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Reluctant Member
Happy Birthday doitlive! =P

Oh :eek: Happy birthday!

So many birthdays lately. It's weird. I should just say happy birthday everyday, it's sure to be someone's birthday.

Also: Doctor Pigeon why have you forsaken me a second time!? *raises hands into the air*



If I remember correctly, you had a certain affinity for point and click adventure games. I happen to be reviewing one right now called Yesterday. Its interesting to say the least.


Reluctant Member

If I remember correctly, you had a certain affinity for point and click adventure games. I happen to be reviewing one right now called Yesterday. Its interesting to say the least.


Oh :O This is the new Pendulo game. I almost forgot about this! I enjoyed their last game and want to play it...



Oh :O This is the new Pendulo game. I almost forgot about this! I enjoyed their last game and want to play it...

Yesterday has a unique style about it. The graphics make it seem playful, but the story has satanic and horrific undertones. It's a pretty interesting dichotomy. I like it so far, but its difficult for me to get back into the mindset of this style of game.
I'm presently living with my parents, who still pay the bills there (yeah yeah I know, shut up).

I reiterate: I stopped living with my parents at age 35 (I don't remember when I started helping with bills). There's nothing particularly horrible about this, especially if you make an effort towards your future and also help the family where and when you can.

My friend just left his parents at age 40. He rents an office space for his ND practice as well as a 6'x8' storage thing and cannot afford to rent an apartment (or even a room in a co-rented house). Believe me, when you're truly ready to leave again, you'll be out there like a rocket, whatever the cost!

Oh :eek: Happy birthday!

Yeah, what she (and he) said! :D

Also, echoshifting, if you get the chance, link the rest of your updates to the main page of your tag thread. It's interesting stuff, but people may get confused and think that the story ended a year ago on a cliffhanger. D:


Reluctant Member
Yesterday has a unique style about it. The graphics make it seem playful, but the story has satanic and horrific undertones. It's a pretty interesting dichotomy. I like it so far, but its difficult for me to get back into the mindset of this style of game.

Funny, I never have problems getting into that style of game. And I never get tired of them. I do get tired with games that have fighting though D: *is not a fighter*

I reiterate: I stopped living with my parents at age 35 (I don't remember when I started helping with bills). There's nothing particularly horrible about this, especially if you make an effort towards your future and also help the family where and when you can.

My friend just left his parents at age 40. He rents an office space for his ND practice as well as a 6'x8' storage thing and cannot afford to rent an apartment (or even a room in a co-rented house). Believe me, when you're truly ready to leave again, you'll be out there like a rocket, whatever the cost!

Exactly. There is nothing wrong with staying with your parents as long as you are constantly working towards your future.
I had to move back in with my parents about 3 years ago. Shit sucks, but it beats living on the street. At least I'm getting through some of my school stuff...or at least what I can afford. :|


I moved back into my parents house when I was 28 while I was waiting for my first house to be built. Everything was fine and dandy until my father walked in on me and my wife practicing making babies.
Kittens surely imminent. Cat has completely lost her mind...won't let me hang out anywhere but the bedroom (where her little "birthing box" is located)...very annoyed at me as we speak. Then I go in there and she'll sit in the box and meow a lot, then hop up on the bed and harass me for pets, then hop down to the box and meow again.

This has been going on all day. Sound familiar to anyone who has done this? The internet tells me this behavior could potentially go on for days...fuck that it is annoying

Happy birthday, doitlive!

Also, echoshifting, if you get the chance, link the rest of your updates to the main page of your tag thread. It's interesting stuff, but people may get confused and think that the story ended a year ago on a cliffhanger. D:

Yeah I should really get back in there. It kinda DID end on a cliffhanger. Things on the chronic disease front have just not been so hot lately, I'm having trouble talking about recent setbacks. I'm still very happy with the implant, though.

Well the cat won't let me type anymore
I left home at 17 and they were the ones who had to borrow from me. Ha!

But, I suppose it's fine to live at home as long as you're working to better yourself and contribute significantly around the house (cleaning, cooking, etc). Contributing towards bills is also great if you can.


Might start writing my SumiOni review tonight.

Why do I feel an ominous chill?

Also! Backtracking through the thread...

Good luck, Dave! Your rise as a cyborg is much anticipated! Keep us updated.

