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Reluctant Member
And my cat just threw up.

*sigh* My wild hunter of the plains...

edit: Evidence suggests she has been eating grass today.
Also, I noticed I've been making my female characters with very short hair. They come out looking pretty hot.

My man.

I find the fact that long hair doesn't get animated very annoying. I like to think that my short haired characters have their hair slicked down like mobsters.

Since I press F10 every 5 seconds here's my kuwaii elf

It's either weird ass names or whatever crap I'm into at the moment when it comes to naming my characters.

I name my characters their given names if possible. If it's one of those "this character doesn't talk he's supposed to be you" I name him "Hero" or "Protagonist" or "Main Guy" or if I'm feeling fun, "Jack McBadass".

And my cat just threw up.

*sigh* My wild hunter of the plains...

edit: Evidence suggests she has been eating grass today.

My cats do that too. I think they're supposed to do that...at least that's what I like to think since I can't stop them :D


Reluctant Member
My cats do that too. I think they're supposed to do that...at least that's what I like to think since I can't stop them :D

I've heard it has something to do with helping their digestion. But they also can't digest it so it ends up all over the floor ._.


Well you see skin, our body's largest organ is very elastic. When subjected to something as relative as gravity, the weight of certain features of our bodies, in the case of the aforementioned joke, can succumb to the forces and begin to decline from their original position. In this case, the two hypothetical talking breasts suggested that if they didn't receive support, being a play on words for personifying their ability to talk and interact with the world suggested that they were asking for support from an entity, be it a person, persons or department, but in reality it meant support from a brassiere, a device created to help prolong the forces of nature and their effect on the skin surrounding the mammary glands.

The paradigm in this situation came in their suggesting they would go crazy if they didn't get such support, but yet again it was another double entendre wherein they felt they, being breasts, might be confused for a man's testicles because they have, in fact, descended so far.

Clear now?

*slow clap*

A tip of the hat to the old dog davedough.

I had a text joke today.

Her: knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Her: fuck
Me: Fuck who?
Her: no, fuck you!
Me: :(
Her: ha ha lol!
Me: This is *her sister* isn't it?
Her: lol! How could you tell?
Me: the mind boggles.

I've heard the joke before too. :/
And my cat just threw up.

*sigh* My wild hunter of the plains...

edit: Evidence suggests she has been eating grass today.



My goto female name for all my female protagonists is Maeby. Minkis if I ever make a guy. If I ever remake, it's whatever pops in my head.

Also, I noticed I've been making my female characters with very short hair. They come out looking pretty hot.

If I ever do a mage character for KoA, I'll seriously name it Dave Dough.

The Man from Nowhere spoiler:

my avatar totally kills your avatar at the end

I was on a safari in the Serengeti a few years ago, we had seen lions, hyenas, buffalo and elephants, hordes of wildebeest and zebras were everywhere you looked. The car stopped and we asked why and the driver pointed to a kitty just like this one, softly gamboling around the serengeti like he was in a living room in North America. Mind=blown.


Loser slave of the system :(
Gah... toothache coming on. I've been doing nothing but trying to promote my new album. I feel exhausted and I probably lost more followers than I've gained with my whiney preaching. I need a publicist or some shit.


The Cryptarch's Bane
i'm up, but definitely going back to sleep

maybe absentmindedly play Skyrim "on" my tablet from bed

mmm saturday


Reluctant Member
I went to bed at 6, my cat wouldn't let me sleep past 11. The diva.

My cat used to wake me up at 6am to go out. Now she can go in and out as much as she wants, so now she'll only wake me up if her food bowl is empty (she's a slow eater, so this doesn't happen TOO often.)

Drew a few portraits last night. I'll post them up with the ones I draw today (if I don't forget.)
My cat used to wake me up at 6am to go out. Now she can go in and out as much as she wants, so now she'll only wake me up if her food bowl is empty (she's a slow eater, so this doesn't happen TOO often.)

Drew a few portraits last night. I'll post them up with the ones I draw today (if I don't forget.)

My cat realized that, if he woke me up in the morning for food, I wouldn't notice that he still hadn't finished his old food. So he'd get an embarrassment of riches in cat food form if he woke me up early.

I had to put a stop to that by letting him wake me up, pointing to his food bowl, then going back to sleep.


Reluctant Member
My cat realized that, if he woke me up in the morning for food, I wouldn't notice that he still hadn't finished his old food. So he'd get an embarrassment of riches in cat food form if he woke me up early.

I had to put a stop to that by letting him wake me up, pointing to his food bowl, then going back to sleep.

Haha, my cat used to beg for food whenever the bowl was half empty (or is that half full?) Whenever that happened I would pick up the bowl and shake it (to make it smell fresh) so she would eat it again. She doesn't do that anymore. She does get annoyed if she doesn't get fresh water fast enough, though.


Reluctant Member
I always talk about my perfectionist tendencies when it comes to weaknesses.

I know that sounds like one of those "not really negative" weaknesses, but I've gotten in trouble at more than one job because of it. It makes me work more slowly so I can get things done right the first time, but I always get yelled at for not doing things quickly enough D: Perfectionism only sounds good on paper.
Wicked Faire is pretty good this year. Had to crash at like 3:30, so I missed a lot of the partying.

Bringing a giant load of hoops is the greatest hobby ever, because all the pretty girls with itty bitty waists
and round things in your face
suddenly want to gyrate in front of you. Usually with bare midriffs. :D

There's an almost spot on Tennant here, and I saw a great costume of Lily from Legend in her wedding gown!

Anyway, it's time to be a pumpkin!


Reluctant Member
So I'm thinking about selling my second 360 (that I have for various reasons) but the problem is, it doesn't have cords, controller or anything. It's just the console itself. Not sure how much I could get for it or if anyone would even want it. ._.


So I'm thinking about selling my second 360 (that I have for various reasons) but the problem is, it doesn't have cords, controller or anything. It's just the console itself. Not sure how much I could get for it or if anyone would even want it. ._.

I'll give you 5 dollar for it.


So I'm thinking about selling my second 360 (that I have for various reasons) but the problem is, it doesn't have cords, controller or anything. It's just the console itself. Not sure how much I could get for it or if anyone would even want it. ._.

I'd just give it away. I don't think anybody is going to pay for a console alone.
So I'm thinking about selling my second 360 (that I have for various reasons) but the problem is, it doesn't have cords, controller or anything. It's just the console itself. Not sure how much I could get for it or if anyone would even want it. ._.

Put it up for like $30 on Craigslist.


Reluctant Member
I am not big into FPSs. Here are some examples of ones I would be interested in playing:

Civil War FPS (MP would be pretty cool, I think.)
Fantasy FPS (fantasy doesn't just mean medieval, guys)
Any setting that isn't WWII, modern, or sci-fi. I think we've seen enough, thanks.
More FPS where you can at least choose to be a woman (this shouldn't be that complicated.)
More FPS where I can create a character (high level of customization is nice.)

(inspired from a conversation with my boyfriend)

Speaking of nice settings, can't wait for Bioshock Infinite :eek:
Watching Slowbeef's LPs of the Prime games has made me want more Metroid Prime. Or just more Metroid. Or just more exploration and puzzle based FPSes. Or all of those.
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