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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I live in your future. When you were still enjoying RP January, I was already in FP February.

Can you PLEASE give me the lottery numbers. I will split it right down the middle with you and treat everyone in this thread to dinner at la1n's house.


Can you PLEASE give me the lottery numbers. I will split it right down the middle with you and treat everyone in this thread to dinner at la1n's house.

I already won the lottery about 20 times. I am saving it up for my evil plans of world domination.


Reluctant Member
Damn, why am I reading that marriage thread. >> I mean, I don't care one way or the other about marriage (not desperate for it not against it) but seeing so many guys say "Well women do/will do x so laaawl marriage," is just D:

Damn, why am I reading that marriage thread. >> I mean, I don't care one way or the other about marriage (not desperate for it not against it) but seeing so many guys say "Well women do/will do x so laaawl marriage," is just D:

I bet that thread is going to amuse/irritate me. After eleven years, no wedding plans around here, and quite happy about it.


Reluctant Member
I bet that thread is going to amuse/irritate me. After eleven years, no wedding plans around here, and quite happy about it.

Definitely nothing wrong with deciding to not get married. A few weeks ago I asked my parents what they felt the benefits of marriage were outside of legal ones, and they couldn't give me an answer (I'm still not against marriage, I was just curious.) I just hate when their reason for being against it is that women are universally terrible people! D:
Definitely nothing wrong with deciding to not get married. A few weeks ago I asked my parents what they felt the benefits of marriage were outside of legal ones, and they couldn't give me an answer (I'm still not against marriage, I was just curious.) I just hate when their reason for being against it is that women are universally terrible people! D:

Both sexes complain equally about the opposite sex. Just so happens most posters are male. Nothing new here.


The only reason my wife and I got married was for medical insurance because she was unemployed and pregnant with my youngest. We were perfectly happy without.


The only reason my wife and I got married was for medical insurance because she was unemployed and pregnant with my youngest. We were perfectly happy without.

That is a far too reasonable line of thinking, you won't last long in that thread.


Reluctant Member
Both sexes complain equally about the opposite sex. Just so happens most posters are male. Nothing new here.

Yes, but that doesn't make it any right-er or less annoying to know that someone out there is doing it against men also. Trust me, a friend of mine is like that. I have to tell her almost daily than most men aren't the terrible people she thinks they are.
Yes, but that doesn't make it any right-er or less annoying to know that someone out there is doing it against men also. Trust me, a friend of mine is like that. I have to tell her almost daily than most men aren't the terrible people she thinks they are.

Can't argue with illogical people using logic.

People like that tend to complain endlessly. If they find someone who isn't like that they drag them through shit cause they never believe it. Thus turning them into an asshole they always feared and completing the self fulfilling prophecy.


Yes, but that doesn't make it any right-er or less annoying to know that someone out there is doing it against men also. Trust me, a friend of mine is like that. I have to tell her almost daily than most men aren't the terrible people she thinks they are.

I know... I'm quite awesome. And I'm a man.
It's not for everybody but it just takes two people with a similar mindset who both value it to make it a great thing. I love weddings.

I like weddings to a degree, but you always have the ones who spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to 'stage' the perfect day. I would like to be married someday, but the idea of a crazy formal wedding doesn't really do much for me. Getting hitched on a beach in Greece with just a few friends drinking beers beside a fire pit...? Count me in. :)

The only reason my wife and I got married was for medical insurance because she was unemployed and pregnant with my youngest. We were perfectly happy without.

Can't forget those tax benefits! Haha. Practicality is romantic in its own way.


I like weddings to a degree, but you always have the ones who spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to 'stage' the perfect day. I would like to be married someday, but the idea of a crazy formal wedding doesn't really do much for me. Getting hitched on a beach in Greece with just a few friends drinking beers beside a fire pit...? Count me in. :)

hell yes fire pit


I like weddings to a degree, but you always have the ones who spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to 'stage' the perfect day. I would like to be married someday, but the idea of a crazy formal wedding doesn't really do much for me. Getting hitched on a beach in Greece with just a few friends drinking beers beside a fire pit...? Count me in. :)

My mode of thinking is (and my wife shares it)... why am I going to spend 30k for one day where everyone there sans about 5 people are only there for the free food and drinks?


