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Rapist gets 6 months because prison sentence would have a severe impact on him

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Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
That's a load of shit and you know it. It's also dangerously dismissive of the effects of alcohol abuse.

That's like excusing abusers when they hit their wives or children just because they were drunk.

There are people who drink, and get way more wasted than this guy, and they don't freaking rape another person. If you have these thoughts when you're drunk, it's your responsibility to not drink. EDIT: Reading your post again, I think I missed the point of your post , sorry. EDIT 2: Well, I'm not sure, considering zoukka who also replied at you, also thought you were maybe excusing these kind of crimes with the use of alcohol.
Does he at least have to register as a sex offender? FFS this is awful. I feel so bad for her.

Yes, that's why the father wrote his letter talking about how having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life will ruin it all over "20 minutes of action". And yes those are the words he used to describe his son raping this woman.


Yes, that's why the father wrote his letter talking about how having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life will ruin it all over "20 minutes of action". And yes those are the words he used to describe his son raping this woman.

WTF. What about her life being ruined...
Yes, that's why the father wrote his letter talking about how having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life will ruin it all over "20 minutes of action". And yes those are the words he used to describe his son raping this woman.

I dont even understand the dad. Dudes life is not ruined. He can start his own business and try to work up to something. If he is mentally and emotionally a ereck think about how the girl he raped feels.

I have sympathies for people but for god sakes, hr did this. Why should we act like it was some harmless act. Kids carying weed (a literal harmless act) get 5 years and a record. This dude is getting off scott free
WTF. What about her life being ruined...


The judge nor the father care about this woman at all.



The judge nor the father care about this woman at all.

After this letter, the father should be jailed too for negligence while raising this kid.

Hello class, I am a rapist, let me educate you how NOT to rape women. That totally makes a lot of sense.

I think the intention, in most cases, is "i commited a crime cause im a piece of shit and it ruined my life, do not become me, stay in school, respect the laws".


After this letter, the father should be jailed too for negligence while raising this kid.

It has to be the most tone deaf and offensive thing I've read in a long, long time. I'd like to beat the ever loving shit out of this man. Might knock some sense into him and give him some perspective. Just shut the fuck up, stupid.


That letter is so weird. Maybe the guy just isn't very smart, I guess, and I understand the urge to defend your kid regardless of what they've done. But rambling about pretzels and chips and steaks, and promiscuity awareness, and 20 minutes of action?

And then ending it "Very Respectfully"?

The whole thing is bizarre.


I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.
Hello class, I am a rapist, let me educate you how NOT to rape women. That totally makes a lot of sense.

I got it

"Hello everyone. This is John."
"HI John"
"John looks like a normal guy right?"
"Well actually John is a rapist, different from the bush dweller you were expecting huh?"
"Everyone give a nice boo for this piece of shit"

Might work?
I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.

Ask him how he'd feel about blaming himself if he hat gotten raped and not his wallet stolen.

Funny how he gives you a very impersonal hypothetical when offering his (dumbass) opinion.


If I beat the shit out of Brock and his dad with a crowbar for 20 minutes-I shouldn't be held liable. I mean that's only 20 minutes of action out of 38 years.
I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.

I mean there obviously is validity in the idea that people need to take the necessary steps to protect themselves. I don't think there is anyone out there who thinks getting blackout drunk is a smart safe idea but that hardly holds you responsible for being raped.

You can't pass on someone elses actions by saying "but you didnt mitigate your rape", "or you didn't mitigate your assault". Who the fuck cares? People shouldn't have to worry that if they make an irresponsible choicer their going to be blamed for expriencing an entirely trumatic and illegal action.

Is your friend the typr of persom that thinks because eric garner wasnt subservient to the police he was responsible in part for having the air choked out of his lungs? Because that's the equivalent opinion here and that is fucking stupid.

Bad things happen. You need to protect yourself. But its not your fault if someone wants to jump planet decency and literally take advantage of someone.


Ask him how he'd feel about blaming himself if he hat gotten raped and not his wallet stolen.

Funny how he gives you a very impersonal hypothetical when offering his (dumbass) opinion.

