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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Guys, how do you go about resetting your sleeping cycle? I've been sleeping like I live on the fucking west coast the past few weeks and with school starting it's been a struggle even though hanging with you guys on IRC/TC has been great

Melatonin works wonders.


I just realized something. With this whole Syrian uprising and the massacre that happened last week... has anyone heard from Sentry in a while?
I'll pay big bucks for the photos when your found. I want the exclusive. I'll be rich.

Im sure he will have 5 or 6 clones of him on tinychat so we can get the full effect of the paramedics wheeling him out. Shockingalberto will then play a youtube video of "baby come back" as he stoicly watches dave exit camera right. A single tear will run down his cheek.
Blargh, RP Gaf. Just blargh. -_- Maybe after coffee things will improve.

So I cooked this amazing meal, linked it on TC but I'll post it here. No more junk food, lol HP would be proud.


I AM proud of you, KCC! Look at all that veg! Mouthwatering. :)


I'm not sure, but somehow a batch of chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies suddenly appeared cooling on my counter.

yes, I bake... and I'm a man.... and I have a beard

Big Man Bakes? :D (That's actually a shop in LA) Looks sooooo good.


That's all I got :p

Awwww... Super cute, Tence. Your artistic genius knows no end.
Save me, RP/FP/FN-GAF! I've spent the last half-hour completely incensed, and I don't know how to deal with it properly, because it happens so rarely.

My mother sent me an email, also sent to many other people, telling me to be extremely angry, in capital letters, because people she doesn't like are trying to wreck the country because of something that they did. Except that literally ten seconds of searching on the web showed that the accusation is across-the-board false. And this is the second time that my parents have done something like this.

This sort of thing pushes my buttons so hard that I suspect that when I am done with anger, I will be really depressed for a while. I do not like this feeling. My emotions are such that I even told all my facebook friends in a status update that I was unhappy. This is very, very unusual.

Help somehow. :|

Plus side, weekend was awesome, had tacos with bacon mixed in, ribs, hot dogs, long-duration sex involving eyes semipermarolled towards top of skull, more marshmallow vodka, dancing, apple wedges, cheese and crackers, etc, etc..


Blargh, RP Gaf. Just blargh. -_- Maybe after coffee things will improve.

I AM proud of you, KCC! Look at all that veg! Mouthwatering. :)

Big Man Bakes? :D (That's actually a shop in LA) Looks sooooo good.

Awwww... Super cute, Tence. Your artistic genius knows no end.
I watch cooking shows with my wife. (We're both foodies) I'm often screaming at the tv saying how I can do whatever they are so much better. I could kick Bobby Flay's lilly white ass and make Paula Deen cry butter tears

I like how Tence's drawings are consistent to the fact that you can tell exactly who is who. On that note though. What are you, like 5'2?


It's cold and dreadful
I had to wake up early again today, ruined my plan to sleep all day so I can be rested for tomorrow :(
Yeah I'm at work right now, coming home drunk at 3:30am was worth it though. I feel great this morning though, it's wonderfully overcast.


... words....

My grandfather did this in the height of the Obama conspiracy crap and had sent out a mass mailing email that listed 20 things that were horribly wrong with him. I replied, tastefully, respectfully and well written a VERY long email that outlined each one of the points, what they actually mean, how they were false and how each of them came to be a rumor or propaganda.

My grandfather hasn't spoken to me since. Just be careful.
This sort of thing pushes my buttons so hard that I suspect that when I am done with anger, I will be really depressed for a while. I do not like this feeling. My emotions are such that I even told all my facebook friends in a status update that I was unhappy. This is very, very unusual.

Help somehow. :|

Is hitting reply-all and rebutting the nonsense out of the question?

EDIT: I see Dave did that and burnt some bridges.
It's cold and dreadful
I had to wake up early again today, ruined my plan to sleep all day so I can be rested for tomorrow :(

It is truly a dreadful day. Truly.

Save me, RP/FP/FN-GAF! I've spent the last half-hour completely incensed, and I don't know how to deal with it properly, because it happens so rarely.

My mother sent me an email, also sent to many other people, telling me to be extremely angry, in capital letters, because people she doesn't like are trying to wreck the country because of something that they did. Except that literally ten seconds of searching on the web showed that the accusation is across-the-board false. And this is the second time that my parents have done something like this.

This sort of thing pushes my buttons so hard that I suspect that when I am done with anger, I will be really depressed for a while. I do not like this feeling. My emotions are such that I even told all my facebook friends in a status update that I was unhappy. This is very, very unusual.

Help somehow. :|

Plus side, weekend was awesome, had tacos with bacon mixed in, ribs, hot dogs, long-duration sex involving eyes semipermarolled towards top of skull, more marshmallow vodka, dancing, apple wedges, cheese and crackers, etc, etc..

Uh, well, since your weekend blows all of ours out of the water in so many ways, shouldn't YOU be comforting US? ;) As for your mom's incensed posting...since you probably have no chance at reasoning with her (I've heard about this kind of thing so many times before), maybe it's best just to block any of her posts on FB from showing, and when you do get an email, take a deep breath and remember that there's always marshmallow vodka to make it better. If all else fails, we've found that balancing burning stuff on our heads is VERY therapeutic. :)

I watch cooking shows with my wife. (We're both foodies) I'm often screaming at the tv saying how I can do whatever they are so much better. I could kick Bobby Flay's lilly white ass and make Paula Deen cry butter tears

I like how Tence's drawings are consistent to the fact that you can tell exactly who is who. On that note though. What are you, like 5'2?

