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Is this like how the "queen's birthday" holiday is on a different day here?


Why not celebrate her Birthday on like, I don't know, the day of her birthday?

The Queen's Official Birthday (King's Official Birthday in the reign of a male monarch) is the selected day on which the birthday of the monarch of the Commonwealth realms (currently Queen Elizabeth II) is officially celebrated
Because no one likes Charles.


Why not celebrate her Birthday on like, I don't know, the day of her birthday?

Because that would be silly and logical. In my state her birthday is 11/6, but in Western Australia its 1/10. I think they just slotted it in where ever there was a big gap between public holidays, to be honest :p
But there used to be a lineage of kings. What happened to that?

The last king only had two daughters, so the eldest daughter became queen, and her husband is known as the prince. There was also Queen Victoria way back in... whenever that was. I think the British system works more on blood lineage than passing down through males. Don't quote me on that though.


Because that would be silly and logical. In my state her birthday is 11/6, but in Western Australia its 1/10. I think they just slotted it in where ever there was a big gap between public holidays, to be honest :p


I want my birthday celebrated like this. It is my birthday tomorrow shan. Celebrate it. :p


My uncle killed himself this week, but its just not clicking in my brain. I mean, my parents are organising things, and I'm talking to them about it a fair bit, but it still feels completely surreal - like this is a "what if" situation and he's actually still alive. I'm too scared to go round and visit my cousins, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go to the funeral. I don't really want to believe it happened, and while I'm stuck studying in my room its easier to believe it hasn't. I have no idea how to deal.

I've just read this. I didn't see it before. :/

Sorry to hear that shan.


Reluctant Member
Isn't mother's day in may?

I forgot about that option :p gah, I went to see sum 41 back in high school and they ended up finishing early because the drummer was too drunk to play anymore.

I'm going through a really weird faze. My uncle killed himself this week, but its just not clicking in my brain. I mean, my parents are organising things, and I'm talking to them about it a fair bit, but it still feels completely surreal - like this is a "what if" situation and he's actually still alive. I'm too scared to go round and visit my cousins, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go to the funeral. I don't really want to believe it happened, and while I'm stuck studying in my room its easier to believe it hasn't. I have no idea how to deal.

I was confused about the mother's day thing too when I saw someone on Facebook saying happy birthday to their mom. :eek: She's from the UK though, so that makes sense.

I am sorry that happened, Shan :< I wouldn't know how to deal with something like that either.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm going through a really weird faze. My uncle killed himself this week, but its just not clicking in my brain. I mean, my parents are organising things, and I'm talking to them about it a fair bit, but it still feels completely surreal - like this is a "what if" situation and he's actually still alive. I'm too scared to go round and visit my cousins, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go to the funeral. I don't really want to believe it happened, and while I'm stuck studying in my room its easier to believe it hasn't. I have no idea how to deal.
No one can tell you how to deal. Just try to get through the day and be with people who you want to be around. It will almost definitely take time before it stops feeling surreal.

My condolences Shan. If there's anything RPGAF can do to help out or take your mind off things in the meantime, let us know.
I'm going through a really weird faze. My uncle killed himself this week, but its just not clicking in my brain. I mean, my parents are organising things, and I'm talking to them about it a fair bit, but it still feels completely surreal - like this is a "what if" situation and he's actually still alive. I'm too scared to go round and visit my cousins, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have to go to the funeral. I don't really want to believe it happened, and while I'm stuck studying in my room its easier to believe it hasn't. I have no idea how to deal.

Shit :(

I would've responded to this sooner but I wasn't sure what to say without feeling like I'm just trivialising it.


Mother's day is today in the UK. I bought her a box of chocolates.

Haven't seen her yet though. I will go up and see her a bit later.
I used to like Mother's day when I was younger.

Nowadays it is just buying flowers and candles and taking them to the graveyard. It has been like this a bit over a decade and I am still not used to it.

Holy shit...

I hope you find a way to deal with this shan. Just imagining yourself in your cousins shoes is devastating.
And Shan, I am very sorry to hear that. My condolences.

Just try to cope with it. And what comes to the funerals, I can say from my own experiences, that don't let their grief puzzle you too much - they are still the same persons that you have known before. Just offer them your shoulder and your support, if you can.


I used to like Mother's day when I was younger.

Nowadays it is just buying flowers and candles and taking them to the graveyard. It has been like this a bit over a decade and I am still not used to it.

So you lost your mother? To think that everyone at some point in their lives (if they don't die before then) will have to deal with the loss of their parents. I wonder if it is any easier to take as you get older.

And Shan, I am very sorry to hear that. My condolences.

Just try to cope with it. And what comes to the funerals, I can say from my own experiences, that don't let their grief puzzle you too much - they are still the same persons that you have known before. Just offer them your shoulder and your support, if you can.

I've been to a few funerals. I was like shan as well. It does seem really surreal at first, not knowing how to take it. I found it becomes real once you're actually at the funeral. It sort of hits home then. The funerals I have been to have been of family that are relatively old. And one was for my sister who died at birth. That was somewhat easier to take as I never really knew her. I think about her from time to time, and what could have been, but because no relationship was ever able to form it never really felt like I lost a sister.

My mother was an orphan. She was 8 at the time so she was at an age where she could understand the significance of what had happened. With my one uncle it is a little different though. He wasn't at an age to truly remember his parents so he never felt the loss. Something I kind of understand with my own experience with my sister.