Echo, sorry to hear you're feeling bad of late and have an annoying pregnant cat to boot. At least once she pops them out and stops bothering you, you'll be surrounded by ADORABLENESS. O_O (pics are, of course, required)

Happy birthday, doitlive! Cheers will be made on Sat, no doubt.

Feeling shit.

Don't know why.

It always seems to be around now that I just stop caring about uni. Like first term it's always fine, second term I'm just like "Fuck this".



Happy birthday doitlive I hope it's been a great one and if not then I hope it becomes a great one. You deserve it :)


I de-activated my Facebook account because I feel it's becoming a distraction. I don't really have the time to fuck around anymore. I'm just too busy for that.
I de-activated my Facebook account because I feel it's becoming a distraction. I don't really have the time to fuck around anymore. I'm just too busy for that.

I haven't deactivated mine i just never use it. I don't understand how people are on there all the time, there is nothing to really do.


Awe I enjoyed your post always had a nice hint of sarcasm to them.

It's not permanent. It's just until I can get my life back on stable ground, or however that saying goes.

But yeah, I realize I can be an asshole sometimes on Facebook. Something about it just brings out the worst aspects of my personality. I can also be quite neurotic with my status updates, because I have a habit of deleting them if I feel they might result in backlash.


I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Personally I just moved out for the first time (besides college, dorms don't really count) almost two months ago. It also happens that I'm now getting barely any hours at my job. Kinda sucks, but I've got a year's lease and, thankfully, some savings to help me. I'll start school again to get my masters in education soon, which will take about a year.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.


I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Personally I just moved out for the first time (besides college, dorms don't really count) almost two months ago. It also happens that I'm now getting barely any hours at my job. Kinda sucks, but I've got a year's lease and, thankfully, some savings to help me. I'll start school again to get my masters in education soon, which will take about a year.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.

Moving out is stuff. Especially right now, or depending on where you are located.
I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Personally I just moved out for the first time (besides college, dorms don't really count) almost two months ago. It also happens that I'm now getting barely any hours at my job. Kinda sucks, but I've got a year's lease and, thankfully, some savings to help me. I'll start school again to get my masters in education soon, which will take about a year.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.

Welcome INH!

Sounds like you are preparing to accrue quite the heap of debt ;O


My parents actually want to move out of New Jersey and go somewhere warmer, when my dad retires. I'm probably gonna end up going with them since I can't quite support myself yet, but moving is stressful as hell so I'd rather just stay here. D:
I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Personally I just moved out for the first time (besides college, dorms don't really count) almost two months ago. It also happens that I'm now getting barely any hours at my job. Kinda sucks, but I've got a year's lease and, thankfully, some savings to help me. I'll start school again to get my masters in education soon, which will take about a year.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.

We meet again.

Get some roomies! I shared an apartment with 4 of my best friends between 06-08, and it was one of the best times I've ever had.

As for hours, would your job complain if you just showed up to work anyways? When I worked at Circuit City during that time, they didn't care if you showed up to work when you weren't scheduled as long as you didn't go over the maximum amount of hours legally allowed.

Granted, this policy was during their last 8 or so months alive, but it might work for you.


Reluctant Member
Kitten #1 has arrived! :D

Should have pics up sometime tonight.

Good grief it is absurdly small. It looks like a rat.

Poor rat kitty D:

I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Personally I just moved out for the first time (besides college, dorms don't really count) almost two months ago. It also happens that I'm now getting barely any hours at my job. Kinda sucks, but I've got a year's lease and, thankfully, some savings to help me. I'll start school again to get my masters in education soon, which will take about a year.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.

Living on your own is so nice, but yes it can be very stressful. I am hoping to get my Masters in Linguistics one of these days, but the debt I would acquire through that is making me hesitant to actually get to it right away. I'm hoping to be a bit more settled first.
Probably the best part about living alone is being able to bring back any girls i meet to my own place. Still i really enjoyed living at home and i wouldn't have cared if i had to live there quite a bit longer. I have been really lucky with my family.


Professor Beef, our paths continue to cross.

I do have two roommates, they were my roommates one year in college as well, and I've known them since high school. They're both engineers, haha. One of them is going to help me pay rent for a bit while I'm going back to school because he wants me to live with him and keep his cost of rent down for a bit (I'm going to pay him back). Thankfully that's going to help.