That's awesome that you're both into it. When I had cable then food network was my happy channel. I love watching people cook (and yelling at the TV). This is also yet more evidence that we should have a gaf dinner party and/or cooking show on TC. You, .la1n and Nex fo sho.

I'm actually closer to 5'4" and with the boots on, surely I am at least 5'5"... ;_;


Save me, RP/FP/FN-GAF! I've spent the last half-hour completely incensed, and I don't know how to deal with it properly, because it happens so rarely.

My mother sent me an email, also sent to many other people, telling me to be extremely angry, in capital letters, because people she doesn't like are trying to wreck the country because of something that they did. Except that literally ten seconds of searching on the web showed that the accusation is across-the-board false. And this is the second time that my parents have done something like this.

This sort of thing pushes my buttons so hard that I suspect that when I am done with anger, I will be really depressed for a while. I do not like this feeling. My emotions are such that I even told all my facebook friends in a status update that I was unhappy. This is very, very unusual.

Help somehow. :|

Plus side, weekend was awesome, had tacos with bacon mixed in, ribs, hot dogs, long-duration sex involving eyes semipermarolled towards top of skull, more marshmallow vodka, dancing, apple wedges, cheese and crackers, etc, etc..

Ignorance is bliss my friend. Live the delusion!

Everything will be better.
Uh, well, since your weekend blows all of ours out of the water in so many ways, shouldn't YOU be comforting US? ;

Tch, my weekend was awesome despite not hanging out with a bunch of GAFfers in LA.
... though I only thought about sex like GameplayWhore described; Lovely Assistant was suffering from a canker sore

I'm actually closer to 5'4" and with the boots on, surely I am at least 5'5"...

Basically every other GAFfer at the meet up was a giant?

I work with a guy who claims to be 5'4"; he's no taller than my 5'2" partner. He should probably wear heels.
My grandfather did this in the height of the Obama conspiracy crap and had sent out a mass mailing email that listed 20 things that were horribly wrong with him. I replied, tastefully, respectfully and well written a VERY long email that outlined each one of the points, what they actually mean, how they were false and how each of them came to be a rumor or propaganda.

My grandfather hasn't spoken to me since. Just be careful.

Well, we're really close, so I don't think that I would be able to cause a permanent divide. She thinks that I am like the main character on that Big Bang show, and understands that I think "differently" from everybody else.

My response to her list was "It is much nicer to look up rumors on the Internet instead of spreading them and continuing to foster anger. Anger is never a good thing when based on unfounded assertions, regardless on one's beliefs." It was followed by a very simple explanation of why the false assertion may have seemed true when, in fact, it was not.

That was the nicest I could manage under the circumstances. But I am strongly tempted to, next time I see her, ask her to refrain from sending me anything political. I try to make it a point to remain politically neutral (except when the veracity of actual facts come into play), and I think they sort of already know that I am not comfortable around political discussion. My father and uncle, for one thing, always spend family parties talking about the political team that they hate and why they're trying to destroy everything, and I always make it a point to be in another room.


Yeah I'm at work right now, coming home drunk at 3:30am was worth it though. I feel great this morning though, it's wonderfully overcast.

I feel okay post drunkbowl, watched some Peep Show for the first time since winter break.

Today will be spent coming up with a set list for tomorrow morning's show that will soothe me and get me through Tuesday.

Most likely incorporating, I GOT SOOO MUCH LOoove to GIIIVE

Actually listening to this is making me well, let's go conquer the poverty problem in the bay area Acid! WE CAN DO IT!


I feel okay post drunkbowl, watched some Peep Show for the first time since winter break.

Today will be spent coming up with a set list for tomorrow morning's show that will soothe me and get me through Tuesday.

Most likely incorporating, I GOT SOOO MUCH LOoove to GIIIVE

Actually listening to this is making me well, let's go conquer the poverty problem in the bay area Acid! WE CAN DO IT!
I gotta watch Peep Show, heard its perfect for us Spaced lovers. Is it on Netflix?
Tch, my weekend was awesome despite not hanging out with a bunch of GAFfers in LA.
... though I only thought about sex like GameplayWhore described; Lovely Assistant was suffering from a canker sore

Basically every other GAFfer at the meet up was a giant?

I work with a guy who claims to be 5'4"; he's no taller than my 5'2" partner. He should probably wear heels.

:) I'm sure a Gaf meet up will come your way soon. Where's your home base again? And boo for the lack of your assistant to make the dream a reality.

I guess so. I did feel rather short compared to a lot of them. And, yes, I think heels are the way to go for your partner.

It isn't dreadful! Keep your head up :D

Maybe it'll improve post-lunch. Just super tired.

Thanks Tence! I thought I posted my thanks but I guess I didn't.

I am a giant compared to you, clear and doitlive.

Tence's picture is proof. You're a goddamned giant.
Uh, well, since your weekend blows all of ours out of the water in so many ways, shouldn't YOU be comforting US? ;)

I like to assume that RP-GAF gets laid and watches videos of puppies then eats incredibly decadent food while remaining impossibly thin on a daily basis. This is the standard that I aspire to.

edit: The getting laid and the watching of puppies is not something that I envision happening simultaneously, mind.

As for your mom's incensed posting...since you probably have no chance at reasoning with her (I've heard about this kind of thing so many times before), maybe it's best just to block any of her posts on FB from showing, and when you do get an email, take a deep breath and remember that there's always marshmallow vodka to make it better. If all else fails, we've found that balancing burning stuff on our heads is VERY therapeutic. :)

Thank you. Just people responding makes me feel a bit better. One of the people at work also helped me along a bit by discussing politics in a manner that was in-depth and insightful, which is rather rare in my experience.
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