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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Do you have horrific BO or are playing a loud video game on your phone that involves shooting cats with a shotgun*?

I'm not sure why you're nervous.

*I got to listen to this on the ferry once.
You haven't had an interview with him. Jesus fucking Christ he just rips the shit out of you.

Also I might be putting on a house show in a few weeks. Sweet. Hopefully the front room won't get destroyed by drunk punx.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Finally got around to watching season 4 of torchwood. I'm slightly disappointed by
the lack of aliens. Sure there was that weird thing in the centre of the earth, but come on
You haven't had an interview with him. Jesus fucking Christ he just rips the shit out of you.

And yet, you got hired and haven't been fired, and since your pay is coming straight out of his pocket, he doesn't hate you.

My company's owner yells and screams too. Now, some upper-management types that do this are indeed sociopaths, but I think mine does it because most people are conflict averse. I've learned to push back and speak my mind, but it's taken years.

At some point in your life you should ask yourself: "What's the worst that can happen? I get shit-canned by an asshole?"

I realize that not everyone's situation can accommodate unemployment, but when you are employed you should be working to pay down any debt and build a buffer so you can support yourself and dependants when between work. This may never happen at some pay levels, but IIRC, you're a software developer, though, right?
And yet, you got hired and haven't been fired, and since your pay is coming straight out of his pocket, he doesn't hate you.

My company's owner yells and screams too. Now, some upper-management types that do this are indeed sociopaths, but I think mine does it because most people are conflict averse. I've learned to push back and speak my mind, but it's taken years.

At some point in your life you should ask yourself: "What's the worst that can happen? I get shit-canned by an asshole?"

I realize that not everyone's situation can accommodate unemployment, but when you are employed you should be working to pay down any debt and build a buffer so you can support yourself and dependants when between work. This may never happen at some pay levels, but IIRC, you're a software developer, though, right?
There was no yelling, just an hour of him insulting me. And I realise all that, it's just that I haven't fully recovered from the emotional beat down he handed out >_>


Anybody here good with planting bushes and trees? I'm trying to work out good food-bearing (non-veggie, as I already have a garden) plants to put in my yard that can thrive decently in Zone 7 and are (A) no taller than 25', and (B) happy in the shade and no taller than 15'.

You'll have the kids running into your garden and stealing all your fruit. :p


Well RPGAF, tonight was a great night. I went to a club with some friends, danced and made out with a gorgeous Brasian. It was good GAF, it was good.`


I added 2 new people to my phone, sent them texts and got no response from either, I feel like I entered their numbers wrong or something..wtf lol


=/ Dark Souls still has another GB to download.

I think I'll wait until after a couple of patches before considering.

I kind of worry there will be very little support for the game though. I can't imagine it sold that well.

They release a bad port--> hardly anyone buys it-->give it no support because hardly anyone bought it.

I can see that happening. :/
my sister is in the hospital, should be giving birth to my second nephew later today or tomorrow.

Just remember that as a non-immediate relative, you're allowed to give him infinite candy.

So for the green thumbs here, especially dave, what's your favourite manner of killing bushes and trees? I have three or four stumps, and I'm going to be making* as many as seven more, and I'm trying to kill them pretty quickly on the cheap. I'm trying different things on different stumps. One I'm repeatedly soaking in boiling water, one I'm drilling in tons of glyphosate (Round up), and a third I may be smothering in fertilizer. All three will be covered to block sunlight from feeding them.

Any interesting ideas that don't involve fire, explosives, or poisoning the soil such that future planting is negatively impinged?

* Well, technically they're already there, but the rest of the tree is still attached. I guess you could say that I'll be sculpting stumps


Just remember that as a non-immediate relative, you're allowed to give him infinite candy.

So for the green thumbs here, especially dave, what's your favourite manner of killing bushes and trees? I have three or four stumps, and I'm going to be making* as many as seven more, and I'm trying to kill them pretty quickly on the cheap. I'm trying different things on different stumps. One I'm repeatedly soaking in boiling water, one I'm drilling in tons of glyphosate (Round up), and a third I may be smothering in fertilizer. All three will be covered to block sunlight from feeding them.

Any interesting ideas that don't involve fire, explosives, or poisoning the soil such that future planting is negatively impinged?

* Well, technically they're already there, but the rest of the tree is still attached. I guess you could say that I'll be sculpting stumps

The only time I've had to deal with a stump, I had a friend with a bobcat backhoe. We dug around it, hooked a chain around it and lifted with the scoop. I've never tried doing any stump torturing
Any interesting ideas that don't involve fire, explosives, or poisoning the soil such that future planting is negatively impinged?


If you say so.


You're welcome. Its the least I could do for you being so surprisingly gentle.
Well RPGAF, tonight was a great night. I went to a club with some friends, danced and made out with a gorgeous Brasian. It was good GAF, it was good.`
I never even heard of a Brasian before lol.
New real pic because why not.

