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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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A Kangol hat is not silly.

As someone who predominately wears one as a form of headgear, I can definitely say it is the epitome of cool.


Oh yeah!

Kangol duckface.


Oh man I hate customers who think they are entitled to shit because of their profession. Fuck that shit. I'm trying to save the guy some fucking money and he starts going off about how he's going to sue and going to put an article in the newspaper. Hey fuck you man, overreacting asshole.
A Kangol hat is not silly.

As someone who predominately wears one as a form of headgear, I can definitely say it is the epitome of cool.


Oh yeah!

Isn't...isn't that just a flatcap?
Which are bad hats by the way

SPEAKING OF HATS, I got a sweet-ass Polar Bear Club cap on Saturday. It's awesome. I'll take a photo when I get home.

EDIT: That's beautiful. One of my coworkers just signed a leaving card "Happy Birthday!"


Zero... you know I'm a fan of the beard, but you gotta trim that shit. There's a fine line for people like you in America between "Damn, that's sexy" and "Is he going to kill us?"


You guys should have seen me wearing a full middle east getup.

I'm gonna have myself and some of my boys wear it to the gun range one day.


speaking of chickens, made this for dinner tonight


nom nom nom

chicken coated in coconut oil, covered with shredded coconut flakes to act as "breading", baked for 25-30min. Sauteed brussell sprouts and leeks in coconut oil. it was..delicious, and healthy..feels good man

I lost my job :(

Said they didn't have more work for me to do even though they said they did 2 weeks ago

sorry to hear that bro! I'm borderline unemployed myself [work 2 days a week] and I've been applying to places, it's tough out there! :(


Confirmed Asshole
what do you guys think of me?
I don't dislike you. You're a person on the internet to me. But I have a habit of tossing people to the side on a whim, so I try to stay distant to people to prevent that. You don't seem like a bad person, if that counts for anything.

Just reacting to the tone of your post, so if it doesn't apply, then just ignore this, but: Don't silently agree to being treated as a doormat. Absolutely noone gets anything of value out of that. Don't be an asshole, and don't accept being treated like a plant. That's a good set of rules to live by. Not that easy in reality, but what is, eh?

Just a night out that started off amazingly well ended up the same, depressing way it always does. Only this time more so because of reasons.
Okay, story time. Last weekend, I met a girl again that I hadn't seen in like 5 years, and we were really good friends for years back then. Extremely close, spent every weekend together, all that. But work got in the way of things, like it often does.
Anyway, we reconnected, went to a club with other people, danced a bit, but she was rather cold towards me, like, she didn't talk much, played with her phone, that kinda thing. Of course, I left at some point, and she then said "I'm sorry I can't really show it, but I _do_ like you."
Bottom line: An evening down the drain, frustrating ride home, and maybe even the seemingly reigniting friendship finally dying off as well. Facebook is what's left, realistically. Sort of awful imho.

All I know is that these kinds of things just happen. Rejection is default in so many social situations.

Or maybe it's me and I just don't get it, not sure. Maybe it's my Elaine-style dancing lol.
Oh well. There's always the next morning.

Not sure if any of that can cheer you up, but rest assured that at least I know what it feels like to have one frustrating evening after another.


how do I keep forgetting this is in community, saw a post about community and was like oh yeah real gaf, wonder if it's still going...good job guys.


The Cryptarch's Bane
how do I keep forgetting this is in community, saw a post about community and was like oh yeah real gaf, wonder if it's still going...good job guys.
You're here just in time to offer some sage relationship advice big man.

And I like you Zomba.


Yeah I am definitely the guy you want to ask about relationships, haha.

Oh yeah? Some relationship we had. I professed my love for you and you left me unrequited. Wouldn't even come down from PA for a simple drink
legitimate rape
, but that's alright. I understand.


Oh yeah? Some relationship we had. I professed my love for you and you left me unrequited. Wouldn't even come down from PA for a simple drink
legitimate rape
, but that's alright. I understand.

lmao, I was traveling the east coast there for quite some time but never really had the chance to stop anywhere for too long until I finally landed at the coast. I'll be out of town this coming up weekend again but just to Myrtle Beach, SC.


lmao, I was traveling the east coast there for quite some time but never really had the chance to stop anywhere for too long until I finally landed at the coast. I'll be out of town this coming up weekend again but just to Myrtle Beach, SC.

You've had your chance buddy. I hope you enjoy your time in SC!

Can't get a new mobile contract because of my credit rating with Equifax.
Can't contact Equifax because I don't have an account with them.
Can't create an account with Equifax because I've lived abroad.

I'll take my business elsewhere!


So the girl of my dreams has a girlfriend now.
And the girl I was dancing with and having fun with and got on well saturday night has a boyfreind.
And the only girls I seem to attract are ones I have nothing in common with, who I find unattractive and only seem to like me for my looks (odd but true).

I wish there was some kind of benefit to being part of the forever alone club this long. Like, I get platinum membership so I get a discounted Pizza for one every week...


So the girl of my dreams has a girlfriend now.
And the girl I was dancing with and having fun with and got on well saturday night has a boyfreind.
And the only girls I seem to attract are ones I have nothing in common with, who I find unattractive and only seem to like me for my looks (odd but true).

I wish there was some kind of benefit to being part of the forever alone club this long. Like, I get platinum membership so I get a discounted Pizza for one every week...

You want a pizza? I'll buy you a pizza. Come on over and we'll discuss your predicament. No Homo
ok, some homo

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
You can't even see its eyes. I wonder if they walk around banging into things. I wonder if you cut off their feathers(?) they would freak out. All these strange wonderful shapes they can now see.

What is the award for?

Is it a fake MTV award? :p

Ha, no it's real. I worked on the VMA's over the weekend and stole a picture with it. I can play pretend!

My stalking skills lead me to conclude that Winchester is full of Win

I see what you did there and absolutely approve.


I went to a crocodile farm today.

There is nothing that can prepare you for the sight of 100+ crocodiles sitting by the edge of a pool with their mouths gaping.
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