So you lost your mother? To think that everyone at some point in their lives (if they don't die before then) will have to deal with the loss of their parents. I wonder if it is any easier to take as you get older.
I was 15 when my mother died. Nowadays it is of course not painful to think about her. I remember mainly only good memories, but still, Mother's day can sometimes be a bit hard and I tend to cry on that day. Normally I generally don't and thinking about her just makes me smile.

It is hard to say does it get any better when you grew older. I suppose it kind of does. At least losing pets have been a bit easier to cope when I am older comparing to what I remember it was like when I was really a child.

I've been to a few funerals. I was like shan as well. It does seem really surreal at first, not knowing how to take it. I found it becomes real once you're actually at the funeral. It sort of hits home then. The funerals I have been to have been of family that are relatively old. And one was for my sister who died at birth. That was somewhat easier to take as I never really knew her. I think about her from time to time, and what could have been, but because no relationship was ever able to form it never really felt like I lost a sister.

My mother was an orphan. She was 8 at the time so she was at an age where she could understand the significance of what had happened. With my one uncle it is a little different though. He wasn't at an age to truly remember his parents so he never felt the loss. Something I kind of understand with my own experience with my sister.
I have been in couple funerals. I have lost all my grandparents and my mother before I was 20. Of course the loss of a grandparent have been way easier than my mother. They weren't as close and also I have been able to think, quite naively, that it was their time, cause they have already experienced enough and started to be, well old.

I am sorry about your sister. My little sister nearly died after birth and she spent a long time in the hospital, but survived. I can't even imagine the situation, things would have gone different.
I'm feeling conflicted, RE: music. Specifically punx, and how everyone ignores it.

On the negative side, it means that really awesome, really hardworking bands just get completely ignored outside of the scene.

On the positive side, it means better gigs and a smaller but better fanbase.


I was 15 when my mother died. Nowadays it is of course not painful to think about her. I remember mainly only good memories, but still, Mother's day can sometimes be a bit hard and I tend to cry on that day. Normally I generally don't and thinking about her just makes me smile.

It is hard to say does it get any better when you grew older. I suppose it kind of does. At least losing pets have been a bit easier to cope when I am older comparing to what I remember it was like when I was really a child.

Yeah. I'm not looking forward to that day regardless.

It gets easier in time, I know that. My mum felt the loss every moment of her life really. Losing both parents at a young age meant that she never had anyone to really turn to. When she had problems there was no one really there. Of course there are people around, it's just not the same though.


I'm feeling conflicted, RE: music. Specifically punx, and how everyone ignores it.

On the negative side, it means that really awesome, really hardworking bands just get completely ignored outside of the scene.

On the positive side, it means better gigs and a smaller but better fanbase.

Great bands often get ignored regardless of genre. You have to remember that record labels are out to make money, and thus will usually opt for a band with a marketable image over a more talented one with less mainstream appeal. Like you could be the greatest band in the world and it wouldn't count for anything if your lead singer was an ugly, unfashionable dweeb.


I actually haven't downloaded Journey yet. As a matter of fact, the card is still sitting on my desk unused. You can blame my laziness for that.
Great bands often get ignored regardless of genre. You have to remember that record labels are out to make money, and thus will usually opt for a band with a marketable image over a more talented one with less mainstream appeal. Like you could be the greatest band in the world and it wouldn't count for anything if your lead singer was an ugly, unfashionable dweeb.

True, it's just depressing when you see people going on about how fucking Lady Gaga is genius or some shit. It'd just be nice if I could make a thread for a band and people would actually post something other than "Who?" or just straight up ignoring it.

*is actually tempted to make a thread about the new Apologies album called "London - The Best Album You Haven't Heard" or something*

Yes I have been fanboying out about this album for the last few days. But it deserves it.

So good...


Reluctant Member
I didn't know something was happening with SA :( I've been out of the loop I had just gotten home from work and just went straight to TC and just waited around ;(

Well it's over now :< But he was playing Sonic 2006 with another guy for charity. Some other guys joined in for a ton of great comedy. Helped me get through my work!
Thanks for the support guys. I hope I haven't brought a downer on the thread :(

There's no way that doughnut could not make people happy

I was 15 when my mother died. Nowadays it is of course not painful to think about her. I remember mainly only good memories, but still, Mother's day can sometimes be a bit hard and I tend to cry on that day. Normally I generally don't and thinking about her just makes me smile.

It is hard to say does it get any better when you grew older. I suppose it kind of does. At least losing pets have been a bit easier to cope when I am older comparing to what I remember it was like when I was really a child.

I'm so sorry to hear that Sadetar. I don't think there is a harder time to lose a parent than in your teens. Not that there's ever a good time, but I know when my grandfather passed away it was sad, but it wasn't really unexpected. My cousins are 15 and 18. Right now I mostly feel angry because he died for a stupid reason (He was bad at finances and couldn't tell the family the bank was repossessing the house). I think they're coming to live with us, which is stress they really don't need right now.

Hey, why aren't you guys on tinychat?
Couple more Manchfester photos -

Stage invasion during the Calvinball set, I'm singing into the far mic:

Me looking particularly angry while Apologies kill it:

Rest here. It's a shame he didn't manage to get any of the Above Them stage invasion, that was fucking great.


Couple more Manchfester photos -

Stage invasion during the Calvinball set, I'm singing into the far mic:

Me looking particularly angry while Apologies kill it:

Rest here. It's a shame he didn't manage to get any of the Above Them stage invasion, that was fucking great.

Is this still the red people? I don't see any red people on stage.
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