Is there any monster worth picking up from CoC?
If you run a Valkyrie team and don't have Angelion, grab a CoC Glorious Healer.
Is there any monster worth picking up from CoC?
Absolutely no need for a third Valk. Just use them for Light exp. And I have 2 of each max skilled Chu and Sieg and have never used 2 of them at the same time. I'm holding onto them but if I had to do it over I wouldn't even bother with a second of each.
As for my Twinlit farm team, I use:
LoL, indeed xDand charge that phone![]()
Is there any monster worth picking up from CoC?
Art work for more ultimates (Lakishimi, Parvati, Anubis, Echidna, CDD, Ifrit, Divinegon) :
If you run mono red, green, or light teams and don't have Freyr, Freyja, or Thor you may want the Archer, Goblin, or Barbarian respectively for their active skill of 1.5x attack for 3 turns (although Tyrannos, Brachys, Pterados will be getting 1.3x for two turns soon, so they will be less important). CoC Glorious Healer is good if you don't have an Ultimate Angelion, and P.E.K.K.A. is good for SOD Lucifer teams/teams where you need an attack/healing move.
0 for 3 on Twinlits. Really not having a good time with this dungeon. I usually end up with 2 mythlits on the first floor that either bind or beat the shit out of me. Not sure if subbing Ra for Lilith would help at all.
Art work for more ultimates (Lakishimi, Parvati, Anubis, Echidna, CDD, Ifrit, Divinegon) :
If you run mono red, green, or light teams and don't have Freyr, Freyja, or Thor you may want the Archer, Goblin, or Barbarian respectively for their active skill of 1.5x attack for 3 turns (although Tyrannos, Brachys, Pterados will be getting 1.3x for two turns soon, so they will be less important). CoC Glorious Healer is good if you don't have an Ultimate Angelion, and P.E.K.K.A. is good for SOD Lucifer teams/teams where you need an attack/healing move.
All Echidna really needs is a better statline, but I'm guessing her Twinlit form is gonna give 2/2/1 to Attackers.if they buff echidna's stuff Q_Q
I really am finding this Twinlit dungeon to be a huge pain in the butt.
6 stones used so far and I've got 2 Angelits to show for it. The 2 runs I made it to the final floor I needed to use a couple stones cause I couldn't output the damage to get them down fast enough.
So my question is, should I try to acquire 1 last Angelit to turn my Zeus into super zeus so that I can do this more easily? Or continue with my plan to use them on Yomi and Horus for whenever we get his awesome busty?
I've tried to get Haku to work in this dungeon but I just can't get the first floor right. I feel like it would be much easier with her team then with Zeus.
All Echidna really needs is a better statline, but I'm guessing her Twinlit form is gonna give 2/2/1 to Attackers.
Are you running Zeus? The way that has been helping me is to restrict your team to 6 total attributes of light. In theory if you did a 10 combo without another color match or mass attack you would wind up with 1 mythlit every time.
Did the US get those active skill buffs from a while back yet, or do we still need to wait for the 6.3 update?
First zero stone Twinlits feels sooooooooo good.
Used pretty much the same team as everyone else here, Zeus/Hera/Echidna/Neptune/Hera-ur/Busty Zeus. Only real risk is 1st floor and then racing the dubmythlits while trying to keep Tamadra alive.
I really am finding this Twinlit dungeon to be a huge pain in the butt.
6 stones used so far and I've got 2 Angelits to show for it. The 2 runs I made it to the final floor I needed to use a couple stones cause I couldn't output the damage to get them down fast enough.
So my question is, should I try to acquire 1 last Angelit to turn my Zeus into super zeus so that I can do this more easily? Or continue with my plan to use them on Yomi and Horus for whenever we get his awesome busty?
I've tried to get Haku to work in this dungeon but I just can't get the first floor right. I feel like it would be much easier with her team then with Zeus.
Is it tough to stall with this team? Did you get all your skills charged on the first floor? I feel like if you don't, it's be tough to stall against Tamara with so many elements.
I had the same decision to make, decided to go with O-Zeus because I plan on using all stamina and stones for twin farming this weekend. Just need one more for dark and two light and I can stop.
I'm 3 for my last 3 on the dungeon. Loving this light/Lilith setup. I have 2720 rcv which is helping a lot. I would like my HP to be higher but it is enough. The last round is really easy with the two gravities and two orb changers. With prep on the tamdra dance I had 15 light orbs waiting for the twins, mass attack one turn, pop cool downs next two and you're done.
With that much recovery I was able to tank 3 mythlits round 1 waiting on cooldowns.
Is it tough to stall with this team? Did you get all your skills charged on the first floor? I feel like if you don't, it's be tough to stall against Tamara with so many elements.
Yeah, I think after reading your post about your setup I'm going to give it a shot after my stamina recovers. It seems like it would be a much better setup for me. So on the first floor what exactly is your plan?
Zero stone'd Twinlit with:
Abyss Neptune
I'm happy.
I really hate round 1 of Twinlits.
Is it tough to stall with this team? Did you get all your skills charged on the first floor? I feel like if you don't, it's be tough to stall against Tamara with so many elements.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm stoked about the Lakshmi buff. She was my first god and my first maxed monster, so I'm excited to use her again. One of her ulti's has to give healer subtype, I imagine.
Hmm ... I forgot about GrOdin and just tried swapping my Valk and Angelion for Verche and Odin after seeing your post. It does make it easier to stall in the first rd and Odin's Skill Boosts reduce the need to stall even further. However I almost died after killing TAMADRA prematurely and going into the boss rd with Echidna still bound. Luckily I was able to kill 1 Twin and got an extra turn to attack when the other did its power up special. With Odin unable to be bound, I can't match Wood orbs on TAMADRA without chipping away at its health. But I'll try it a few more times, because the first rd is definitely the most dangerous and this team comp seems to be safer, especially if I leave 2 Mythlits alive, Odin gives me a better chance to kill 1 of them instead of having the entire team bound and unable to attack.New favorite Twinlit team: Zeus/Verche/Green Odin/Echidna/Orochi/Zeus. With at least three awakenings on Odin, you get to watch mythlits/Tamadra bounce binds off him while you manipulate your board. Just don't take anything else with green element or it will be bound forever.