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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Ok, so even WITHOUT the beard, I still get harassed by cops. I am more than a little peeved, to be honest. I've never done anything wrong, so leave me alone already. Shitheads.


So today is shaping up nicely. I just saw a man sprinting down the road in a maroon cape, a puffy pirate shirt and a rapier while driving into work.
I want to join Real-gaf :(

Mission Accomplished! :D

Morning! Used to your beardless face yet?


I have no idea why you're the only avatar I've made mods of. I'm probably worried that anybody else I do it to will hit me. :|

So today is shaping up nicely. I just saw a man sprinting down the road in a maroon cape, a puffy pirate shirt and a rapier while driving into work.

If you looked much more carefully, you would have noticed the ninja running from the opposite direction.


Guy/girl/boy/kid downstairs really need to turn their music the fuck down already! Don't they get that I have a flippen headache? It's 4pm for gawd's sake. grr... bet it's some kid who has just come back from school, and is turning the music up high cause mum and dad aren't home from work yet or something. urgh!!!!
I'm jealous of many of the dudes in the Post Pics of Yourself thread too. Some people are just born lucky.

Most of them have to work at it. They eat very little and exercise a lot.

...unless they have defined abs. You have to deal with the devil or never, ever eat anything good to get that. I screwed myself on that account by being fat. Even when you slim down, the skin often does not fully recover. :|
Hit ON you more like.


Wait, valentine's Day was yesterday, scratch that.

Nah, that's what this coming weekend is for. At Wicked Faire, girls aren't afraid to leer.

Guy/girl/boy/kid downstairs really need to turn their music the fuck down already! Don't they get that I have a flippen headache? It's 4pm for gawd's sake. grr... bet it's some kid who has just come back from school, and is turning the music up high cause mum and dad aren't home from work yet or something. urgh!!!!

You need to find out when they sleep then get a massive subwoofer and play the theme (slow version) from Inception directly into whatever wall or floor leads to them.

...or maybe the BRRRRVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV note from Tron: Legacy over and over again.

edit: No, wait, don't listen to me. Asag, I'm suddenly coaching people on how to be passive-aggessive! Ask Lissar; she'll figure out the nice way to resolve the situation. With a colon and the fourth letter of the alphabet somehow involved.


I'm on the phone with a guy and I'm trying to buy some software. His breathing is so labored that I can hear his tongue flapping in the back of his throat every time he breathes in. In my mind, I picture myself talking to this guy.

The Amalur sequel needs color coding for quests so I can know ahead of time which are "Find X number of thing" or "Destroy X number of things" and which aren't.


The Amalur sequel needs color coding for quests so I can know ahead of time which are "Find X number of thing" or "Destroy X number of things" and which aren't.

I kind of agree with this. I kind of like the grouping the way they have it though. Main, Faction, Side and Tasks. They're ordered in importance too from top to bottom. I know that if I just want to mindlessly do something under the guise of hunting for armor sets, I can do the lower tasks, but if I want a nice questline like House of Ballads, then I'll go up to the Factions, etc.
I'm jealous of many of the dudes in the Post Pics of Yourself thread too. Some people are just born lucky.

Don't be jealous, they are just people like you and I. Even good looking people have the same insecurities, fears, and fate as everyone else. No one is better than anyone else.


I added Curt Schilling as a friend on Steam. (Silly actually thinking he'd accept, which he hasn't yet)... but I find it funny that he's only got 7.6 hours logged on Amalur, meanwhile I crossed the 22 hour mark last night.


Reluctant Member
No, no. That particular track is only really small sample as well.


When I was talking about main themes, this is what I was talking about (since FFVII doesn't have a vocal theme, this is as close as it gets. It's final boss battle music, not random town music. :<)

Also, why would anyone assume I've forgotten One Winged Angel? Only the most overplayed game song of all time!


Hey look everyone, there's Lissar. Good morning Lissar. =)

Nice work on your above art. I have to ask though, how far down the line am I? I cant wait to see my burly chest immortalized in 2D fantasticism... yes, I made up that word just for you.

BTW, what are you using? Wacom tablet?
Hey look everyone, there's Lissar. Good morning Lissar. =)

Nice work on your above art. I have to ask though, how far down the line am I? I cant wait to see my burly chest immortalized in 2D fantasticism... yes, I made up that word just for you.

BTW, what are you using? Wacom tablet?


Webster's said:
Date "Fantasticism" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1914.

You're about a century late there, kid.

nay sir, i do not drink 'n drive.

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