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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Morning, all. Good weekend. Big pool party wherein I dropped a whole bunch of inflatables and we had a big grumpy dragon jousting tournament then a frank discussion in the hot tub on how gradual shifts in climate can affect the natural development of mermaid population and how Hollywood might be able to capitalize on this.

At one of the better night parties, I let loose a few head scratchers, which were enjoyed very aggressively. I was hit on by a few people because I brought them in. The dancing was pretty decent, too. Another of the parties took my suggestion and had a few blocks of dry ice misting up the entranceway. :D

Lots of fun overall, though there wasn't too much that I could really single out as tremendously higher or lower than average in enjoyability for a science fiction convention. One thing that particularly got me excited is when I learned that the convention that has historically been at my alma mater forty miles away is almost certainly (if temporarily) moving next year to a site which is literally less than fifteen minutes away from my house on foot.

The only downside of the weekend is that my order for the regional burning man event that ordered tickets for last month was inexplicably reversed by Paypal. I have to get everything resolved by tonight, because tonight is when they sell the rest of the tickets, and they would have to re-release the tickets I tried to order back into the queue. It is extremely competitive to get a ticket (they let in ~1250 people total, but about 3000 try to order), so I would really prefer to not have to go into the queue again.


Yeah, it's much better than that crappy Demon Souls game that all the stupid kids are into these days.

Haha, I'm on fire.

Literally. It burrrrrrns!!!!

Have I upset H.Pro?


I still like Generations!

If someone came in to the series blind, I would tell them to play Sonic 1, 2, 3+K, Sonic CD until they get bored, SA2 until they get bored, Colors, and Generations.

Alright, just checking to see if an entire day of Sonic 2006 made you wish Sega had died with the Dreamcast.


I was pretty worried you would get swallowed up by the madness of it all. I wished we in RP IRC could have contacted you directly and offered words of support to strengthen your will to live. Also, I wanted to send you a pizza.
It was fun, though. Not the game, but just hanging out all day with one hundred people and playing a video game that only got funnier as it got worse. The fact that I knew some of you guys were watching and cheering me on it made it possible for me to keep going.

But it turns out sitting in one place for 17 hours is TOTALLY NOT NICE for your back.


Why not Sonic Adventure 1?

It's aged poorly.


Reluctant Member
I hadn't actually been considering buying Ys on Steam (sorry HP! Not really a Ys fan.) but the achievements and their pictures pretty much sold me. I'll have to pick it up sometime later (when I have money.)


I'm so sorry to hear that Sadetar. I don't think there is a harder time to lose a parent than in your teens. Not that there's ever a good time, but I know when my grandfather passed away it was sad, but it wasn't really unexpected. My cousins are 15 and 18. Right now I mostly feel angry because he died for a stupid reason (He was bad at finances and couldn't tell the family the bank was repossessing the house). I think they're coming to live with us, which is stress they really don't need right now.
Thanks darlings, even if I am totally fine already.

And awwww. It must be hard for them. He should have understood it is only money and that it doesn't matter. Men and their stupid honour.


I hadn't actually been considering buying Ys on Steam (sorry HP! Not really a Ys fan.) but the achievements and their pictures pretty much sold me. I'll have to pick it up sometime later (when I have money.)


So you're going to buy and play through a game you're really not interested in, just because you like the look of the achievements. :p


The Cryptarch's Bane
More like unexpected lack of well-being hiatus

I'm still finishing up the new site stuff and I promise to show it all as soon as it's ready. I don't thiiink anybody's striking that I know of...

what hapna la1n?



Anyway, it looks like I'm going to be in LA towards the end of the summer. It's exciting to finally be able to see the West Coast. Too bad I can't get into E3 though. D:
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