I did that, and he said it would still be his fault. His viewpoint is basically, if they were both absolutely hammered, why does the guy share more responsibility.


I mean having an impact is sort of the whole point of sentencing someone to prison. I'm in favor of much lighter sentencing all across the board, but this is just nonsense.
I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.

Because people shouldn't be raping or robbing? It's an easy point to counter, lol. You should feel safe going out at night, alcohol or not.

I did that, and he said it would still be his fault.

If you get drunk and jump in front of a car, then you're breaking traffic laws and that is pretty much your fault. If you get drunk and get robbed, it's not your fault because there is no law about not wandering into a bad neighbourhood at night.


You can talk about having a responsibility to protect yourself, sure, but everybody has an overriding responsibility to not do violence. There are all kinds of institutions around to encourage and enable the first responsibility; punishing violations of the second responsibility is the domain of the court.
Your friends example is the equivakent of me being a young black male driving a nice car and then preceding to be harassed by the police . I mean I know if I drive a nice car the police are more likely to pull me over. Better not do that shit. Lest i get shot.

I did that, and he said it would still be his fault. His viewpoint is basically, if they were both absolutely hammered, why does the guy share more responsibility.

Because it wasn't consensual. Why exactly is your friend buying this dudes story?
Your friend recognizes that a rape occurred but is still putting the responsibility on women to avoid it rather than for rapists not to do it. He's trying to control women, whether he recognizes it or not.


As angry as we get about this sort of thing, we have to think about the purpose. If 6 months is what it takes to teach the guy "don't rape," then it will have done it's job.

Punishment should just be preventive and rehabilitative.

The problem here is the broader social context where it helps cultivate the idea that even unambiguous rape cases like these could still be a slap on the wrist, which encourages others, so there's a collective action issue in there, but on the other hand, he was arrested, tried, and convicted for something too many men his age probably do at college parties, so there's also value in the outcome we got.


I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.
People who give consent and pass out in the midst of drunk sex generally aren't passed out behind dumpsters.


I did that, and he said it would still be his fault. His viewpoint is basically, if they were both absolutely hammered, why does the guy share more responsibility.

Because, in this scenario, the man is the only one taking any action: He's the one penetrating another individual. If you're the one taking affirmative action on another person, the burden is on you to ensure you have consent. If you have a drunk man and a drunk woman and the drunk woman sexually penetrates the man, then she would be guilty of rape.
Because he's saying if the girl was that drunk, what if she did say lets have sex and didn't remember doing so.

Do strangers find your friend having sex with an unconscious body behind a dumpster? Does your friemd continue havimg sex with someone when they clearly aren't responsive?

Your friemd is an idiot.


Totally reminds of the Affluenza case.

That father's letter is legitimately disgusting. Wining about potato chips. It's ghastly. I'm beside myself. It takes no responsibility and it completely affirms the Apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Judge should be fired. I need to barf.
As angry as we get about this sort of thing, we have to think about the purpose. If 6 months is what it takes to teach the guy "don't rape," then it will have done it's job.

That's not what's going to happen. Not when the judge told him this

A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him … I think he will not be a danger to others.

That's what he said about someone that saw a woman lying unconscious next to a dumpster and decided to rape her. Or his father whose more concerned about how his son isn't eating like he once was. Or his friend who blames the woman

I don’t think it’s fair to base the fate of the next ten + years of his life on the decision of a girl who doesn’t remember anything but the amount she drank to press charges against him. I am not blaming her directly for this, because that isn’t right. But where do we draw the line and stop worrying about being politically correct every second of the day and see that rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.

This is completely different from a woman getting kidnapped and raped as she is walking to her car in a parking lot. That is a rapist. These are not rapists. These are idiot boys and girls having too much to drink and not being aware of their surroundings and having clouded judgement.

He's surrounded by people who are more concerned about him being punished than the fact that he raped this woman.

boiled goose

good with gravy
"20 minutes of action" is just so Fucking telling. Makes you wonder about the conversations this kid had with his dad regarding women....

