Yeah a few more runs and no fire chaser. Really dreading trying to skill up Haku now.
Man, had a heck of a day running the 2x Flame Mechdragon dungeon. RNG hated me in terms of getting Naga. I had to blow through all 8 of my stones for stamina refills, but at the very last run before the dungeon expired, I got her. So excited. Over the course, I also got 2 Flame Mechadragons, so now I have an awakened one of those, so I guess it ended up being worth it. If I ever build a mono-red team, that could be fun.
What should I do with all this red xp? I could dump it all in Horus but my Horus team has a ways to go and dumping it into my Valk light team seems like a waste. I was thinking of building up my red team because I don't have anything capable of consistantly running Weekend Master,all my teams are dark,valk,and Horus. I never realized how expensive +egging can be,spent almost a million this weekend upgrading my Valk alone.
What should I do with all this red xp? I could dump it all in Horus but my Horus team has a ways to go and dumping it into my Valk light team seems like a waste. I was thinking of building up my red team because I don't have anything capable of consistantly running Weekend Master,all my teams are dark,valk,and Horus. I never realized how expensive +egging can be,spent almost a million this weekend upgrading my Valk alone.
Max Horus and Echidna.
Chu makes Ice Legend a JOKE. My team is severely under leveled, too. XP is OK, not great...I'll run this for the Chaser and be done. There's no way anyone is max skilling a Chinese god with these garbage appearance rates.
E: Also, I was looking to try and see if I should try and gather a few Dios...But I hate this dungeon way too much. I'm not even going to bother. Outside of that garbage that is Twinlit RNG fest, I'm convinced Dios is still the hardest Descended.
What's your chu team?
If you don't have enough fire power to one-shot the Chimera, make sure you have >14370 HP to take one hit and then spend two turns wrecking it.
10% base chance for double strike though, it's a bit of a gamble.
Yes, it killed me.
Not long been back to the game and feeling a bit lost lol.
Any tips on what teams I should build and what monsters I should concentrate on levelling first.
Here's my main monsters.
I kept seeing people saying P.E.K.K.A. would allow Lucifer to nuke twice in a row? How does it work?
- Valk, Echidna, Angelion, Siren, King Shynee (get one) = great healer team. Alraune also works instead of Siren. Bastet if you ever pull one. Busty Amaterasu is a strong choice since she got Healer subbed AND her stats are not terrible. A second Valk (since you have one) makes the team quite powerful, too. ALSO gives you light heavy.
- Parv is incredible - probably one of the best heart makers in the game because of her stats.
- Susano busty is strong and versatile.
- Archangel Michael is a great tanky Green lead. Paired with Artemis or Freyja, you can make a nice green team with Parv, Susano, busty Angelion, and something like Fortoytops or ADK.
- Izanagi can make a ridiculously strong team once you have the team cost for it. You simply can't field an Izanagi team yet. Once you've got the ranks, he'll be a great lead to play around with.
Probably not the answer you're looking for! But if I had to give you any direction personally, work on your healer team. You can use a strong healer team to farm content for XP fodder. I'd work on these two teams:
Valk/Valk + Echidna/Amaterasu/Shynee/Valk
Valk/Valk + Echidna/Shynee/Valk/Angelion
From there, you can farm mats for everything else with ease.
I finally can make a +297 characters.
Well I have 3 +99 holders, one for each type.
No really sure where to put these.
I use mainly 3 teams.
Valk team for grinding brainless dungeons.
Haku for light and mid difficulty dungeons.
Kirin for hardest dungeons.
I finally can make a +297 characters.
Well I have 3 +99 holders, one for each type.
No really sure where to put these.
I use mainly 3 teams.
Valk team for grinding brainless dungeons.
Haku for light and mid difficulty dungeons.
Kirin for hardest dungeons.
RCV and HP I have 4 candidates. Enchilada, Kirin, Valk, Haku.
I'm thinking Enchilada here since every team where I use Kirin, Haku and Valk it has the Enchilada in it. Plus the fact that these are team based stats, it doesn't matter if I put them on low stat characters.The only thing with Kirin, Haku and Valk is that I would get more pal points if I use my eggs on them.
ATK is the tough one, I have 5 candidates. Enchilada, Kirin, Valk, Haku, Hera IS.
No clue here. Enchilada is the only monster that I use on all my main teams but since ATK is character based its a much better idea to put +atk on high attack characters and Enchilada has low atk. Hera-IS and Valk I have on 2 of my main teams plus Hera-IS is also on my main defense teams (4/1/4 Gab team and 2/2/4 Vamp/Luci team). Hera-IS isn't a leader though so no extra pal points.
Any suggestions?
Echidna. You basically add +297 to every team
Hera-ur is overkill. You don't need that much damage. Think of the 2x light bonus as her.
The reason you may want an orb changer or delay is to survive the chimeras. That's 1.6million hp to get rid-of in most cases 1 turn.
Venus is there only for 'change the world' i want to make sure Zeus dies on the first turn. You could sub in anyone else you want
With Sonia's ability(and king baddie) you're looking at about ~4.5million worth of damage minimum
Their biggest mistake was Lucifer.
Horus while the highest spike didn't have enough damage to wipe out a majority of the tougher descends. Ra while powerful still took skill and can be trolled.
