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Also, bacon and avocado sandwiches are the best.

dude I know, bacon and avocado is a magical combination.

bacon and avocado burger


I take too many pictures of my food :(


Calling out a Chinese woman with pigtails and a blue top in a pic for a video game console who looks like a Chinese video game character with pigtails and a blue top is racist?

They all look alike to you don't they!

Also the iconic Chun Li does not have pigtails!

Also I was just joking.
I'm obsessed with avocados, I cant' stop eating them. They've been on sale at my job, so I get them for 4 for 4 bucks, how can I not keep buying them!
I have the exact same problem. It all started when I decided to make some guacamole and now it has come so far that I'll eat plain avocados sandwiches. It just is that good. I almost ate two avocados last Saturday.


I kinda suck at making bacon, it never comes out like that. I try and make it a little on the crispy side but it's usually too soft or too crunchy, it's tough to find that sweet spot


I kinda suck at making bacon, it never comes out like that. I try and make it a little on the crispy side but it's usually too soft or too crunchy, it's tough to find that sweet spot

There is no wrong way to cook bacon, as long as it's cooked.


dude, PM me your Steam name (if that's what you're playing it on)

Also, Tence: THAT drawing made my morning.

Not playing on Steam, 360 :|
One day I'll have a decent PC but for now...bills.


New comic book day!

Batman 13 starts the next story, so stoked! Marvel NOW starts today with Uncanny Avengers. Really excited for the creative team. Remender is writing and Cassaday(Astonishing X-Men) is doing the art.

*nerd squeeeeeeel*
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