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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I used to take Tramadol when I broke my ankle and knee. Hated it with passion! Makes you really sleepy and drowsy, destroys your appetite and makes you feel sick and nauseous. I hear it can be highly addictive too but it was't for me.

Also, alcohol + medication = bad combo!

D: my wife takes six Tramadol a day, plus ibuprofen and acetaminophen. She has major pain issues so I think the medication doesn't produce as many side effects when it's busy killing pain. She never drinks, though.


I went in to buy condoms, then thought about how it would seem weird to just buy condoms, so I also got a razor, a bottle of windex, a bunch of apples, and a watergun.

I bought condoms and a chocolate bar.

It was today, there's only three inside for 5 bucks I feel a bit ripped off.
Happy birthday Lissar! I hope you read many a book on this fine day.
RPGAF I want to know how it was the first time you guys went to buy a condom and for the ladies the first time you girls went to buy like birth control I think would be the equivalent? Or are there lady condoms out there? Or maybe when you had to buy condoms for your guy and when one of you guys had to go buy like a tampon for your girl, or you know whatever applies to you because this is starting to confuse me.
My first girlfriend actually was the one who bought the condoms. She was really looking forward to our first night together.


Happy birthday Lissar! I hope you read many a book on this fine day.

My first girlfriend actually was the one who bought the condoms. She was really looking forward to our first night together.

She wanted the Professor to educate her in beef?

I'm sorry that was terrible.
My mum got me prescribed the pill when I was 14 for non-birth control reasons, and I have been using it ever since. Boyfriend filmed a documentary at a gay festival a couple of years ago and they gave him a huge backpack full of stuff (its all gone now :( ). So yeah.

It was today, there's only three inside for 5 bucks I feel a bit ripped off.

They are super expensive >=( Pill costs like $13 for four months worth, so if you can - get your lady on them.


My mum got me prescribed the pill when I was 14 for non-birth control reasons, and I have been using it ever since. Boyfriend filmed a documentary at a gay festival a couple of years ago and they gave him a huge backpack full of stuff (its all gone now :( ). So yeah.

Umm... shan... honey. Gay people don't need birth control.


RPGAF I want to know how it was the first time you guys went to buy a condom and for the ladies the first time you girls went to buy like birth control I think would be the equivalent? Or are there lady condoms out there? Or maybe when you had to buy condoms for your guy and when one of you guys had to go buy like a tampon for your girl, or you know whatever applies to you because this is starting to confuse me.

Missed this before my snarky remark to Shan.

I've never been ashamed. I walked in the store like a boss and bought a box. Looked the clerk right in the eyes with that "mmhmm" look. My father had said once early enough to me something along the lines of "If you're man enough for sex, be man enough to protect yourself"


Saw a screening of Battle Royale in SF last night under the influence of some special chocolate. I hadn't seen it in about 6 years, was very emotionally distressing under the circumstances.


My mum got me prescribed the pill when I was 14 for non-birth control reasons, and I have been using it ever since. Boyfriend filmed a documentary at a gay festival a couple of years ago and they gave him a huge backpack full of stuff (its all gone now :( ). So yeah.

They are super expensive >=( Pill costs like $13 for four months worth, so if you can - get your lady on them.

I wish I had a lady :C. I just bought them for the whole in the event something happens. Like if I'm alone in some back alley and terrible things happen D:.
Never had any shame in buying condoms. For one thing, you doing the responsible thing so what's there to be embarassed about? AND you're getting laid! I've went on emergency runs to 7-11 to only buy a 3 pack of condoms... but really, when I'm not in a relationship I never bother to get them, since I don't really believe in doing it outside of a relationship. When I'm in one, though, I get the value packs from wal-mart :p
RPGAF I want to know how it was the first time you guys went to buy a condom[...]

The weirdest bit was standing in front of the rack trying to decide what to buy. Have bought tampons and pads before; not embarrassing since they obviously aren't for me.

Worst was when I had been doing guitar maintenance and I couldn't find any Vaseline for the nut— Vaseline and graphite are great for preventing strings from binding when the but needs some work. Anyway, I go to the nearby grocery store at 22:30 and the smallest size they have is a tub. It is only 500-700mL, but when you are only buying Vaseline at that time of night it felt like a gigantic 10-ton tub of "I am going home to look at weird porn".


I went in to buy condoms, then thought about how it would seem weird to just buy condoms, so I also got a razor, a bottle of windex, a bunch of apples, and a watergun.

Friend of mine always buys squashes or sausages or cucumbers with condoms.

there's only three inside for 5 bucks I feel a bit ripped off.

Buy in bulk once you find a kind you like. The ones with the silicon lube are so much better.


Self-checkout lines ftw.

Stores around where I lived slowly started getting rid of them. Even a couple of the Wal Marts got rid of theirs.

Also, fuck the stores that not only put condoms and foam behind lock and key, but KY/Astroglide as well. The only store that I haven't seen do it is Wal Mart. Oh no, somebody might use lube! [/puritanicalleftovers]


Reluctant Member
Are you having a book reading party?

"Happy birthday lissar!"

"Sssh! No speaking allowed!"

I spent a good part of the day listening to music, petting my cat, and reading a book. :eek:

Wait.... did I miss Lissar in her birthday suit? Please tell me I didn't miss that because of work.

I always have on my birthday suit! :eek:

Everyday is a party!



Actually when I met her, I didn't even have the moniker "Professor Beef."

And yes, that joke was terrible. I sentence you to 3 months of playing WONDERBOOK.