=/ Dark Souls still has another GB to download.
Keep dat RP avatar alive!

Went to a friend's friend's place this Saturday and they stay in a freakin mansion! Their entertainment room is hidden behind a bookshelf. The hallway inbetween has a puppet show stand. The entertainment room itself was a mini-theatre. It had it's own stage, a huge projection screen, bar, and a dome ceiling top that went sky high. I left thinking, I will never be able to afford such a place :(. lol

We just nerded it up and had a lan party, playing LoL and Diablo 3. We played Rock Band 3 and SSBB on that projection which was laggy as crap. Couldn't calibrate it right lol.


Still in this mood. Feel like just shouting for a bit.

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me right now. But I fucking hate it.

If you feel like shouting, you should shout but not like in public or something. Just somewhere where people won't think you're a weirdo, unless you don't care then go ahead.


I took a tramadol before watching a movie, and instead of helping me get to sleep, it's kept me awake. It's 3:30 am here. I'm quite relaxed, but wide awake. Weird.
If you feel like shouting, you should shout but not like in public or something. Just somewhere where people won't think you're a weirdo, unless you don't care then go ahead.

Not going to be alone for a while. Have realised that WTFest this weekend is going to be a really good opportunity to scream though. I'm going to shout so fucking loudly to Calvinball.

Also, any drummers here? I want to start learning but don't really know what would be a good starter kit or anything.


Confirmed Asshole
Also, any drummers here? I want to start learning but don't really know what would be a good starter kit or anything.
Been a drummer for 20 years. I'd say you want to figure out whether you actually want to have a drumset around first. They're notoriously hard to sell!
As for what to buy, well, sound is the most important property. So you will have to go to a shop and find a kit with a good sound.
You should take a drummer along with you. If you actually want to get somewhere with it, you're gonna have to get a teacher; take that guy.

Quality usually isn't a big issue with common kit manufacturers. There are some weakpoints that frequently annoy buyers, like bad screw quality or whatever, but you can fix basically anything with a bit of effort. Like, I just restored a kit that's 60 years old like a month ago. It had a snare that had the screw holdings literally ripped out of the wood, so that thing was fucked (bummer too, as it was a Ludwig snare), but everything else did what it's supposed to after a good shine. That with rusted screws, slight warping of the base and shit. So what I'm saying is you'll probably be fine.

You could also buy a used set, but in that case, you NEED to take a drummer with you because you won't be able to figure out if there's anything wrong with it.

I want to explicitly mention that you might want to think about investing in a good rack once you know you're gonna be playing drums for the rest of your life. Hanging the toms on the base sucks in a number of ways. And cymbal stands need a lot of space for the foot. So a rack helps there. But get a kit together first, you can always buy a rack later.

Also, e-drums are pretty expensive, but totally worth it from my point of view. Sure, you're not gonna have the visceral experience that is banging on a drumkit, but down the line, you'll be thankful you didn't kill your ears with a Pearl set you could've bought on a whim instead because it was so loud and stuff. Your ears are fucking fragile as shit, so be careful with them. But the prices for good e-drumkits are astronomical, and cheap ones will be awful for actual practicing, so either you're rich or you're gonna get a wooden kit of some sort.

Just go to a shop and check out some kits, kick the bases, hit the snares, to get a feel for what kind of a sound range you have to deal with. And again, be sure you want to actually have a kit around for the rest of your life. It's a big deal. Women usually hate having them in the house, for example. You can't expect neighbours to tolerate a beginner playing in a poorly sound-proofed cellar. You need to make sure you have a dry environment if you're buying a wooden kit. You need to make the space, and have an appropriate room (not too big, lots of stuff lying around so that it doesn't echo).

Not sure if any of that is helpful, but, you know, curb your enthusiasm is what I'm saying here.


Didnt get any of my summer goals done, mainly because of summer school taking over my life.

Now that I'm done though the main things I want to get down are getting back in shape, practicing drums again, and getting better in fighting games. I guess they are just general goals, but with school out of the way there's no reason not to go head on into these things.

The biggest thing I have with practicing drums(hell, any of the the things I mentioned) is that I always get it in my head that practicing will take too long and will be really boring, causing me to not do anything at all.


One day I will go to Japan. My dream is to take a road trip across the islands. I assume there are ferries that can take cars across? Would be an expensive trip but it's my drrrreeeeaaaaaammmmm.


I'm surprised at how normal his skin looks Dralla. All the babies I've seen have been bright red/yellow.

Yeah. I think preferably red than yellow. Yellow means the baby has jaundice which can be quite dangerous.

I think it's a good sign that the baby is healthy if it has bright red skin.
Holy crap, Apologies, I Have None got played on the Radio 1 Review Show! So happy for them, they need to be huge. So much better than any big bands. Or just any band ever.

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