This is just wrong.
The game is all about I formation. You can pre fire but ore firing is useless if you don't know where the enemy is. There are 5 different places where you could be pre firing but you wouldn't know where to unless you drone.
Your drone isn't always going to make it. I don't prefire blindly a ton, but there are places where there isn't much downside. Say for example spawning by the pool on Coastline, and then strafing left until the hookah lounge window comes into view. That's a pretty good place to dump some bullets just in case before getting a visual. Once you get close to the building it really doesn't matter much, so you don't have to worry about accidentally opening up a sightline for the defenders.
In general though I'd rather pre-aim than prefire and pick spawns where I can clear one angle at a time. For example Border, spawning to the south, walk right up the hill, pre-aim the break room door. If you're good there peak the lobby windows while going around the air conditioners on their left side, since shooting from like offices or 2f hallway somewhat blindly is seemingly getting kind of popular. Then pre-aim the whole way to the right until you can confirm that the east stairs entrance isn't open.
Some approaches I just straight up avoid, for instance on Kafe, if you spawn Christmas Market and go left, which tons of people still do... first of all you have the most common peek which is tough to deal with with that bakery west window. Then you have the top floor window coming into view around the same time making it tough to clear both. And they can just fake the bakery window, and as you strafe out and prefire it jump out of the bakery north windows and get a pretty good angle on you. Or they can take the window peek and then rotate to said north windows for a follow very quickly.
Whereas if you go to the right you can check the top floor windows pretty quickly, and then just worry about bakery door as you move up, shoot it open, and continue to the right to where you have a safe spot to start droning again.
On Plane because it's so hard to see whether a door has been opened, it's important to have some drones by at least the wing entrance and the bottom front entrance if you're trying that typical northeast spawn, and even then it might make sense to chill behind a firetruck for a few seconds.
Also, instead of whining about peeks and jump outs being in the game, people should consider that it's good to try and perfect said peeks and jump outs if only to see how other players successfully counter them.