Oh god no anything but that.

but when you are only buying Vaseline at that time of night it felt like a gigantic 10-ton tub of "I am going home to look at weird porn".


:lol that's terrible.

Friend of mine always buys squashes or sausages or cucumbers with condoms.

I was talking to my friends about the event, I definitely want to do something like this. Go into a store buy condoms and some of the most phallic shaped objects and maybe some lube too. Try and do that with a straight face or whatever.

Never had any shame in buying condoms. For one thing, you doing the responsible thing so what's there to be embarassed about? AND you're getting laid! I've went on emergency runs to 7-11 to only buy a 3 pack of condoms... but really, when I'm not in a relationship I never bother to get them, since I don't really believe in doing it outside of a relationship. When I'm in one, though, I get the value packs from wal-mart :p

This isn't always true. :´C


RPGAF I want to know how it was the first time you guys went to buy a condom

Man, I don't even remember. In college I used to go get them for free from Student Health. After that, I think it was at Target or something. I bought an economy-sized pack that lasted awhile.

My best condom-buying experiences were in Korea though. My second year there, there was this 24 hour mini-supermarket across the street from my apartment that was owned by this 60-something Korean man, and I would frequently show up on weekend nights around 3am with some half-drunk Korean chick to buy condoms (I would do it discreetly, telling her that I wanted to get some cigarettes or another bottle of soju or something like that). The owner would sigh, and I knew he was thinking "He's going to despoil the virtue of another of our pure Korean women", but he never said anything about it.

On the game note, I've never finished a 2D Zelda game, although I got halfway through LTTP, and I intend to finish it someday. I finished all the N64 and Gamecube Zeldas, but never got that new one on the Wii (Skyward Sword?).

Metroid Prime 1 is one of my top 5 games of all time. I got almost to the end of Super Metroid, but never finished that one either. I liked it though.

I loved Mario 64, thought Sunshine was okay, didn't like Galaxy much from the little I played of it, but I adore the 2D Mario games up to Yoshi's Island. Yoshi's Story was an embarrassment.


I read the first seven issues of the new 52 Batman, it's pretty amazing. I highly recommend everyone read it, already enjoying it more than any of the Nolan films(which I do like).

You must read Invincible as well, best superhero comic ever.


Not pure anymore!
D: my wife takes six Tramadol a day, plus ibuprofen and acetaminophen. She has major pain issues so I think the medication doesn't produce as many side effects when it's busy killing pain. She never drinks, though.

Damn! How much mg per day in total? I used to take two 200 mg slow relief tablets, 1 in the morning and one at night so 400mg in total and that's maximum dosage per day I think.


You can buy Tramadol at a pharmacy with no prescription here in Cambodia. A buddy of mine was seriously abusing them during a recent trip to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. I was popping valiums like candy though, so I can't talk shit.

The funny thing about extended valium highs is that the passage of time gets really weird. I can remember everything that happened and what we did on each day, but it still feels like entire days just disappeared. One time I was surprised to learn that the date was four days later than I thought it was. Same thing happened in Laos about a year and a half ago, when I also popped valium on the regular.


GAF is advertising one of our company's clients. That I've done work for.

I'm guessing it's because it bases it off your history and stuff, but it weirded me out.

I asked another GAFfer to make me a shirt that I could wear at PAX. So of course I search for local places to get it either heat-stamped or screenprinted.

It's now basically permanently set my GAF ads to "CUSTOM TSHIRTS CLICK HERE".


Damn! How much mg per day in total? I used to take two 200 mg slow relief tablets, 1 in the morning and one at night so 400mg in total and that's maximum dosage per day I think.

Its actually only 50mg per pill, she ends up taking 100mg every 6 hours so 300mg per day. Still, she has been taking it for a long time so she has gotten used to it.
Stores around where I lived slowly started getting rid of them. Even a couple of the Wal Marts got rid of theirs.

Also, fuck the stores that not only put condoms and foam behind lock and key, but KY/Astroglide as well. The only store that I haven't seen do it is Wal Mart. Oh no, somebody might use lube! [/puritanicalleftovers]

They do that at the 711 now =/ I think it pretty much ruled out any chances of me ever going in to buy any. I have a feeling its probably due to kids/whoever being too embarrassed to buy them and just stealing them.

According to some people I know, there is no such thing.

whaaaaat. You should tell those people they are crazy. Acne and weight control, pain reduction, creating regularity? no?
Sex and birth control pills aren't "necessities" in their mind and the govt should in no way finance contraception/ BC pills if on state assisted health programs. Or if you work for a company that is religious, they want the power to deny those things being covered by private insurance policies.

It's a warped mindset I can't get my head around.


They do that at the 711 now =/ I think it pretty much ruled out any chances of me ever going in to buy any. I have a feeling its probably due to kids/whoever being too embarrassed to buy them and just stealing them.

And then when you go to check out with it, it's like you just handed the cashier a bomb. So even after you get over it and just go check it out, SOMEBODY will still make a fucking scene over it. It's like, really, people?

It's pretty much what certain people want though. They want people to be embarassed to actually ask for it, so they make you ask someone to let you get the condoms or lube first, forcing people to spotlight themselves in the store. Shit should be in vending machines as far as I'm concerned.


It's essentially horde mode in tf2. I might be down for that when I get home tonight

I played some of it last night. It is quite fun actually. It's definitely better to have 6 players to beat it, although you can do it with four.

I'll play if we can get a group together.
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