Reluctant Member
I like weddings to a degree, but you always have the ones who spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to 'stage' the perfect day. I would like to be married someday, but the idea of a crazy formal wedding doesn't really do much for me. Getting hitched on a beach in Greece with just a few friends drinking beers beside a fire pit...? Count me in. :)

I mentioned this in chat I think, but yeah if I get married it would definitely be a small, cheap wedding. Just a few friends and family, outdoors, with a potluck dinner. If it costs more than $500 I would be shocked. Take an awesome vacation instead.
I like weddings to a degree, but you always have the ones who spend tens of thousands of dollars trying to 'stage' the perfect day. I would like to be married someday, but the idea of a crazy formal wedding doesn't really do much for me. Getting hitched on a beach in Greece with just a few friends drinking beers beside a fire pit...? Count me in. :)

Flying everyone to Greece is probably much more expensive then something local and grand. I don't see the big deal some people look forward to that day all their lives. I don't care either way and probably prefer something subtle, but I understand why some like to go all out. my only thing is not wanting to be married in a church or have the under God spiel said at my wedding. (due to my lack of righteous beliefs)
I just want a simple wedding too but I'm a guy so my opinion is moot.

I will have a Viking funeral though. I've made a blood pact with my best friends.
Right? Seems like such a waste.

I disagree. My sister's wedding was expensive and elaborate and an amazing memory to this day. Yeah it would have still been great if it was smaller but to say it's a waste of money especially with the shit we waste money on I disagree with. Throwing tons of money at a great party with family and friends to celebrate something awesome is what money is for IMO.


Reluctant Member
I just want a simple wedding too but I'm a guy so my opinion is moot.

It shouldn't be :/ If you're in a relationship with someone you should be able to come up with a compromise of what you want (even better if you both agree.) It's not just a special day for HER, though all the media likes to portray it that way.

My parents were late to their wedding because the stopped to get pizza. It was just a wedding with a few friends anyway.
I mentioned this in chat I think, but yeah if I get married it would definitely be a small, cheap wedding. Just a few friends and family, outdoors, with a potluck dinner. If it costs more than $500 I would be shocked. Take an awesome vacation instead.

That's the kind of wedding I'd prefer, too. Maybe somewhere scenic.


Reluctant Member
That's the kind of wedding I'd prefer, too. Maybe somewhere scenic.

I think I might want to have mine on my grandparents' farm. They have 100 acres with some of it still natural forest. It's beautiful and I have an emotional attachment to the place. It would mean a lot to me.
I think I might want to have mine on my grandparents' farm. They have 100 acres with some of it still natural forest. It's beautiful and I have an emotional attachment to the place. It would mean a lot to me.

At least wear shoes...

to elaborate my point...I too prefer a simple scenic wedding, but can understand and appreciate those who wants huge elaborate fairy tale weddings.
Flying everyone to Greece is probably much more expensive then something local and grand. I don't see the big deal some people look forward to that day all their lives. I don't care either way and probably prefer something subtle, but I understand why some like to go all out. my only thing is not wanting to be married in a church or have the under God spiel said at my wedding. (due to my lack of righteous beliefs)

Well, in the case of many 'destination' weddings it's just, come if you can, not necessarily paying for everyone to come out. Stays small and more personal that way. And it doesn't have to be so far. I just picked Greece because it looks beautiful.

I mentioned this in chat I think, but yeah if I get married it would definitely be a small, cheap wedding. Just a few friends and family, outdoors, with a potluck dinner. If it costs more than $500 I would be shocked. Take an awesome vacation instead.

That's another fine option. Potluck with friends sounds great.

I disagree. My sister's wedding was expensive and elaborate and an amazing memory to this day. Yeah it would have still been great if it was smaller but to say it's a waste of money especially with the shit we waste money on I disagree with. Throwing tons of money at a great party with family and friends to celebrate something awesome is what money is for IMO.

The waste is not the get together or the great memories you make, it's the spending of thousands of dollars on blue flowers, bridesmaids dresses, color matching table cloths and other pointless stuff. It's frivolous (in my opinion, obviously), especially when it's a stretch of the financial means of the bride and groom, but they feel like they should do it because it's expected. You can have an elaborate and fun wedding that doesn't adhere to the catalog wedding idea of the perfect day. I'm not a very sentimental person, though, so this is probably where we differ.
The waste is not the get together or the great memories you make, it's the spending of thousands of dollars on blue flowers, bridesmaids dresses, color matching table cloths and other pointless stuff. It's frivolous (in my opinion, obviously), especially when it's a stretch of the financial means of the bride and groom, but they feel like they should do it because it's expected. You have have an elaborate and fun wedding that doesn't adhere to the catalog wedding idea of the perfect day. I'm not a very sentimental person, though, so this is probably where we differ.

That's just a difference of opinions though. The money spent on my sisters wedding twenty years ago would have been long gone already anyway. The memories and her happiness were more than worth it. I don't see what sentiment has to do with it. More than "adhering to catalogs" it was adhering to a culture she valued(Traditional Mexican wedding).
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