He could have easily said a 20 minute lapse in judgement or a single terrible mistake.
As angry as we get about this sort of thing, we have to think about the purpose. If 6 months is what it takes to teach the guy "don't rape," then it will have done it's job.

Punishment should just be preventive and rehabilitative.

The problem here is the broader social context where it helps cultivate the idea that even unambiguous rape cases like these could still be a slap on the wrist, which encourages others, so there's a collective action issue in there, but on the other hand, he was arrested, tried, and convicted for something too many men his age probably do at college parties, so there's also value in the outcome we got.
I would probably agree with this otherwise, but the thing is he really shows no sign whatsoever of truly understanding how horrible his act was. I highly doubt this will teach him much.

Would a harsher punishment help? I dunno, I can't really see it helping either so I don't know what the answer would be, but either way the whole situation is really disgusting. Especially that letter from his dad and the opinion of his childhood friend ("boys are boys, it's not rape") is really like the embodiment of rape culture.
I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.

It's complicated, and not nearly as black and white as people want to paint it. For instance, I went to a homegirl's family get together and her aunt kept offering to make me drinks throughout the night, the next thing you know I wake up butt naked, with her asleep laying on my chest butt naked, and can feel her fluids on my penis after I can only assume we had unprotected sex. It was scary, because I don't remember anything and I don't recall giving my consent, and If I was sober know that I would never had sex with her. However I looked at it as being my fault for putting myself in that position, by not being more aware of my surroundings, and allowing myself to get that drunk. This scenario happens a lot especially to women in college. There's a reason upperclassman can't wait til the new wave of naive freshmen of women enroll the next semester. In my time, this was viewed as a learning experience.

Holy shit at that first comment

Related: Years ago, a friend of mine here in France was married to a French high school teacher. They had a daughter. By the time their daughter was two, the wife left her husband because she suspected him of molesting their girl. She tried, during divorce proceedings, to get sole custody for this reason, or at least, to allow only supervised visits with the father.

Long story short, joint custody was granted, no supervision. And her daughter showed signs of further molestation.
When my friend gathered evidence against her ex - including statements from three middle-school girls that he had molested them on school field trips - she finally managed to get a case brought against her ex in a French court.

The outcome? The case was dismissed because, according to the judge, even though she had brought strong evidence, a conviction could severely damage her ex’s reputation and career. The upshot was that he was simply moved to another public school several hours away.

(She left the country so that unsupervised visitation would be almost impossible.)

This shit happens everywhere.

Why the hell are judges giving any consideration to rapists? This reminds me of an episode of America's Most Wanted that I saw years ago. They'd been tracking a child rapist for years and finally managed to get him. The judge ended up giving him house arrest because he was the sole person responsible for the family business. After that he was caught on camera leading a young girl off at Disney Land and he eventually raped her and was on the run again. John Walsh was fucking furious over it.


I'm arguing with a buddy and I need some help on how to combat this. He says this dude absolutely should have gotten the full sentence and is a rapist. But he maintains the girl holds some responsibility for this happening due to getting that drunk. He doesn't think it was rape because no one knows if she gave consent or not. He gave this example:

"So I go out to drink. I get black out drunk. I wander into the bad part of town and pass out. When I wake up, my wallet and watch are gone
Someone robbed me
but you know what? It was my dumbass fault for getting drunk enough to do something that damn stupid
It is MY RESPONSIBILITY to protect myself. And to not put myself in situations where I'm at risk."

I don't agree at all, but I also don't know how to counter that point.

People have an ethical duty not to do violent or otherwise scummy shit to others. While it is prudent and wise to defend yourself by not putting yourself into high-risk situations like that, it's not a hard and fast ethical responsibility in the same way. Being a victim of a crime is never your fault. There's always something you could have done to have not been in that situation, but ultimate responsibility is always with the criminal.
Dude's name is Brock, you don't really need a google search to figure that out.





I'm glad that sister band is getting black listed in NY. Also I don't believe that this was his first time, but fortunately this should be his last. No amount of justice could be serve to give that woman back her dignity. But this is just a slap is ridiculous.
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