When Lucifer came out it was a a skill less insta win button.
To counter Lucifer it lead to the power creep and the death of any team that's not spike teams since the only way to counter Luci is to take out all defense/stall teams.
Now every descend is kill or be killed.
Not long been back to the game and feeling a bit lost lol.
Any tips on what teams I should build and what monsters I should concentrate on levelling first.
Here's my main monsters.
Also add me if I have anything of use to you. 380,534,297
Luci = 1 HP
PEKKA = damage 31k (at max level) + life steal (at max level, heals 3100 against non-light, 6200 light)
Luck = back to 1 HP
But I do like the "match/combo" monsters they've introduced, but I hope they find some other ways to use matching besides attack multipliers (example, temporarily increasing defense after matching certain orb colors)
so nuke, PEKKA life steal then Morning Star would activate again since it's the same turn? That's pretty badass.
so nuke, PEKKA life steal then Morning Star would activate again since it's the same turn? That's pretty badass.
So apparently there's a super Mechdragon coming that is made by combining the 5 other Mechdragons. Of course I find this out after the Flame Mechdragon dungeon is over and I've already fed all my duplicates. -_-
Not the same Lucifer, two different ones. The PEKKA strategy is for when you have two Lucifer/Satan leaders on your team and want to use both on the same turn. Since Lucifer's move drops your HP to 1, you can't normally use a second Lucifer in the same turn because you have to have more than 1 HP. So by using a monster to heal you/get your HP back like PEKKA, you can then use the second Lucifer/Satan's move.
It's basically the same as if you had a Ceres or another 'heal' active skill. PEKKA is just farmable so most people can pick one up.
So apparently there's a super Mechdragon coming that is made by combining the 5 other Mechdragons. Of course I find this out after the Flame Mechdragon dungeon is over and I've already fed all my duplicates. -_-
So apparently there's a super Mechdragon coming that is made by combining the 5 other Mechdragons. Of course I find this out after the Flame Mechdragon dungeon is over and I've already fed all my duplicates. -_-
I fed all mine as well. We'll probably never see the mechdragons ever again either.
So apparently there's a super Mechdragon coming that is made by combining the 5 other Mechdragons. Of course I find this out after the Flame Mechdragon dungeon is over and I've already fed all my duplicates. -_-
Interesting. I keep all the trophies for this reason. Came close to feeding all my ripper dragons a few times.
I'm guessing Mechdragon Rush (6F) with a Mechdragon "core" as the boss, which you Voltron together by bustying with all five mechs.They will eventually introduce the mechdragon rush as a way to "retire" the old biweekly dragon dungeons since they keep adding new ones.
I'm guessing Mechdragon Rush (6F) with a Mechdragon "core" as the boss, which you Voltron together by bustying with all five mechs.
I don't think nerfing Luci is the solution. I don't even think it would help. I don't think his nuke is so powerful that you can win everything with it, but I think it DOES trivialize some content. I also don't think nerfing combo gods is the solution. They are the purest form of puzzling skills, so good on them. Keep in mind, nerfing ANY god that gets used a lot will cause a lot of players to quit. I can't imagine if I had a +297 Kirin/Luci/Ra and GungHo swung the nerf bat. I would actually quit PAD, mostly because my money would be for nothing.
[*]Introduce something else to do with gold. I had a weird idea of adding some sort of consumables that can be bought with gold only. Maybe an item that extends your orb timer by 2s for one turn, clears all poison/jammers, changes orbs, etc. Like active skills, but different in that it gives us a way to add new strategies to our teams, gives GungHo the chance to play with dungeon mechanics, but also makes them completely farmable and fair. I would never spend stones on things like this, but if I could use gold to get something like this, I think it would be neat. It would really be like adding another monster to your roster, but well, not. Limit them to 1 max in your inventory at a time so that you have to choose when to use them or whatever...I don't know, it was an idea I had that I felt had SOME merit.
Max skilled a fire mechdragon. Never saw a single Flame Chaser. WTF?
This could radically decrease the difficulty of existing dungeons depending on the implementation... which may not necessarily be a bad thing. Some of the newer dungeons are absolutely ridiculous, it's like they expect you to throw stones at them. Considering that many people scoff at throwing stones towards what aren't necessary absolute must-have monsters, it would encourage more play than anything.
Yeah, if they ever did anything like this, they'd have to be very...Careful about it. It was more me thinking out loud. The game is incredibly repetitive at end-game: farm pengdras, farm dragons, farm plants, feed, rinse, repeat. XP increase and new gold use would give us something new I guess, ha.
Oh yeah, in many PAD clones they have a "beginner's gacha" that you can only roll if you are below rank 5 or started playing in the past three days (depending on the game). If they guaranteed the tutorial roll was a gold egg that would help new player retention a lot. Lots of people burn out trying to reroll or go "fuck Fire Forest Nerva is too difficult this game sucks".
Oh yeah, in many PAD clones they have a "beginner's gacha" that you can only roll if you are below rank 5 or started playing in the past three days (depending on the game). If they guaranteed the tutorial roll was a gold egg that would help new player retention a lot. Lots of people burn out trying to reroll or go "fuck Fire Forest Nerva is too difficult this game sucks".