sure if you need to be rooted.I just switched to iOS and am honestly thinking of keeping my android phone around just to play p&d so I don't have to reroll again.
I just switched to iOS and am honestly thinking of keeping my android phone around just to play p&d so I don't have to reroll again.
There's a recovery feature that is supposed to be in place to allow you to transfer between platforms. I thought it was active already but Nico has been having a problem with it. Might want to try contacting Gungho support.
It's just an option. But after feeding lots of Gods/Rares for skill-ups, then getting burned when GungHo introduced awakenings and multiple ultimate evos, I keep at least 2 copies of every God just in case. So, I'd rather keep a second Bastet on the side than feed her for an awakening/skill-up. If you have better subs than a second Bastet, by all means use them instead.You think having 2 Bastet is worth it? Like, her eating up a second slot vs someone else?
So it must be my 200 re-roll now, it taught me one thing :
Never, ever spend a dime on that game, 95% of the time you get crap monster, and when god show up, it's the least useful ones >.<
Oh well, I won't give up, I've been re-rolling for 3 days straight, 3/4 hours per day, I'm not going to stop now.
Also, I feel like I'm the only EU player on GAF x)
It has its pros and cons, Its useful if you are planning to ohko every floor that has more then 1 enemy, but useless against single bosses and if you stall a lot. So it depends on your play style and dungeon.Is two pronged attack worth investing a Tamadra for?
I just switched to iOS and am honestly thinking of keeping my android phone around just to play p&d so I don't have to reroll again.
To my knowledge, it's not available in US. I ask on their FB page almost every day...
E: But if the ability to copy data files makes it so you can do it, that would make my decision to finally switch easier.
Oh god. Had to stop watching after the fourth gold egg being a fourth Rider. I don't know why so many of those vids are people pulling outside of a Godfest.
Thinking of running Kirin/Kirin + Angelion/Valk/Echidna/BlOdin tomorrow. Saw a vid of the build on YouTube and it looks relatively straightforward.
E: In case anyone wants to see the video, here it is.
What do you think about:
Artemis (non bustied)
Awoken Zeus Dios
Fully awoken Awoken Odin
Parvati with one awakening
Busty angelion
Fully awoken bastet?
For beelzebub? Two poison reducers, decent HP due to artemis, and possible 8x damage. The only thing would be the RCV right?
that looks fairly easy, guessing the worst part is the 1st and 2nd floor. that bind was fucked up.
Prepping for my first descend which will be Hera for this week, I can now field a team like this.
10.5k HP, 2.5k rcv, one max skilled siren, seems to be mostly there. So the question is what should I work on for the next few days to increase my survival chances?
For the 3rd/4th slot, I put Parvati and a leek there right now but there's alternatives I could work on. I grabbed a Naga today, won't be able skill her up much if any but could level her up. I could also level up a Pierdra to DJ next few days as I need him anyway. I could also work on Angelion on both evo and skills but since he uses dark orbs probably the worst option out of these. I also have a Rainbow Keeper to put here.
So it seem like either Rainbow Keeper or Leek for the 3rd, and either a Parvati or Drawn Joker for the 4th depending on how much I could skill him up. Or should I put in an unskilled Echidna anyway?
For the 2nd slot, would a BAO Venomous Copperhead be a better slot in than Top Droidragon? It seems like the latter is only useful for Neptune but the former could help in the early waves as well.
Don't think this will work. How will you deal with the fourth floor? You have to take down Belial in 3 turns and it starts off as fire.
All these orb changers in Beelzebub dungeon are so intimidating for someone like me who is planning on running a Ra team. I might just go for a Anubis Robin combo instead.
There's a free Tamadra tomorrow, right? How about we both drop them into our Bastets and team up for poison resist?
Thank you for upping your Bastet. My plan totally worked, and I used your friend leader to down Beelzebub. It wasn't full poison immunity, but two resists was good enough that Beelzebub ended up wasting a ton of his turns, tryingand failingto poison.Holy shit I cannot believe it but I got not 1 but 2 tamas to drop today! I had 3 total before today so this nearly doubled me up. Spent the first on Bastet even though I told myself that I'd spend my first 5 on G.Odin. Both times were 1 tama / 3 sapphires so I couldn't believe my luck not once but twice. I am thinking of putting tomorrow's freebie to finish off G.Odin for the autoheal as opposed to the +time for Bastet. I will sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.
I just finished maxing my echidna. took 9 nagas today for two skill ups. now to level her all the way, and to get 297 eggs. she's my pet project on this game.
Got Beelzebub with 3 stones, first round didn't have any blue orbs so I couldn't get a multiplier going, Amon didn't give me any hearts and Belial had just few pixels worth of HP left when he did his attack. Beelz went down easily though with the help of D/W Batman, love that guy.
And done. 0-stoned with relative ease. Max skill Echidna and Angelion were clutch.
Is this real life???? I've ran the dungeon at least 5 times and I'm sure I'm 5/5. Only one skill up tho. Btw do you feed them 1 by 1 or you gather them and feed them all?