Unfortunately, I work as a substitute teacher, so I can't just barge in to work. I'm taking classes part time right now to fill prereqs for this education program I'm applying to, so I went down to only being able to work 3 days a week. They just haven't been calling me as much since they've been using the people who can work all 5 days.

School's over in less than two months or so anyway, so I'd have to find a new job soon regardless.

Thankfully I do have some savings left over from college, I managed to save a ton of money by doing my first two years at a community college and by getting some scholarships when I got to university. I was lucky enough to have a father who put aside money for me since I was born to go to college, so I managed to get through without debt. I'm really fortunate in this respect. I should be able to stay above water until I become a teacher and then start actually making a steady income.

All this will change if I decide I want to get my Ph.D after all though...


Professor Beef, our paths continue to cross.

I do have two roommates, they were my roommates one year in college as well, and I've known them since high school. They're both engineers, haha. One of them is going to help me pay rent for a bit while I'm going back to school because he wants me to live with him and keep his cost of rent down for a bit (I'm going to pay him back). Thankfully that's going to help.

Unfortunately, I work as a substitute teacher, so I can't just barge in to work. I'm taking classes part time right now to fill prereqs for this education program I'm applying to, so I went down to only being able to work 3 days a week. They just haven't been calling me as much since they've been using the people who can work all 5 days.

School's over in less than two months or so anyway, so I'd have to find a new job soon regardless.

Thankfully I do have some savings left over from college, I managed to save a ton of money by doing my first two years at a community college and by getting some scholarships when I got to university. I was lucky enough to have a father who put aside money for me since I was born to go to college, so I managed to get through without debt. I'm really fortunate in this respect. I should be able to stay above water until I become a teacher and then start actually making a steady income.

All this will change if I decide I want to get my Ph.D after all though...

Wow Ph.D, I couldn't handle that much school. Wish I would have.


Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm going to do it. I want to, but I think the stress would be too much for me, both trying to get it and trying to get (and keep) a job afterward.

The education program I'm going into though has an internship requirement so tuition is free. If I decide to go back to grad school later this won't be a waste of money or anything, just a waste of a year. Hopefully though, I'll enjoy teaching high school.
Poor rat kitty D:

Well it does!

They are doing well so far. She's popped three out in a relatively short period of time. We're expecting one more.

Living on your own is so nice, but yes it can be very stressful. I am hoping to get my Masters in Linguistics one of these days, but the debt I would acquire through that is making me hesitant to actually get to it right away. I'm hoping to be a bit more settled first.

Linguistics, eh? That's my brother's field. He loves it.

Have we had this conversation before? I think we've had this conversation before.


I'm going to warn you, yes you. Do not highlight the spoiler tag.

As you read this, know that I was pooping as I typed it. Complete pants down, ass over water pooping. Now try and not feel dirty having read what I warned you not to.
Poor rat kitty D:

Living on your own is so nice, but yes it can be very stressful. I am hoping to get my Masters in Linguistics one of these days, but the debt I would acquire through that is making me hesitant to actually get to it right away. I'm hoping to be a bit more settled first.
Hey, no badmouthing adorable rittens!

Also, please do not go insane as you do your PhD thesis on the subject of Grammatical Deviations in Internet-based Video Game Oriented Discussion Groups.
I guess I'm not really a part of this community yet, but I was lurking here and found stuff relevant.

Yeahhh, maybe moving out wasn't the best idea.
This community totally claimed ownership of you late last year. You just merely became subconsciously aware of this recently.

Also, I have found that it worked best for me a wait for a little bit of financial stability then take night courses, just one or twoper semester, to keep things cheap and stressles.


This community totally claimed ownership of you late last year. You just merely became subconsciously aware of this recently.

Also, I have found that it worked best for me a wait for a little bit of financial stability then take night courses, just one or twoper semester, to keep things cheap and stressles.

I'm not real though.

Also the program is a year straight through, internship at a high school monday-friday during the day, classes at night from monday-thursday. Intensive, but it's your masters and teaching certification all in a year and all of tuition is covered by the school you intern at. All you pay for is your student teaching (about 5k, but that's not bad for a masters degree and certification).

So yeah, no way of taking that slowly, or making any money during that time unfortunately.


Almost 5am here and my procrastinating ass has the next 4 hours to finish up my presentation for class. I hate procrastinating, but it's all I know ;(
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