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RE7 pass 100k registered PSVR players, Capcom to focus more on VR


PSVR really needs more games like this one... long, engaging and not too easy. Hopefully 2017 will bring more of them.


One thing I've noticed with RE7 is the bad sense of scale in VR. Everything looks tiny. Human characters are much smaller than what they should be an you feel like a giant within the environment. It's subtle at times but everything feels just a bit odd. I've encountered this in other VR experiences and it's not easy to get right, it seems.

Did you setup IPD in PSVR settings? Many miss this, and bad IPD can mess with the scale of ingame world/objects.


This is really impressive! Well done Capcom.

According to steamspy PC version of RE7 sold ~300.000 copies and i have a feeling that Xbox One sales are not much better than that. PSVR is already pretty viable platform with hungry install base.


The progress in gaming as a medium is a gradual improvement, with every now and again, a quantum leap when new technology and phenomenal software come together. Model 2 and Daytona, 486 and Doom, N64 and Mario 64, and so on.

PSVR and RE7 is now part of that elite group. It's an astonishing, memorable, medium changing experience.

Everyone should play RE7 in VR.


I played it for a while in VR and am totally in love.

Can't wait to dive back in tonight.

Custom soundtrack with the media player is working, right? Got some spooky ideas for my playthrough :-D


I wonder what the attach rate is with this game for VR.

100k is impressive for just the users that signed up to the site.


One thing I've noticed with RE7 is the bad sense of scale in VR. Everything looks tiny. Human characters are much smaller than what they should be an you feel like a giant within the environment. It's subtle at times but everything feels just a bit odd. I've encountered this in other VR experiences and it's not easy to get right, it seems.

Adjust your IPD in the settings


I've fully jumped into the VR game (tried playing without and it felt very slow and cumbersome) and haven't gotten around to signing into the RE.net program (I think I have an account from playing Revelations 2).

When I first saw that number I thought it was picking that up from PSN/Trophies.
Well done Capcom. The feedback on RE7 in VR is driving my decision to purchase a PSVR soon just for that one experience( I will be buying a few other games, but RE7 is pushing a purchase now instead of waiting down the line for a pricedrop or more software). I really hope more companies get onboard and create fulfilling VR experience like this. I'm waiting for my next 'running around with Mario outside the castle' experience.


RE7 is a transformative experience in VR. Mad respect for Capcom to develop an entire game in VR and have it be so, so good.


I'm really psyched that this game seems to be doing well. I'm totally fine with a game have both TV and VR functionality if it means great, full games coming to VR. I'm having a total blast with even this half VR functionality and would pay full price for another.

I can only play so much superhypercube.


They should focus on giving Sony their money back so they can sell another 500k+ copies on Steam.

It's honestly pretty ridiculous that it's even listed as a VR title on Steam. It's #1 too, even though there's no VR. Basically false advertisement.

Aren't there more PSVR headsets in the wild than the others combined?


The progress in gaming as a medium is a gradual improvement, with every now and again, a quantum leap when new technology and phenomenal software come together. Model 2 and Daytona, 486 and Doom, N64 and Mario 64, and so on.

PSVR and RE7 is now part of that elite group. It's an astonishing, memorable, medium changing experience.

Everyone should play RE7 in VR.
Idk, RE7 is in a weird space for me to compare it to Mario 64. As a whole game +VR its amazing am Mario 64esque experience. But I would say Batman VR is the SM64 of VR but only if you could play the first 2 levels. Something truly groundbreaking but so short. I would say Batman is the best VR game, while RE7 is the best game in VR. Both things that everyone should experience.


I've been playing this game exclusively in PSVR. I adore it, it adds so much to the experience, especially for horror. The only issue I have is the floating arms, and the fade to black transitions (I understand it's for motion sickness though) it kind of takes me out of it sometimes.

I would love more high profile titles for the PSVR and just VR in general like this. It really enhances immersion and the experience overall, motion sickness starts to be less of an issue the longer you play and get your "VR legs". I can't wait to see what else they do.


My wife loves Resident Evil and I've been hyping up this game for her. In the end, we gave in and bought a PS4 Pro and PSVR to play this game noticing that the VR version is probably the best way to play the game.


Small update, a week after crossing 100k registered:



The game is so good on it's own, and so much better in VR. I've played through it 3 times already and I'm on my 4th in Madhouse mode, and even though I know what's coming, or if an area is completely safe, putting on the VR headset makes everything feel dangerous and super personal again.
So happy that this game seems to be performing well.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I've been trying to hold on out a PSVR but if another game of this caliber comes out for it I may just have to splurge and pick one up. Tempted as it is but still holding out haha
How did they manage to get rid of all the locomotion sickness? I thought everyone was calling it unplayable during the demo?

Only the people that get motion sickness talk about getting it. As it is a new technology this is likely going to be higher than what you would get from FPS and racing games. Plus a lot of people have had time to to acclimatise the game isn't much different comparative to the demo in how it handles motion (I couldn't tell if anything was different).

I haven't even got close to feeling nauseous in anything VR as of yet and there are many I have spoke to in real life and on this forum who are identical.


Just got my PSVR today and loved playing Beginning Hour with it. Most exciting VR content I've played so far.

I can't wait to join these 120K players.

Keep it up, RE VII folks at Capcom!
God damn! Hopefully psvr is a priority for Sony unlike the vita. I would love to get one in the next year or so if it has more support.
God damn! Hopefully psvr is a priority for Sony unlike the vita.

Seeing as they opened two studios exclusively for VR content, I would suggest they are. PS VR is selling out as fast as they are producing them, word of buzz is generally positive. Close to a million units in 4 months for a $400 niche device isn't anything to sneeze at. I don't expect VR to be 'major' for several years until the tech improves and the price drops to mass market friendly pricing, but I believe it can be a steady complement to traditional gaming for the foreseeable future. Sony really had no shot with the Vita, both for reasons within their control( overpriced storage) and beyond it( contracting market due to mobile gaming).
I really shouldn't have chickened out so early playing RE7 in VR. I ended up playing through the entirety of it in 2D and, while I enjoyed it, I definitely felt like something was missing upon completing it. I'm not saying VR would have completely alleviated that, but perhaps it was an element that could have made RE7 as memorable as some of the other REs in my mind.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Given the fact that the 154,000 number for VR is most likely a lot bigger because those are only people that chose to link accounts... that attach rate is absolutely amazing.

Has there ever been an attach rate that high for non-bundled software on a hardware platform before?

Very good news for PSVR developers.
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